
One of the hardest ideas I ever had to accept was that I was the only one responsible for my life and everything in it. It was also one of the greatest ideas I ever accepted. Blame is shifting our own responsibilities onto someone or something else. The truth is there is no one else to blame. All misery and suffering are self-inflicted. It's so much easier to blame someone or something else for our misery. 
What about things out of our control, like war, famine, poverty, disease, and abuse?

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. - Alcoholics Anonymous Serenity Prayer

The serenity prayer doesn't just apply to people with addictions, it applies to everyone. Anything within our ability to change, we can do so. Honestly, there is very little that is actually out of our control. There is always a solution to all of our problems which includes accepting the problem while learning and growing from it. The reason so many of us try to control "others" and situations "outside" ourselves is because we are not taking control over our own lives or our mental and emotional wellbeing. 
Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake. Satan (Lucifer) is always to blame for a lot of us. Anything that goes wrong is Satan's fault, he's always to blame. We blame our ancestors and parents for generational trauma, guilt, and shame. We blame our bosses and/or coworkers for being miserable at work. We blame our teachers for teaching us wrong information. We blame politicians and world leaders for the quality of our lives. We blame our spouses/partners or our children for misery in our home life. We blame our abusers for our trauma. We blame spiritual leaders for showing us the wrong path and leading us astray. We blame everyone and everything that we believe to be separate from ourselves.
We have no one and nothing to blame but ourselves. We have the power and ability to change any situation we face. We have the power and ability to be whoever we want to be. We have the power and ability to let go of all of our "problems". Absolutely no one has power over you or your life, you are the only one that does. Instead of facing that fact, we blame and stay in misery and suffering. We choose misery and suffering. No matter what is happening to you at any given time, nothing and no one can ever touch your true self or essence. No one can ever reach inside of you and touch your soul/spirit/life force/energy.

"What you accumulate can be yours, it can never, ever be you," said Sadhguru. "What you call as my body is an accumulation of the food that we eat a certain way. What you call as my mind is an accumulation of impressions and information that you have gathered... So right now people are going around with this fundamental flaw in their perception of who they are. What they have accumulated has become them, who they are has been lost."

Your body can be beaten, abused, neglected, diseased, or dying and it doesn't ever affect your true nature. Your mind can be manipulated, controlled, brainwashed, and tortured and it doesn't ever affect your true nature. Your body and mind are not your true nature, they are not you. Who you truly are can never be affected by anyone or anything. It's because we believe ourselves to be our bodies and/or our minds that we believe "others" can have an effect on us and therefore we have the desire to blame "others".
When you find your true self, you see that no one and nothing has ever hurt you or ever will. You see that you have never done anything "wrong" and neither has anyone else. You see that everything is perfect exactly the way it is and always will be. Blame and duality vanish, having never been there in the first place. Love and Peace!

Life Is Full Of Mistakes


Love Comes From Within