Knowledge Is Free

One of the biggest scams of capitalism is the belief that knowledge costs money. Since people believe this, it causes people to become jealous of knowledge. The belief that some can have knowledge simply because they have money. Those without money are just out of luck, so they become jealous of "others" attaining knowledge when they themselves don't believe they can afford it. Some of us are so against knowledge that even when we attain the money to get knowledge we still refuse to do so out of an act of defiance. Some of us even go to the extreme of burning books. Honestly if it makes someone feel better about themselves to burn some books, go ahead and let them, it literally accomplishes nothing. In this day and age, it's damn near impossible to erase knowledge from existence. There are always more copies that can printed and there are always backups and backups for the backups. The truth is people who burn books in an attempt to stop people from reading that book, causes more people to read it than normally would have, since they weren't even aware of the book before people started burning it. 
Knowledge can also be associated with "evil". Some people use religion or spirituality or even God as a form of cultism. Some religions convince their followers that "Satan will use knowledge to infiltrate your soul", so if you don't want to be possessed by Satan you better not learn anything new! Something that needs to be made very clear to EVERYONE is that any organization / religion / group/ individual who tries to stop you from acquiring knowledge is a CULT plain and simple. The only reason someone doesn't want you to acquire knowledge is because they know as soon as you get smart enough you will see them for what they are, which is a scam. A wolf in sheep's clothing so to speak. 
The truth that remains to be hidden to the majority of us is knowledge is free. A quick google search and you can find hundreds of sources for knowledge. One example is this site: This site has 1,700 courses from top universities. This same site also has 800 eBooks, 1,000 audiobooks, 200 certificate programs, and mini degree programs. That is just one site among hundreds. Through your local library you usually have access to books, audiobooks and a plethora of other things. We live in a world with the internet which includes having dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedia all at our fingertips, we no longer need an entire bookcase of books that will have outdated information within a few years.
We have podcasts, documentaries, YouTube, and tutorial videos. Knowledge is endless and infinite. All we need to do to find knowledge is to simple open our eyes and look for it. Capitalism would convince you that any knowledge you acquire that doesn't have a piece of paper attached to it is worthless, when in fact that piece of paper they give you is worthless. Once you have knowledge, no one can ever take that away from you no matter how hard they try. When you have knowledge, "others" can't take advantage of you as easily, it becomes harder for "others" to scam you. Once you have knowledge of how to do something, you no longer need to rely on "others" to do that thing. If you know how to change the brakes on your car you can do it yourself for a couple hundred dollars. If you don't know how to change the brakes on your car, you have to bring it to someone who knows how to do it and pay close to $1,000 or more. You are paying someone for the knowledge that they have and that you lack, but if you didn't lack that knowledge, you would no longer need to pay someone else.
Knowledge makes life cheaper, easier, less stressful, and makes us less likely to be bamboozled. The fact that we currently have access to more knowledge than anytime in modern history but most of us refuse to ever look at it, just shows how lost we all are as a species. People often ask the question "if you could ask God one question, what would it be?" the truth is you don't need to ask God, just look for the answer, there's always an answer for everything if you look hard enough. Any question that can be asked, has an answer, it may not be the answer you like or wanted, but there will always be an answer. 
The funny/peculiar thing about knowledge is that you can only rise intellectually until a certain point before you come to the ultimate realization, the absolute knowledge, the irrefutable truth of the universe. Which is you know nothing; in fact, no one knows anything. Which has been explained in this post: Words Aren't Real

“I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.” - Socrates.

“A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing.” - Albert Einstein

If someone doesn't want you to acquire knowledge, they do not have your best interest at heart. They have their own agenda and motivations. Satan doesn't use knowledge to possess anyone. Satan fears knowledge, since knowledge leads to the death of Satan (If you have enough knowledge, you will understand that statement). Seek out knowledge, don't be afraid of it, don't believe the lie that you need money to acquire it, don't believe the lie that you need a piece of paper for acquired knowledge to mean anything. Knowledge is forever and no one can ever steal it from you. I Love you and Peace be With you!

"But you don't have to take my word for it" - Levar Burton


Intellectual “Disability”


Levar Burton