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Pain only exists due to resistance of pain. Stop resisting pain and it stops being pain and becomes healing. Pain is the bodies way of healing. People with a high tolerance for pain, simply don't fight the pain. The more you fight pain, the stronger it appears. This applies to all forms of pain, physical, mental, and emotional. Society says we have to be tough and that it's ok to cry, just not too much. Crying is the bodies of way releasing the pain.
 A lot of us won't cry when we feel the need to. Tears usually want to come at an inconvenient time, like when we're at work or in the middle of something. We all tell ourselves that we will have a good cry later when we are alone and in a safe space, the issue is, usually by the time we have the time to cry, we no longer feel like it, or at least don't feel it as deeply. Anytime we don't cry at the moment we feel the urge to cry, we suppress it and when we suppress the urge to cry, we are fighting the pain, instead of letting the healing take place.
Every single one of us has the ability and capability to heal ourselves. Our bodies are made to heal us, if we would stop fighting our bodies, our bodies would naturally heal. When you feel like crying, cry. When you feel pain, allow yourself to feel it. I Love You and Peace Be With You!

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