Talking To Ourselves

Every word that is spoken is only to thy own self. We only think that we are talking to others but in reality, all any of us are doing is talking to ourselves. This isn't to say there isn't anyone else there but simply we aren't talking to them. This includes all other acts of expression that we use which include but aren't limited to singing, art, writing, and body langue. According to one study, 96% of adults say they have an internal dialogue. The majority of us have an internal dialogue, when we speak to someone outside of ourselves, we believe that we are in fact speaking to them when we are actually still just speaking to ourselves out loud instead of in our mind.
No matter what your beliefs are, there is one fact that is true for every single one of us. We will all die. What use are words spoken to others? If we all went our entire lives and never spoke a word, life would go on all the same and we would all die just the same. Since humans have developed the ability to use words as a langue, we were forced to come up with words to explain all sorts of things in order to understand the world around us. We needed words to differentiate "you" from "me". In reality there is no "you" or "me", those things don't exist, they are simply concepts that we humans came up with. In the beginning was the word and it was the word that separated us. 
Let's go over a couple examples of common words or phrases that we believe we are saying to others when we are in fact speaking to ourselves. Anytime we tell someone "I Love you" or "I hate you", we believe that we are expressing how we feel about them to them. We are actually trying to tell ourselves how they make us feel. When we hate someone, it's because they cause us pain or misery and if we would listen to ourselves and avoid that person, we would have no reason to tell them anything. When we Love someone, we simply like how they make us feel about ourselves, they make us feel all warm and cozy inside. Telling them that we Love them doesn't change anything, it's an overflow of nice feelings.
Since we have words that appear to separate "you" from "me" we have the belief that we are lacking something. If there is a "you" then "you" are able to possess something that "I" don't have or vice versa. Since we believe that we are able to lack something, we find the incessant need to tell everyone. The more someone talks, the less content they are with themselves, the less someone talks the more content they are with themselves. Since there are so many different words for every type of physical object, emotion, and thought we all have different things that we are trying to tell ourselves but ultimately, we are all trying to tell ourselves the same thing. 
What is it that we are all trying to tell ourselves? What is it that we all want to know but can't seem to figure out? What is it that makes us feel possessed to tell "others" all of our thoughts? What is it that we all desire? What is it that we all long for and think that we are lacking?
We all long to Love and to be Loved. Since we believe that "you" can possess more Love than "me", we believe we are lacking Love. Since we believe that "I" can possess more Love than "you", we believe that we are better than. When we Love all equally and see no forms of separation, we no longer have a need to tell anyone anything. We simply find peace, joy, and harmony in existing. We no longer have a need for words or to tell anyone anything. It is only the miniscule belief in words that keeps us in misery. It is only because you believe in words, that you have the need to use them. True bliss, true happiness, true peace, require no words. 
The more we try to use words the more frustrated we become. The less we use words the more at peace we are. When you are freed from the prison of words, they can no longer be used against you as a weapon or a reward. When you are freed from the prison of words, no one can hold any power over you. When you are freed from words, you are no longer afraid of them. How many of us are afraid of words? We all have a list of words we aren't "allowed" to say. Why are certain words not allowed? Why are certain words considered "curse" words? Simply because we believe they are. We give words their power, without us (the meaning makers), words have no power since they are without meaning. 
Every song ever written was someone writing it to themselves. When we can relate to the words, we like the song saying, "it was written for me". Every piece of art ever made was someone making it for themselves. When we can relate to what we see, we say "it inspires us". When someone tells us something that we agree with we like them, when someone says something, we don't agree with, we don't like them. We base a lot of our opinions about people on what words they use when words have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with who they are. 
A person who uses angry, violent, mean, abusive, or hate filled words is in pain. A person who uses kind, gentle, caring, and Love filled words is at peace. We decide to hate people for their mean words and punish them when we could be Loving them and taking that pain away. Punishing them only increases the pain they feel making it all that much more real to them. When we don't have pain, we don't feel the need to hurt others. We hurt others when we hurt ourselves. It may not be healthy; it may not be right but it's what we do. When we are in pain and we attempt to hurt others, it is simply a cry for help.  All evil comes from pain, the eviler someone is, the more pain they are in. Heal the pain so Loving kindness can shine through. No one is broken beyond repair. Love and Peace!



The Perfect Human