Creation Creates

We humans lack the ability to create something unimaginable to us. Everything we humans create is based on preexisting elements and we are just rearranging them in different ways to "create" something new, when the new "creation" is simply a remix or a compilation or a mixture or a collage. This applies to every aspect within our lives. Music, writing, speech, inventions, mythological creatures, and even life itself.

Music is simply a combination of notes arranged in different orders at different speeds. Writing and speech is a combination of preexisting words rearranged in order to convey a new idea or "creation". An invention such as the light bulbs was "created" by harnessing electricity and using other items that already existed. Mythological creatures are "created" by combining different aspects and characteristics of existing creatures. The Angels known as Cherubim are described as having four faces – that of a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle, and four wings covered with eyes (Ezekiel 10:14).

Animals within our world are a combination of other animals, the platypus is a prime example of this notion. Us humans are all said to be a lineage of Adam or first man and are just different genetic variances. Carbon is a primary component of all known life on Earth, and represents approximately 45–50% of all dry biomass. Everything in the universe is cyclical meaning everything is recycled into a new "creation".

We humans lack the ability to perceive God due to the fact that God is far beyond anything recognizable to us. We cannot conceive of something beyond our own comprehension without the grace of God. In our attempt at knowing our God we conceptualize God as a human, think old man in the sky. We think of God as a concept such as Love or father. We think of God as nothing or as everything. We think of God of being in us or outside of us. Anything that we imagine to be God, is only a fraction of God or a combination of existing aspects of God but not all of God. God is uncomprehensible to us since God is the origin of all that was, all that is, and all that ever will be, including beings we aren't even aware of. Love and Peace!



Miracles Vs. Magic