
It is claimed that people have good vibes or bad vibes, and that there is good energy and bad energy. That's just not true. When you "feel" bad vibes coming from someone else, it is simply a feeling within yourself that you yourself find uncomfortable and unwilling to look at so you tell yourself that they must just have "bad vibes". If someone is feeling angry, bitter, and depressed, they would be labeled as having "bad vibes". Someone feeling an emotion that makes you feel uncomfortable is just them feeling an emotion which is actually a really healthy thing to do. When their emotion causes you discomfort, it's because you don't believe that you yourself are allowed to feel those emotions, so you pass it off as "bad vibes".
If someone is happy and has a bubbly personality, they are said to have good vibes. We like to feel happy, and we like to see others happy so when we see someone happy, we think they have "good vibes". Good vibes are things that we like within ourselves that we see within others. Bad vibes are things we don't like about ourselves that we see within others. Sometimes someone may have harmful intent against us, and we may feel "bad vibes" coming from them. That is our intuition telling us to avoid a certain situation that isn't meant for us, it's not vibes.
As for good and bad energy, need to first look at the fact that everything in this universe is in fact made of energy. EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. Who is the decider or what energy is good and what energy is bad? What if the decider of good versus bad energy deems that you are bad energy. Sucks to be you, I guess. Good thing there is no such thing as good or bad energy otherwise we'd all be fucked. Energy just is, there are different forms of energy, but everything is energy, there is no good energy and there is no bad energy.
Next time you come across someone with "bad vibes" ask yourself what it is exactly that makes them have "bad vibes". Is it because they are being mean and aggressive? You don't know why they are being that way. What if you found out they had just lost their entire family including all their pets and all their property due to a housefire while they were out of town on work. Overnight they had their entire life ripped out from underneath their feet and they are just trying to figure out how to exist in the new reality of theirs. Would that change your opinion of them? Maybe you would forgive their behavior, maybe you would forgive their "bad energy" it's only bad energy when we fail to have empathy. When we allow ourselves to have empathy for a stranger and realize they have a life of their own that we are completely unaware of we stop seeing them as "bad vibes". Love and Peace!

The Perfect Human


Letter From Satan