Love Is Who You Are

Every single human being has felt and experienced Love. We have all felt the pull of Love. Love is instinctual and happens without any doing of our own. Love is what makes us survive and push forward. Love is what guides us and nurtures us. Love is within every single one of us. Aside from Life, Love is the only other verifiable thing that is within us. All identities, personalities, beliefs, ideas, memories, and quirks come and go. Life stays while we are in our body, before and after that is up for debate. Love isn't learned, Love isn't taught, we are born already possessing Love. We didn't possess life, before we came into life, but we did possess Love before life and Love will still be with us after life goes away.
Love can be witnessed by every human in existence and Love is experienced by every human in existence. We have not only a subjective experience of Love but also an objective experience of Love. Love is the only experience within human reality that can be verified both subjectively and objectively by every single human in existence who has ever existed and who will ever exist. If Love ever dies, we will all perish, therefor Love cannot die. Love is the only experience that is universal to all humans. Love is also the only experience that is not only universal to all humans, but to all life in the universe. 
There may be different types of Love but for this post we are going to look at one specific type of Love. That is the Love between a mother and a child. Every child long for their mother. Often times the Love a mother feels for a child is there long before the child is ever conceived. Some mothers will feel the Love for their child when they themselves are still a child playing "mom" with their dolls. Mothers have a Love for their child long before they even find a person to make a child with. It is Love that makes a mother desire a child, it is Love that makes a mother seek out a partner who they believe will be the best father to that child. It is Love that makes a mother get pregnant and give up their body for their child. 
It is Love that flows from the mother to the Child. It is Love that we all feel inside of us when we have a longing for out mother. We all know that when everything goes to shit, we all have the same thought, which is "I want my mommy". Even if you never met your mother, or if you had a mother but she was never there for you, or you were adopted, it doesn't matter all the same. We all long for our mothers, it is something we all have inside of us, it something we are all born with. We all have an inexplainable longing for our mothers, no matter how much some of us wish we didn't. 
If it weren't for Love, we wouldn't seek out our mothers and we wouldn't be feed by them. If it weren't for Love, our mothers wouldn't have had us and even if they did, they wouldn't have cared enough to keep us alive. We only exist because of Love. Love is the only verifiable experience that we all share. 
Life can't exist without Love. It is Love that is the instinct within all life to keep going. The holy bible says in 1 John 4:8 "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." The main point being God is Love. God being the one that created all life. Love created all life. Creationism says God did it in 7 days, science says it happened in roughly 7 billion years. Science and religion agree on the order of creation, they simply disagree on the timeline. Science says chance, religion says fate. Can we imagine for a moment a world where science and religion stop paying attention to what they disagree on and instead focused on what they do agree on. Imagine the possibilities. The same logic applies to anything that are on opposing sides of an issue. If we would all just stop fighting about it and find a common solution, we don't all have to agree with each other about everything all the time. 
If it weren't for Love none of us would be here, in fact nothing would be. Nothing can exist without Love; nothing does exist but Love. Love is all there is. Love and Peace!

True, Yet Not True

