Dear Friend

(Originally published 09-06-2022)
 I must confess that we haven't met. You are unaware of my existence in this universe. There are so many things I wish I could tell you. There are so many things that you need to know. The most important thing to know is that it's ok. Everything is ok, you are safe, and you are Loved. I know that you feel alone, more often than not. I know that you feel like you don't deserve to be Loved. I know that you are thinking "if only you really knew me". I do know you; I know how you hate yourself for that thing you did. I know how you blame yourself for how things went down with that person. I know that you punish yourself so much more than anyone else ever could. I know that you just want to feel heard, seen, and Loved.
You are Loved. There are people all around you that Love you all the time. Some you can see, and others are invisible to you. The stranger that holds the door for you Loves you. The cashier that asks how your day is going Loves you. The person writing this letter to you Loves you. Love is all around you, all the time. You haven't been looking for Love therefore it has been invisible to you. Start looking for Love and you will be astonished how much Love is constantly being given you. Every kind word, every generous act, every gentle touch, every fond memory, and every comforting thought are all forms of Love.
You are Loved unconditionally and ceaselessly by this universe. You don't need to do anything to receive Love. There is nothing you can do to end Love. You will be Loved for eternity. I long for nothing but your Love, not for myself, but for you. I long for the day when you are finally able to Love yourself. I long for the day when you no longer punish yourself for every little mistake that you make. I long for the day when you see how much Love you put into the universe. Your mistakes are invisible when compared to the Love that is inside of you. You are pure Love. It's ok, the universe will Love you and keep you safe until that fateful day when you are able to see that you are Love. I Love You and Peace Be With You!
Sincerely with Love,
Your friend

Doctor For The Soul

