Brown Eyed Girl

He knew he Loved her from the start. He couldn't describe it or even understand it, he just knew how he felt. She had the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. She had a bubbly personality that would make him want to dance just being in her presence. She made him feel like a child without a care in the world. He never thought he had a chance to be with someone so perfect. He never thought she would want anything to do with him. 
Fate didn't care about what he believed; fate didn't care that he didn't think he was good enough for her. Through events out of his control, the universe brought her into his life. He couldn't make sense of it when she told him she liked him. He didn't understand how she could like him, but he wasn't going to complain when something amazing happens in his life, he didn't have very many good things happen in his life.
They fell in Love quickly and passion overtook them. Keeping their hands to themselves proved an impossible task. Nothing could separate them. They became everything to each other and nothing else mattered. Everything was bright and beautiful. Life was amazing, and they were both happier than they had ever been. She was his brown eyed girl, and he was her prince charming who came to save her on his white steed.
He Loved that she was a weed smoking, bandana wearing, bare foot hippie. He Loved that she never wore makeup and that she didn't care what anyone thought about her. He didn't care that she wasn't pretty according to societal standards; she was always the most beautiful person he had ever seen. His brain couldn't even process how anyone could see anything less than perfection when they looked at her. He Loved her sense of humor and her laugh.
He Loved that she was unashamed of her body and her sexuality. He Loved that she spoke her mind and didn't take any grief from anyone. He Loved that she listened to him. He Loved that she didn't care what he looked like. He Loved that she didn't see any flaws in him and would let him know when he was doing stupid shit. He Loved that she Loved him. He Loved everything about her.
Fate stepped back in and said, "times up". He didn't know how he was going to live without her. He didn't know if he wanted to live at all without her. After some time, he figured out how to survive without her, although just surviving isn't much of a life. 
He never Loved anyone that way again. He never connected to anyone else in the same way. He never felt as seen as he did with her. He never felt the same way again. He wouldn't have changed it for anything. Their time together was unfairly and cruelly short, but at least he had that. One look from her was enough for a lifetime, that's all he needed. Every extra second he had with her was just a beautiful and glorious miracle.
Eventually he learned how to live his life without her and enjoy it. He learned how to be ok without her. He learned how to be happy. He learned who he was. He learned his own strength. He learned how amazing he really was. He learned how smart and talented he was. He learned that he was going to be ok. He Lived a long and very fulfilling life. 
He never gave up hope that one day fate might be so kind as to bring them back together. He wasn't sure if he believed it would ever happen. One thing that he did believe was that anything can happen and if it's happened once, it can happen again. He carried that hope to his grave. He believed that if there was a heaven, an angel as perfect as her would most certainly be there and he would get to see her once again. That is his heaven.


