God - Part One

No two individuals worship the same God. I am not saying that there is more than one God, there is only one God, but everyone sees a different God. I will be explaining exactly what I mean in this post. This is not about religion, and which religion is correct or which God from which religion is the one and only God. This is about the individuals view on God and why it is different among everyone. 
Let us start with how we see other people. I had a math teacher in middle school who went out of his way to work with me on my math skills. He saw the potential within me and went above and beyond to water that seed of potential so it would blossom someday. He stayed after school hours to work with me, he taught me math that was above my grade level, he influenced me in ways I couldn't even conceive at the time. To me he was the best teacher I ever had, and I am nothing but grateful for every moment of his time he devoted to me.
That teacher whom I Loved, admired, and respected was not seen that way by everyone. Some of my classmates, didn't like him, some students saw a teacher who was a hard ass, others saw him as friendly but not as good teacher. Some students thought he was fair, others thought that he was harsh. We all see someone based on our personal experience and viewpoint of them. 
When we are born, we see our mother as the embodiment of Love. As we grow our perspective of our mother changes. She becomes a caretaker, a guide, a friend, an enemy, an annoyance, an enemy, etc. etc. etc. Our beliefs about others and ourselves change with time.  
We don't even see ourselves in the same way all the time. When you accomplish something and are feeling proud of yourself, you're also likely to be feeling strong and courageous with some confidence mixed in. You're feeling like you can take on the world, that is how you are seeing yourself in that moment. When you're feeling disappointed because you failed to achieve something you really wanted, you're probably feeling sadness. You tend to start doubting yourself, not believing in yourself, feeling week and afraid. That is how you see yourself in that moment.
If our beliefs about ourselves and others can vary based on perspective, time, and situations, then it can logically be stated that our opinions about God can also vary based on those same principles. Sometimes God is a merciful, benevolent, God whom we just can't seem to have enough of. Other times God is an angry wrathful God with whom we would like to avoid if at all possible. Sometimes he seems to be there for you when you need him and other times he seems as if he is nowhere to be found. 
The sufi mystic, Rumi said "The truth was a mirror in the hands of God. It fell and broke into pieces. Everybody took a piece of it, and they looked at it and thought they had the truth". Everyone sees God based on their individual experience. No two people see God the same way, and yet we cause a division between ourselves when we attempt to persuade others to see the same God that we see which is an impossible feat. There is only one God, that one God is infinite and can be found and seen in an infinite number of ways. 
How do you know which God is the only God? How do you know if you believe in the correct God? How are you supposed to figure out who God is? It's very simple, look for God. That's all you have to do. If you look for God, you will find him. We reap what we sow, we find what we seek. It doesn't matter how you comprehend God. When someone tells you who God is, they are telling you about the God that they themselves believe in and comprehend. No one else can ever describe God to you since we all see him differently in our own way. Even my referring to God as a "him" confuses the subject, so don't concern yourself with others' beliefs about God. Seek God for yourself and he will make himself known to you. Trust yourself for only you can know your own truth. 
God is eternal and changeless; it is only our perspective of him that changes. I Love you and Peace Be With You!


