
Give money to the less fortunate, donate items you no longer need to those who don't have as much, donate your time to a charity, you reap what you sow, Love your neighbor as yourself. We've all heard that we need to give to the less fortunate and help those we are able to help. It's just usually not explained to us why it's helpful to give to "others". If we knew what giving to "others" accomplished, we would all be jumping at the chance to do so at every opportunity. 
Most of us have the wrong idea when it comes to helping others who are less fortunate. Most of us are thinking of it in terms of "what's in it for me?" and since it appears on the surface that you are giving to someone "other" than yourself, and nothing is in it for "me", there isn't much motivation to actually care. Some of us give our time and or money but it's just so we can show off how charitable we are and so everyone can see how special we are. That doesn't mean we can't learn anything by letting the ego run the show. There is always something to be learned in everything. Some of us donate out of obligation, out of fear of punishment, or as a duty.
People who volunteer their time or donate their money or help "others" generally live a happier and more fulfilled life. They are able to live happier more fulfilling lives because every time they help "another", they are helping themselves. We are all one, there are no "others" so when you help "another" you are only helping yourself. When you ignore "another" you ignore yourself. 
You avoid what you don't like about yourself in "others", such as being poor and in need of help. Since you want to be rich and successful, you are afraid of being poor and in need of help and you don't like that you feel that way, so anytime you see someone who is poor or in need of help and it reminds you of that part of yourself, you decide to ignore that person and to not help them. When you see that this is the reason you don't want to help others, you realize it was never about the "other" person to begin with, it was only your insecurity about your fear of being poor and helpless. Once you face your insecurities over your fear of being poor and helpless, you will no longer care that "others" are poor and helpless, you will simply help them. If you weren't afraid of being poor and helpless then why would care if someone else is poor and helpless? Why wouldn't you just help them? I Love You and Peace Be With You!

The Holy Bible

