
Human's need to control everything is insanity. We like to believe we can control our lives, what happens to us, how people treat us, and when we die. I hate to tell you this, but you have absolutely no control over anything outside of yourself, by clinging to the idea that you can control anything outside of yourself causes intense suffering. 
We get so upset when something goes "wrong" and so happy when something goes "right". We have no control over what happens to us and yet we use the "good" things that happen to us as proof that we can control the outer world. When something "bad" happens, it's just bad luck.
The less control we feel we have, the more we try to control. By trying to control the outer world you are guaranteed to find nothing but frustration and misery. If it exists outside of your own human body, you have absolutely zero control over it, the outer world is simply of reflection of your inner world.
Even within our own body there isn't much that we can or do control. We aren't in control of being alive, our body does that for us. We don't control when we get hungry, tired, horny, or thirsty. We don't control our thoughts or emotions. We don't control who or what we Love. 
What can we control then? Our actions / reactions.
I Love You and Peace Be With You!

God - Part Two


God - Part One