Our Actions Define Us

It has been said that our actions define us. That is simply a false statement. It is a common belief in this world that our actions, which include our words, define who we are. We spend all of our time, trying desperately to not let anyone find out about certain actions that we have done all the while trying desperately to focus attention on someone else's actions. If people are looking at someone else, then they aren't looking at me.
We all have something that we have done that we don't want anyone to find out about because we know that if people find out about it, they will see us differently and judge us. Everyone has something that they have done that they aren't proud of or that they're ashamed of. Our entire identity then gets created around hiding certain parts of ourselves. Since our actions do not define who we are, and they are just a part of us, then suppressing any part of ourselves leads to misery.
I heard it said by many, including news organizations, that when George Floyd (R.I.P.) was murdered by those police officers, that he deserved it, because he was a criminal. I'm not getting into the dynamics of why people are criminals in the first place, I actually covered that topic in one of my books already. The point is even if George Floyd (R.I.P.) was a criminal and only a criminal, which ignores every single other aspect of him, he still didn't deserve to be murdered just because he "was a criminal". We Live in a country where we have courts and judges and laws and rights, including a right to a fair trial. The truth is, it simply doesn't matter who or what George Floyd (R.I.P.) was because he deserved his day in court. His action of stealing was used as a justification to murder him.
Another thing we do is dig up one mistake from someone's past and ruin their lives over it. Someone may be a complete humanitarian and devote their entire lives to the betterment of humanity but as soon as it gets out that they told a racist joke one time at a party, they become a pariah and are viewed as a racist while every positive aspect of them gets ignored. If someone has a bad day and becomes a "Karen" and someone records them and puts it on the internet, they can be faced with losing their livelihood, friends, and possibly even family. All because of one stupid mistake or one bad day.
We all do stupid shit from time to time, most of us are really good at hiding it, while others aren't so lucky, and their mistakes get out into the world, and they become defined by that mistake. The truth is that for every stupid or mean thing that we do, there are thousands of things that we do that are Loving and kind, but those get overlooked as soon as one little mistake comes out.
If our actions don't define us in this world, then what does? In simplest terms, there is no one part of us that can be used to define us. We have so many parts of ourselves that make up ourselves. Actions, words, thoughts, beliefs, experiences, emotions, sensations, memories, expectations, others' views of us, trauma, illnesses and diseases, and the list goes on and on and on and on. 
If we can't be defined without every single aspect of who we are, and it's impossible to see every aspect of ourselves all at once, then who are we? We are energy, we are Love, we are consciousness, we are the universe, we are simply Life itself. When we stop trying to define ourselves, we are freed from an impossible task. Peace be with you.



No Mountain Too High