Be Weird

I, as an individual, am only aware of my personal experience and perspective. I can never know what it is like to live someone else's experience since I cannot live as someone else. I can never know what it is like to be someone else or why the hell they do the weird ass things they do. Most people appear to be weird and strange to me simply because I can't understand why they do what they do. Society as a whole is weird and confusing to me, filled with a bunch of made-up rules that only some people choose to follow. People lying to each other and themselves. People hiding who they are or being ashamed of who they are. People pretending to be someone they are not. People chasing fame and power when everything ends in this world. 

People being stressed about invisible digital made up numbers in a bank account and wanting to have a bigger number than other people. People wanting to have more possessions than other people. People putting their most basic desires over the lives of other people. The weird fascination people have with putting literally everything (including other people) in cages. A hard pill for many to swallow is the fact that no being belongs in a cage. They way people try to manipulate and control each other for personal gain instead of just asking nicely for what they want.

I understand that because most people believe that "death" and all these other invisible nonexistent things are real, that is why they do what they do and act the way they act. I understand that people think they are their body which is what leads to a lot of actions that are taken in this world. I understand that every single person who has ever lived has had their very own, one-of-a-kind, personal experience and perspective of this world. I understand that every single person knows their personal experience better than anyone ever could, so I just trust them knowing they know what they are doing even if they appear to be insane to me. That begs the question, why are so many people afraid of "autism" and being insane or having a mental handicap of some sort? It is simply a different individualized experience, nothing more and nothing less.

I do not understand most people I encounter. Most people are weird to me but that is only because I consider my experience as normal. When I see myself as being just as weird as everyone else, then we're all weird together. I know that in the eyes of the world and other people that I am weird as hell, and I embrace that whole heartedly. Being weird means being authentic and true to myself, it means not giving into societal pressures to be someone I am not. Being weird means I don't have to give a shit what anyone thinks about me. What's weird is trying to be "normal", there is no such thing as normal. Be your weird ass self every minute of every day! Be as weird as you want to be, you can even make it a game. Just how weird can you be?

Kids are weird, we can all agree to that. Kids do weird ass shit, like eating mud and putting frogs in their pockets. We were all kids at one time, and we were all weird at one time. We simply "grew up" and are kids pretending to be adults who are "normal" but in reality, our inner child is dying for the chance to just be weird again. Let your inner child out and be weird. Stop trying to be "normal" there is no such thing. Just be you and you are weird. Weird is beautiful and unique. We are all children playing pretend, this is not a metaphor, this is a literal statement.

Imagine only having one song ever written and just slight variations one the one song but never any other songs. Someone tries to come up with a new song and we all say it's too weird and we don't like it, so we just stick with the one song forever. Imagine having only one piece of art and never any other art because it's too weird. We see that as absurd because we all Love different style of music and art, we all have different tastes. We like variety since variety is the spice of life. Yet we have attempted to create an illusionary idea of a perfect human and that is meant to be normal, and we are all meant to be that one version of a nonexistent "perfect" human and if we are anything other, we are considered weird and are rejected from society. We are a bunch of people trying to be one song. I say screw that, I am a beautiful and unique song, and I don't give a shit if anyone else likes my song or not because I Love it. Love your life, Love your song, Love your art, Love your weird, Love your self. 

Our personal experience is our gift from the Universe, God, or Source, however you see it doesn't matter. We can't save our experience, we can't give away our experience, we can't run away from our experience, and we can't ignore our experience. Our conscious experience is all we have, everything else fades away. Enjoy your experience for it is your gift! We are all free to choose to experience pain and suffering, but that is our choice that we make ourselves, there is no one to blame but Self. This experience is a precious gift! Peace and Love my friend!

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