Subjective Vs. Objective Reality

We are the meaning makers. There is no subjective reality because we make subjective reality whatever we want it to be. There is only objective reality. It’s your fault, it’s my fault. You are self-centered, I am self-centered. We make the meaning, we decide. OR we can choose that neither matter, who gives a shit. It's no one's fault because we are all at fault. No one is a self-centered because we are all.
Objective reality is all there is since subjective reality is a matter of perception and everyone’s subjective perception is biased. Subjective reality can’t be verifiably proven since subjective reality is coming from an individual perspective. Objective reality can be verifiably proven since the facts of the objective reality cannot be affected by individual perspective. Subjective reality is opinion, objective reality is fact.
We all assign our own meaning to everything, anything that opposes us is our enemy, and anything that is for us is our friend. Damn the enemies, embrace the friends. Release all subjective meaning that you decided is true and there are no longer any friends or enemies, no one is for you or against you. We are all just making our own subjective worlds in which we play the victim or the hero, the friend or the enemy. There are no victims or heroes, there are no friends or enemies, those words are just meanings that we apply to everyone around us. 
One says there is a God, another says there isn’t. One says there are morals to follow, another says there isn’t. One says life has meaning, another says life is meaningless. One says I am right, another says you are wrong. We all choose what meaning we want the world to have. We all choose our own subjective reality. OR we can choose to stop giving it a subjective meaning. We can choose to only watch the objective reality that is happening all around us at all times. We can choose to embrace the objective world and stop applying subjective meaning to it. OR we can use our subjective perspective to create a more beautiful objective reality. Love and Peace!



“In Love”