The Two Trees

I don’t have to believe every thought that comes to My mind, My thoughts encapsulate the ego which is never satisfied and is always wanting more. The desire for more is a natural survival instinct. This instinct ensures get we continue eating and drinking and fucking in order to ensure species survival. If we were able to be satisfied at the egoic level we would stop seeking out food, water, and sex and eventually our species would die out. In order for our species to survive this instinct can never be satisfied because we would die. This instinct is impossible to fulfill, it will always want more and too accomplish the desire to always have more this instinct will always make you believe that you have never had enough in the past. If you could see you have always had not only enough but you have always had way more than enough you would stop wanting more. 

Your mind doesn’t allow you to see that you have enough which is what leads you to wanting more. We can see examples all over the world of people who are always wanting more, more food, more money, more fame, more power, and so on and so on. Since the universe works on the principle of balance there is a counterbalance to the ego which is wisdom. Wisdom is what gives us the common sense to not overindulge and not live in excess. It’s a perfectly natural instinct to want more and wisdom tells us to be content with what we have. Wisdom tells us that nothing good comes from greed, envy, gluttony or lust not because they are immoral but simply because those things just cause us to inflict our own suffering upon ourselves. 

We create our own suffering and misery when practicing and living in overindulgence, if overindulgence becomes too strong, we create our own hell that we choose to live in. Wisdom tells us to enjoy life, live it to the fullest, want just what you need and no more. Wisdom tells us that when we stop overindulging and wanting more we come to the center of our being. The center that nature intended for us. The center of our selves where our wisdom and our wanting for more can work together in harmony. 

By giving in to the desire of wanting more we give in to the needs of the ego which can never and will never be satisfied leaving us in suffering and misery. When we identify with our ego and our natural instinct to want more without counterbalancing it with wisdom, the ego takes over due to its heavier weight from being used more and tips the scale. If we use too much wisdom and we live life where we restrict our instinct to want more we end up being all out of balance in a completely different way. When living in our natural center we find peace and harmony instead of chaos and discord. 

The tree of life is the ego, and the tree of knowledge is wisdom. Eating the fruit of the tree of life is overindulging and wanting more, the belief that you are missing out on something better. When we overindulge and believe that we are missing out on something better we fail to see the perfect and beautiful garden we are standing in. Doubt (Satan) caused the fear to arise that we are missing out and eating the fruit (overindulging) of the tree of life tips the natural balance out of scale and we get banished from the garden of Eden. Eating from the tree of life (ego) leads to death. 

The tree of knowledge is the wisdom that helps us to find our way back. Wisdom shows us how the tree of life is what got us banished from the garden and so we need the other tree to get back in. Wisdom is the key to the garden. Our hinderance is that we are afraid of the tree of knowledge, we don’t trust it since the other tree got us banished. We have to face our fear and move past it to get to the tree of knowledge. When we start partaking in the fruit from the tree of knowledge it balances the scales back out and we can open our eyes to see ourselves having never left the garden to begin with. We only thought we did because we didn’t believe we had enough and were always looking for more. Desire is what lead to the belief that there is something better than God already made perfect. Desire is what created the physical realm where all forms shall perish. Partake in the fruit from the tree of knowledge and attain the wisdom that there is no death. Love and Peace!



A Game