
If you have a penis in this world, you are taught that erections are forbidden, erections are to be hidden and shamed. You are not allowed to have an erection in front of other people since you would have the police called on you.
People with penises are forced to suppress their erections their entire lives. Then if the day comes when they can’t get an erection anymore, then they have a “dysfunction”. Couldn’t it be possible the “dysfunction” was a result of a lifetime of suppression?
All of this is honestly pretty absurd as it is since erections aren’t sexual. Wait, what, how can that be, I mean they are used for sex, right? Well, if sex were the only time an erection happened than yes, they would be sexual. Ask anyone with a penis and they will most assuredly tell you that sex is rarely the only time you get an erection. Erections happen during sleep, erections happen if you have to pee, erections happen because the wind blew just right, and erections happen because it’s Tuesday. Most of time there’s not really any reasoning for the erection to have occurred.
Just to recap, people with penises are forced to suppress a completely natural process of their bodies that they have no control over, and when they lose that natural function from a lifetime of suppression, they are considered “dysfunctional “. Doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense if you ask me.
Now we move on to people with vulvas. I’m going to say this as simply as I can, no need to overthink it, I mean what I say, no hidden message or metaphors. For those of you that are unaware, the only reason people with vulvas aren’t allowed to have uncovered nipples, is because they are being suppressed. That’s it, it’s that simple. Mammals have nipples, doesn’t matter if a mammal has a penis or a vagina, if it’s a mammal, it has nipples. So, since mammals have nipples, then why is it that the human female it the only mammal on the planet whose nipples are too sexual to be seen. Well, it's because it about suppression, that’s it, nothing more.
Anyone who falls outside the generic male or female illusion are suppressed to shut them up, can’t let the secret get out. The secret that genders aren’t real, it’s just another way to divide humans. That’s how society is kept under control, with suppression, division, and fear. If a society is too busy fighting each other and blaming each other and being afraid of each other then they won’t look at the ones who are actually making their lives miserable.
Let’s dive into how and why gender is made up to keep us divided. First, we can start with the fact that we are all the same species. We all are human, ultimately that should be all that matters, we should just all be humans that are in this life together. To clear things up, I'm not someone who doesn't understand the concept of gender, I understand what gender is within society, I understand the scientific and biological definitions of gender. Biologically speaking gender is real. I'm simply referring to the fact that it is given way more meaning than it actually has. The only time gender is relevant is if wanting to create offspring, outside of that it honestly doesn't have any relevance.
When referring to humans, it's always "he" or "she", "man" or "woman", it's never just human. When referring to species outside of humans, it's most often just the name of the species. Most often gender isn't even thought about when discussing other species. It's not that other species don't have genders, biologically speaking yes, they do. There are a lot of species that most of us can't even tell what the gender is and don't even care enough to find out, we are satisfied with just knowing the species name. 
For some weird wacked out reason, gender is vitally important for humans. So much so that our entire society has rules based on our genders and we are kept utterly divided as a society. Yes, I hear you, there are so many other aspects of ourselves that are used to divide us also, today we are specifically focusing on gender though. We have laws and rules about gender. Some are being viewed as "outdated" and others live strong. Where do we even start? Men can't like pink, men can't cry, men can't like pretty things such as flowers. With woman, the rules basically just mimic that "woman are less than men", and "woman are subservient to men".
Have you ever looked into the definitions of "man" and "woman"? Here let me do it for you. Here's one source posted to the Washington Post by Joel Achenbach, which explains it well and in a simple way. It states that; In fact, "woman" derives from the Old English word "wifman," from the roots "wif" and "man." A woman (wifman) was a "wife-person." ("Man" was the generic word for human being. Though of course there was no word meaning "husband-person.")
To reiterate, Man means human being, and woman means wife of human being. Automatically downgrading woman to second class citizens and not being viewed as human. Feel free to look for more sources on your own. The truth is gender isn't essential to who we are. We are human, we are life, we are literally in this life together. Instead of arguing over what each "gender" should be doing or wearing, we should see each other as equals and work together to create a better life for all.
Suppression of gender leads to confusion, gender dysphoria, and depression. Some of us spend so much of our lives trying to figure out "what gender we are" and most often we can't figure it out. We can't figure it out because there are no concrete qualities that can be applied to any one gender. Some of us become so overwhelmed, it often becomes too much for many of us. If you are reading this, YOU ARE A HUMAN, it doesn't matter what gender you are, YOU MATTER!!! Please don't let society crush you, be whoever you want to be, be whatever gender you want to be or none at all, cause in the end I promise you it doesn't matter, we all come into this world the same way and we all leave it the same way. You are Loved, even when you feel alone. You are beautiful, even if you don't believe it. You are perfect, even if you can't see it. Peace be with you.



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