Your “Problems” Aren’t Real

Where are your problems? Can you see, taste, smell, hear, or touch them? Can you show me where your problems are? Can you describe what they look like? The only thing we can do is describe how our "problems" make us feel, what emotions they invoke. Our "problems" only exist in our mind where our imagination resides. Our imagination isn't real, but makes the world that we live in. Our imagination shows us what we want to see and hides reality under a veil of what we believe to be real.
While you are sitting here reading this post, I would like you to think about your "problems". What "problems" do you have right now? Is it how someone treated you in the past? Is it something someone said to you in the past? Is there something traumatic that happened to you in your past? Maybe you've had an entire life filled with trauma. As your sitting here reading this, none of those problems are here right now. All of your past "problems" reside in the past. The past is gone, you can never ever go back and change a single thing that happened in the past. So why do you live in the illusionary past?
Are your problems coming from the future? You just know your boss is going to yell at you tomorrow for that thing you screwed up. You just know that your abusive family will still be there when you get home. You just know that you are going to get sick or something bad is going to happen to you. Those problems are all in the future and despite what people like to believe and tell you, absolutely no one knows the future. Have you ever actually made it to tomorrow, as in lived your day out while calling it tomorrow? You can't ever live in tomorrow, tomorrow becomes today in the instant that you move into it. You will never, ever, ever live in tomorrow. Since you can never live in tomorrow, you can never know what "problems" may or may not come. All you can do is live in today and face your "problems" as they come to you.
Are you unhealthy or sick right now? If not, no "problem". If you are sick or unhealthy, it's still not a problem. You can choose to do something about it. You can work on improving your health or sickness. Or you can simply just accept it as what's happening and stop labeling it a "problem". Did someone close to you "die" and now you miss them. How is that a problem? You miss someone, you feel sadness and grief, possibly anger and resentment. Those aren't problems, those are just emotions passing through. Allow the emotions to just happen without fighting or suppressing them and they will heal you. 
There is absolutely no "problem" that can't be solved. A "problem" is only a problem if you are incapable of doing anything about it. We are always capable of overcoming any obstacle or "problem" that comes our way. Most of us choose to believe that we are too "lazy/broken/weak/tired/traumatized" to overcome our obstacles and find it easier to just live with our "problems" instead of changing them.

“Prison itself is a tremendous education in the need for patience and perseverance. It is above all a test of one’s commitment.” - Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison. He didn't view prison as a "problem" he viewed it as a "test of one's commitment", if Nelson Mandela can spend 27 years in prison and have it not been a "problem", I think we could conclude that your "problems" no matter how "big" or "small" could also be viewed as a test. 

“There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.”– Malcolm X

There are no "problems" there are only lessons which water the seeds within for growth. When we avoid our "problems" they become real and transform into a myriad of mental health issues. Peace and Love!

“Let go of today as it becomes yesterday. Move into tomorrow as it becomes today. Eternally present. All is well.” - Stephen Abdiel


A Parable

