
All religions are equal. The base levels of religions all appear to be different. As you advance through the levels of religion, they start taking on similar meanings. Religion leads to spirituality and at the level of spirituality you are able to see the how all religions are the same. Religion separates humans into several groups of humans. Spirituality essentially shrinks religion into two groups of humans "spiritual" and "nonspiritual". "Enlightenment" is when you see there is no "other", duality vanishes and the is no more separation of anything. If you still see anything as "other" then you are still in the "egoic" dream of human and are not awake. When you see that there is no "other", you see there is nothing you need to do, since there are no "others" to save or help. There is no longer any attack, attack can only come from "other".

7 “Deadly” Sins


Heaven And Hell