The Feline In Me

I have lived countless lives just within this earth suit that I have been wearing since 1984. The human mind sees "'me" as being the person or persona who is the earth suit. The earth suit itself changes constantly and we can see blatant examples all around us that we are not the same person because the body always changes and appears to die. We are not the same person we were when we were a baby, it simply isn't possible. A tiny baby has a completely different experience of the world than an adult. A baby and an adult are not the same. If we got into a time machine and went back in time and held ourselves as a baby, we still wouldn't be the same person. One will always be a baby and the other will always be an adult. 

I have memories pertaining to lives within other earthly forms with one of them being human and the other being feline. I have knowledge of a life within another star system. I have inner wisdom that says all life is the same and every "individual" is life coming from source. There is no me since there can be no me without everything considered other. I am an illusion, I am a combination of thoughts, patterns, quirks, beliefs, and behaviors. I am an illusion in the same way that purple isn't a real color or the fact that the sky isn't actually blue. When the Moon is at the horizon, it appears to be much larger than it does when it is high in the sky. Yet when the Moon is photographed at various points across the sky, all the images on the negatives are the same size. The page I linked is a great source of information about illusions.

I am an illusion! Ahhhh, that used to be scary to me, not sure why. When I was trying to holding onto "my" self, I could never seem to do anything right, I always seemed to fuck everything up. I wasn't really enjoying being "this" self that I just happened to be born into. I don't remember being asked to be conceived by my parents and yet here I am, or so I thought. I did not like the self that I was, so I had a spiritual awakening and became a different self, a whole new person, yay!.. or so I thought. The "new" me was 1000% better than the "old" me and yet I was still not happy, sure I had found my inner peace and whatnot but where was all this fucking joy everyone promises? I sure as shit couldn't find it no matter how hard I tried or how much shit I let go of. I forced "my" self to go as far as I could into "my" self that I was claiming as my own and therefor was identifying with. Turns out, there is no self, I (ego) am just a fucking illusion.

Now the question became what do "I" do with this information and the instant realization that there is no me in which to do anything. Since I am an illusion, there is no me that need to do anything, there is no me who can make any mistakes, there is no me who can sin, and there is no me for anything to be wrong with. "I" is an illusion. The real I within all of us, is the real self, the real self of all of us, that is made up of the combination all of us and therefor can live within any form within the self. We are all one self. Since "I" am an illusion just the same as all of "you" are an illusion and most of "you" believe that "you" are in fact "you" and that "I" am in fact "me" the "I" that "I" am gets to be whoever the hell "I" want to be and the world will believe it, since we are all one self. Love and Peace "other" selves!

Our Parent


All Out