
Morals could be considered right vs. wrong and are a matter of opinion. There is no definitive right or wrong. Right vs. wrong is simply a difference of opinion. When living in "right" and "wrong", we hold a belief that we can be "right' or we can be "wrong". How do we know that what we believe to be "right" is actually "right"? How do we know what others believe to be "wrong" is actually "wrong"? Is it because someone told us? Maybe we read it in a book such as the Bible, the Quran, or the Bhagavad Gita. The truth is we don't even know what we believe or why we believe it, we tell ourselves we know why, but most of us don't have a clue, most of us never take the time to question what we believe and why we believe it, we're terrified of questioning our beliefs.
The majority of the world would agree that the nazis were "wrong", I guarantee the nazis thought that they were "right". I guarantee none of the things that happened as a result of the nazis was because they thought they were "wrong". The nazis believed they were "right" and the holocaust was the most extreme example we have of what happens when we believe the idea that we can be "right" and not willing to question whether or not are we actually are. Just to clarify, it is not my position to state whether or not the nazis were in fact "right" or "wrong". My position is to simply point out the fact that both sides believe themselves to be "right".
Most of us assume that the "side" with the biggest majority would be the side that is "right" but the minority that believes the opposite, and believes just as strongly that they are in fact right. Both sides see themselves as "right" and sees the other side as "wrong". So who's the ultimate judge on what is "right" and "wrong", a lot of us would agree that the Abrahamic God is the ultimate judge on "right" and wrong" but the Abrahamic God himself has two sides. 
God is described as a protector of his people who will wipe out any enemies. Deuteronomy 28:7 "“The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before you." Not only will God kill your enemies, but he will also cause them to become your enemy. Wouldn't it be less work if God just left others alone instead of causing them to become your enemy just to be killed? That's beside the point. The Abrahamic God that is all about causing you to have enemies and then killing them, is also the same God that said in Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not kill." We have God telling us to kill our enemies and at the same time telling us not to kill. Seems a little contradictory and confusing, it's almost as if God himself can't decide between "right" and "wrong". Since even God himself gives us mixed messages as to what's "right" and what's "wrong", it seems we don't even have an impartial judge.
In the criminal justice system, we all want an impartial judge and jury. We all want the ruling in a courtroom to be based on evidence alone and not be based on bias. Wouldn't God be biased since he clearly acknowledges enemies? An unbiased judge doesn't see enemies, they only see the law. Would you really want to sit in a courtroom on trial where the judge sees you as enemy? You wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in hell. Yet we are perfectly fine with a God who sees enemies as long as he doesn't see "me" as one of his enemies, since we all know that God wipes out his enemies.
Every individual is the decider on what they to believe to be "right" vs. "wrong". The more we try to be "right" the more tangled up and confused we become. The need to be "right" leads to stress, confusion, misery, and fighting. The less we care about being "right" the more peaceful, confident, joyful, and accepting we become. One of the greatest things we can do is admit when we are wrong. It is only then that we start to see that we can be both "right" and "wrong" at the same time which illuminates the duality of the concept. Once the concept is illuminated, it is brought into our awareness, we are able to see it once it is brought into our awareness. We don't need to do anything except to look at it, once you look at it, you see it for what it is which is an illusion. That principle applies to every concept that we hold so dear. I Love You and Peace Be With You!



What Is Love?