I Need You

I need you and you need I. There can be no I without you. Myself and yourself walk hand in hand. I wouldn't exist without you, and you without I. I want you because I need you and you want I because you need I. There is no I and there is no you; there is only what is. 
Humans created langue to communicate. Langue is what appears to separate humans and cause duality. Communication within a langue requires opposites for comparison to comprehend. You and I, positive and negative, good and evil, man and woman. Opposites only exist within langue. In reality there are no opposites, there is just what is. Think of a form in the natural world and look for an opposite of that form. The opposite would be no-thing, which terrifies most of us. Nouns don't have opposites. Nouns are words for forms within the natural world and even those are made up. 
I need you, I hate you, I Love you, I miss you, I want you, I despise you. We need each other in order for our ego/identity to exist. See past the illusion of you and I; see past the illusion of duality. See past the ego/identity. Give up I and you and see there is only one. All is one. There is no I and there is no you. There is no us. Everything just is. 
We can't understand white without black or man without woman or positive without negative or good without evil. Humans live in duality. Some humans live as good as others as evil. Some humans are positive, and others are negative. It's all a matter of perspective and opinion, which side we live on.
We fear what we perceive as opposite. The moral fear the evil never once realizing that if there were no evil there would be no morals. You can't be a good moral righteous human without evil humans. If all evil humans vanished in the blink of an eye, so would the moral humans. There would be no one to "save" from evil, hence no need for morality. Morality is the cause of evil, and evil the cause of morality.
The only reason you need "another" is because your ego/identity would vanish without "another". Give up the need for "another" and you give up yourself. Give up yourself and you give up the need for "another".
Give up the "I" and the "you" and you can truly live and be free. Duality is a prison in which we are all caged. Duality was created with langue, but it can vanish with you and I. Give up yourself. Give up every concept and belief that your ego/identity holds so tightly to. The ego/identity doesn't want you to be free. The ego/identity relies on separation and duality; therefore, you will always feel alone within duality. Give up the ego/identity and you will never feel alone again. You will see separation and loneliness for what they are which is an illusion.
You (ego/identity) are alone, and you (ego/identity) always will be, as long as you (ego/identity) exist. When you (ego/identity) die, you see that you could never be alone and never were since you (ego/identity) never existed in the first place. There is no death, there is only life. The real you is life, not your ego/identity. Since you (ego/identity) don't exist, you can't die; there is no you (ego/identity) to die. Death only exists to ego/identity. Life continues on when your ego/identity dies. Most humans choose to hold onto their ego/identity until the physical body perishes, at which point the life that you truly are continues on in another form. It is not you (ego/identity) that get reincarnated into another form, it is the life within you that get reincarnated into another form. There is no you (ego/identity) to go to heaven or hell as heaven and hell are psychological states of the human mind (part of duality). Love and Peace!



No One Knows Anything