Words Aren’t Real

Words are not real; words only exist in our minds. A word is just a grunt or noise that two or more people put meaning into by agreeing what the meaning of it is. There are several methods you can implement see how meaningless words are. We are all familiar with the first way, which is to repeatedly say a word until it sounds strange. When we say a word repeatedly, our brains are forced to face the fact that it is gibberish and meaningless. 
Another way to see the meaninglessness of words is to pick any word and examine it more closely. I’ll pick a word, let’s go with “tree”. First, we can start with what kind of “tree” is it? Maple, pine, willow. What constitutes a “tree”? Depending on where the “tree” is, it may be pronounced differently, and who's to say which pronunciation is the correct one? A “tree” is also only a tree for people who speak English. A “tree” is a “arbre” in French, “mti” in Swahili, “木” in Japanese. A “tree” only really seems to be a “tree” to two people who happen to be talking about the same tree. We all know that no two trees are the same, yet we call them all “tree”. The word “tree” has no meaning whatsoever unless we all agree it does. Even with all of us agreeing that the word “tree” is real, we all still picture completely different “trees” when we think of one.
The point of these exercises is to start to see how absurd and meaningless words are. There are no real words, there is no absolute truth that could ever be expressed using words. The absolute truth of the universe, of existence, of God, and of life can only be experienced without the use of words. If I say to you that I have all of the answers to the universe and I want to give them to you. As long as I’m using words, all I will ever be doing is giving you an illusion or invisible hope.
Poets try their hardest to put life into words, but they are still using illusions. Philosophers examine the meaning of words but are examining nothing. Gurus and prophets claim to have the answers but there are no answers to be had since there are no words.
Do you want to see what life is really like? Do you want to experience your true nature? Do you want to experience bliss? Stop wasting money and time on workshops and seminars. Stop listening to gurus and teachers. A lot of “enlightened” teachers know that words aren’t real, and it doesn’t matter what they say, as long as you believe they’re actually giving you “words”, they’ll keep taking your money. Just give up words, that’s it, you didn’t even have to pay me hundreds or thousands of dollars for the best advice you could ever receive. 
Words stop having power over you the instant you realize they're not real. When you realize that words aren’t real, it sets you free from this world and transports you into nirvana. Think about it, everything that you “know”, everything that you “believe” were all told to you using “words” which have a different meaning for everyone who uses them. Ever played the telephone game? One person whispers something to the person next to them and it goes like that down a line. At the end of the line, the last person says what they think the original phrase was, nine times out of ten, they are nowhere near the original phrase. Yet we trust the words that have been passed down through hundreds of generations?
Since words aren't real, that means that no one has ever said a mean thing to you. You have never said a mean thing about anyone. You're not obligated to care what anyone thinks about you since thoughts are less than clouds, they come and go just like the clouds. Unlike the clouds you can't see thoughts. It no longer matters what your name, title, achievement, degree, or status is. Those are all just words, they mean nothing. We are all Life, Love's purest form. Words separate, words divide, words kill, words start wars, and words cause pain. The only reason they do those things is because everyone agrees they hold any meaning. How could I ever be mad at anyone for anything they say to me when it's just grunts. How could I ever be hurt by something that I can't even see. 
Words are like an invisible arrow that comes out of our mouths and that everyone thinks are real. People pretend to be hurt by these invisible arrows because they believe they are real. The truth is no word ever hurt anyone. No one can be hurt by something that doesn't exist; they can only feel hurt by something that they believe exists. Peace be with you!

