The Illusion Of Fear

"we have nothing to fear but fear itself." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

FDR was only half correct in his statement. "We have NOTHING to Fear" is all he should have said. We can't fear, fear since there is nothing to fear.
Fear seems to be real since we all experience it. We can see the effects on the brain and the body when they are under the duress of fear. Fear is an imagined state of mind which we create based on our beliefs, perspectives, and experiences since there is NOTHING to fear. If there were anything to literally, actively, or definitively fear, all humans would fear the same thing. Let's imagine for a moment that instead of fear being a word it is an actual physical body, a giant ugly black zombie looking creature the size of the Eiffel tower. This physical manifestation of fear mutilates, tortures, and murders anyone who comes near it.
If fear had a physical form and it looked like that, then every human would have a reason to fear it, except for the people who never know of its existence such as uncontacted peoples. Uncontacted peoples are groups of indigenous peoples living without sustained contact with neighboring communities and the world community. You can't be afraid of something that you don't know exists. Ok, giving fear a physical form doesn't make it real. Let us try thinking of fear as just a word with no meaning, clearly a word isn't anything to be afraid of so that doesn't work. 
If there were anything to actually fear, then every human on earth would fear that thing with no exceptions. What are some very common fears among humans? How about death, we can all agree that most of us are afraid of death, but most isn't all. There are those among us who don't fear death, and there are some among us who welcome it with open arms. 
Come to think of it there isn't a single thing that every human on earth is afraid of. We all fear different things, almost as if our personal fears are based on our subjective experience within the world. Got bit by a dog as a child, now you're afraid of dogs. Nearly drowned in the pool once, now you're afraid of the water. Got told that when you die, you go to hell, now you fear death. Thought about all the things you should be afraid of too many times and had a panic attack, now you're afraid of fear. Fear spirals out of control until everything that is around you is coated in fear.
There are those among us who fear nothing, who tell us to not be afraid, who tell us that everything is going to be ok, and who tell us nothing can harm us. We want to believe that fear is real so bad that we will find anything to be afraid of and cling to it like our life depends on it. We then become of afraid of letting go of our clinging to fear. When we are able to work up the courage to look fear in the face and let go of it, we see it disappears. We see it was never there in the first place.  
How do we let go of fear? By facing it head on. Whatever you're afraid of, just face it. Start small if you have to and work up to your bigger fears. Or you can really free yourself by just facing your biggest fear right from the start, then all your other fears will just vanish like a fart in the wind. If you know you can face your biggest fear and nothing will happen, the other fears know they don't stand a snowballs chance in hell. 
Every problem facing humanity, every misery, every catastrophe orchestrated by humans, and every corrupt action come from fear. Ego, jealousy, hatred, pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, sloth, crime, war, bombings, mass shootings, suicide, addiction, self-harm, abuse, rape, judgement, condemnation, racism, sexism, control, etc. etc. etc. all originate from fear. Without the belief in fear all of these things would cease to exist.
There is NOTHING to fear. If there is nothing to fear, how then can fear be real? Fear is only real to those who believe it is. To those who see it for what it is, which is nothing, know what it's like to be free, to be alive, and to be Love. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. ( | T-in.1:8)
There is only Love my friend. Love and Peace!



I Am Yours