Fate Vs. Choice

Our breath comes and goes every moment we are alive. When our breath stops, we are no more. Our breath is something that happens at all times whether we are actively involved in the activity or not. We could say that our breath happens without our doing anything whatsoever and it also happens when we decide to "take over" and breathe on our own. We can choose to breathe versus allowing it to take place without our interference.
Why are we talking about our breath? Fate vs. choice works in the same manner. If we practice the "Do Nothing Meditation" we ultimately discover that even when "doing nothing" life still continues on all around us. As I sit perfectly still, without a thought in my mind or an emotion in my body, I am absolutely still while being absent of my "self" while also being physically present in the world. The wind blows on my face, the sun shines in my eyes, the bird songs vibrate my eardrums, the insects land on me, the squirrels come by to visit, and the people all around me go on with their busy lives. I am doing nothing; the world moves on without me and yet I am still affected by everything around me. It is fated to be so. Anything out of my will or control is fate. By practicing the "Do Nothing Meditation" we are able to step outside of our own subjective perspective and see the objective fate all around us.
The timer goes off after the set meditation time and that's the signal to end the "Do Nothing Meditation". We then choose to turn off the timer, stretch our limbs that are feeling a little numb and sore from sitting in the same position for quite some time. We choose to take a drink of water, stand up, and so on and so forth. We are now using our choice to do as we please.
When we choose to live our lives, fate doesn't disappear. Fate continues on at all times. It is only our choice that comes and goes. Fate happens at night while we are sleeping. We aren't making any choices about anything that's happening in the outside world while we sleep, and the world continues on powered by fate. Our breath happens at all times whether we choose to participate or not. In truth we could live out our entire lives having never once thought about our breath or choosing to take it over, and our breathing would never stop. Fate works in the same way, we could just live our entire lives not choosing to do anything, and fate would always be pushing us forward and transforming us. Or we can choose where we want our lives to go, we can choose how to direct our lives.
When we choose to take over our breathing, we can choose if we want to breathe slow or fast, shallow or deep, or we can even choose to hold it. Fate propels our life through this world, but we can choose which direction we want it to go. We can choose who we want to be. We can choose what kind of life we want to live. When we make that choice, fate does its thing and moves us in that direction. It's not about fate versus choice. Fate is real and can be witnessed firsthand if we choose to look at it. Fate is permanent and unstoppable. Choice is our ability to guide fate. Think of fate as the motor on a boat and choice as the rudder. 
What is out of our ability to choose? Anything that is outside of us.
What is within our ability to choose? Our actions/reactions. The kind of person we want to be. Our beliefs. Our thoughts. Our outlook on life. How we treat all life forms, which includes ourselves.
Fate is the river of life. We can either choose to flow with the river and experience calm peaceful waters, or we can attempt to go against the current and experience chaos, which is a choice in of itself. Flowing with the river of life doesn't mean you can't guide your direction within it. Trying to fight and change everything outside of your choice is like punching the river and wondering why you keep getting wet. Love and Peace!


