Life Itself

I am life itself. I have been every life, since I am life itself. I will be every life, since I am life itself. You are me; I am you, and we are life itself. Animals are life itself, insects are life itself, plants and fungi are life itself, sea life is life itself, the earth is life itself, the universe is life itself, everything is life itself.
I don’t need to seek life out for I am life itself. I can’t waste this life since I am life itself. I can’t mess up this life since I am life itself. I don’t need to try to live this life for I am life itself. I can’t die since I am life itself. I can’t do anything wrong or sinful since I am life itself and life itself cannot be wrong or sinful.
Anything we do to another life form we do to ourselves. We are all life itself disguised as separate identities and personalities.
I am life itself and in order to differentiate this form of life from other forms of life, I have labels as a means of identification. When I forget that I am life itself and identity myself with one of my labels I tend to experience confusion and stress. Identifying with any of my labels takes life itself and turns it into that tiny label.
Whatever view we hold of life, we hold of ourselves, being that we are life itself. If we hate life, we hate ourselves. If we Love life, we Love ourselves. Everything is life itself. Life is life playing with itself.
Know what you have in common with every single person who has ever lived? You have lived too. There is no one in existence who has lived life itself better or worse than you, we are all life itself.
You are no different from Jesus, Hitler, Buddha, Ted Bundy, or Princess Diana. You are life itself just as everyone else is.
Earth is the Garden of Eden and we never left, look around and ignore all of the man made things and you will see the garden exactly as it is described within the holy Bible.
“Enlightenment” is not only identifying as life itself but also seeing all as life itself. Identifying as anything less than is living in duality or separation or the fall from grace. It’s impossible to not be life since all is life.
When a life form commits “suicide” the life within simply moves on to a new form. Life is continuously moving, changing, evolving, and growing. We (life) go into a body the same as life goes to a flower. The body that we (life) are in eventually withers and dies just as the flower does. Life moves on to new forms.
The “you” that is scared of dying is not real since life cannot die. The “you” that thinks that you don’t matter is not real. All life matters. Since all is life, life knows all.
I am telling you that you don’t need to do anything, you can’t do anything wrong, you are perfect, you don’t need to try, and you are exactly the same as all “other” life forms. Life wants nothing from you, you are life itself. Life can never be wrong. Listen to my words or don’t. Believe them or don’t. Doesn’t matter, you’re just life looking at life and “you” don’t need to believe it for it to be true.
“Steve” has all sorts of problems and miseries. Life itself has no problems or miseries. I am life itself, I am not a name or a gender or a color or an age or a human or a thought. I am life itself and so are you and so are they and so are we.
This site is for all life. This site is for me, for you, and for us. I (life itself) was never born and can never die just as the real you (life itself) was never born and can never die. “Steve” was born when the name was applied and “Steve” will die when the name is no longer spoken in remembrance of that life form.
Peace and Love to all life everywhere and in all places in all times.

I Am Life Itself


I Am Not A Thought