Life Through My Eyes

These photos represent the way I see this world and the Life within it. I try to capture a natural unmasked perspective in my photos. I do minimal editing to my photos to preserve the integrity of them. My Goal is to capture the authenticity of Life. I hope I am able to do that for you. Ultimately, I want to show you the Love within all Life. I’m not concerned with quality of photos; my concern lies within the moment and since those can’t be planned, I don’t get any do overs.

In order to achieve my goal in the pictures I take, it is necessary to approach it from almost a voyeuristic perspective at times. An individual aware of the fact that they are being watched will automatically and subconsciously change their behavior, so most of the time I am confronted with the perfect photo from an unaware individual and no way to get permission from the individual to use it (they’re too far away). I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone. If you happen to see yourself within this site and you would like it taken down, I will be more than happy to do that for you. Simply contact me and verify that it’s you and I will gladly remove it. On the other hand, if you would like a copy of your photo, I would Love to give it to you, it would be an honor for someone to like a photo I took of them. Any photo where I am able to receive permission, I do so, I will not purposely disrespect anyone’s privacy.