The Perfect Human

Did humanity take a vote about who the perfect human is? How would we even decide who the perfect human is? Would it be based on character, looks, skill, attributes, knowledge, wealth, or influence? Could we even agree what to base the perfect human on? We'd have to have a vote on how to judge something like that and then go on a search for those who fulfill the requirement. We would vote for those we think might fulfill the position of perfect human but honestly if all of humanity didn't agree on the who that person is, it wouldn't really mean anything. We have no examples of a perfect human since there are no perfect humans. There is no definitive definition of what a perfect human is and yet we strive for perfection, to be the best.
Since there will be those among us who would say Jesus is an example of the perfect human. Jesus is a demigod. Half God (Dad), half human (Mom). We are talking about full blood humans, not half God humans. So aside from demigods, deities, and buddhas, there is no perfect human. Humans are inherently flawed; it is our flaws that make us human. Since we are all humans that means that none of us are perfect, not even you. We all make mistakes, we all do stupid shit, and we are all self-centered. If you believe that you are perfect and no one else is, you are delusional and probably have narcissistic personality disorder. If you believe that everyone else is perfect and that you are the only one who is flawed, you are also delusional and probably have physiological trauma along with depression. 
Thinking your better than someone else, is the belief that there can be a perfect human and that you are closer to that status than the person that you are better than. If you think anyone is better than you, it is the belief that you are lower to the status of perfect human than them. We are equal in the realm of humanity. We are all imperfect. 
On the flip side, since we are all equally flawed, we can also be viewed as all being perfect. Since there is no one human that is perfect, essentially that means that we are all perfect. No one is flawed, there is nothing wrong with anyone. It doesn't matter how you look at it, either everyone is flawed and imperfect or everyone is perfect, there is no gray area where some of us are perfect and others aren't, that's irrational and illogical. Love and Peace!

Talking To Ourselves

