
People who believe they have a weak character need God. People who believe they have a strong character don't need God. People who are free from character desire nothing but God.
Why do people believe they need God? They don't believe they are strong enough on their own and need some sort of divine interference in order for them to survive. Why do people believe they don't need God? They believe that they are strong enough to handle everything that comes at them on their own and don't need any type of divine interference. 
Being weak isn't something to fear or be ashamed of. We all start out weak, we all start out as babies and babies are about as weak as you can get, we can't even hold our own head up for a couple months after being born. You can only learn your own strength by acknowledging your weakness and changing it.
When we suffer and believe that we are weak, we get crushed under the weight of the suffering. "I'm broken", "I'm weak", "I can't do it", "I have trauma", "I have a shitty life", "It's not my fault". It is because we believe these things about ourselves that we believe that we are weak and since we believe we are weak, we long for a "God" to come save us from ourselves.
When we suffer and believe that we are strong, the suffering feels as light as a feather that will disappear with a simple exhalation of breath. "I got this", "nothing can hold me down", I am strong", I am brave", "I can do this". It is because we believe these things about ourselves that we believe that we are strong and since we believe we are strong, we don't need anyone to save us.
How do you make yourself believe that you are strong when you truly believe that you are weak? Prove it to yourself. Allow yourself to suffer. Whatever form of suffering comes your way, allow yourself to feel it. The more suffering you experience the stronger you believe yourself to be. Fear is a form of suffering. Face your fears to overcome them. The truth is you are infinitely stronger than you believe yourself to be. I Love You and Peace Be With You!

Wake Up!


Sax Man