What If?

What if humans aren't as smart as we believe ourselves to be? What if there is a much higher level of intelligence than we are currently at? What if our level of intelligence is just part of the overall evolutionary process of intelligence in the universe? What if other species have already passed through the level of intelligence that humans are at now and are more evolved than us humans are. Maybe us humans only think that we are the most intelligent beings in the world because we are the only ones who seem to have the need to make it known to the world that we are in fact the smartest species to ever exist. What if the higher intelligence and more evolved species are quietly watching us humans make asses out of ourselves. If you were to announce that you were the smartest human to ever exist, that statement would be tested and verified by outside sources. Us humans say that we are the smartest species to ever live but we have no outside sources that are testing or verifying that opinion.  
Bigotry of any kind comes from ignorance. The less intelligent a person is the higher the chances of them being a bigot. Not that the less intelligent are more evil or immoral, it's simply a lack of knowledge on their part. Someone with low intelligence doesn't understand that people of "different" races, ethnicities, or genders are all still people and they deserve the same type of treatment as themselves. The lower the intelligence someone has, the more likely they are to believe that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. The higher our intelligence level, the more we see all humans for what they are, which is human, no separation, no "difference", and no hierarchy. We are all in this together, all we have is each other and we're too busy fighting each other to see it. Doesn't sound very intelligent, does it?
Gain even more intelligence and you start to realize that all life is precious and equal. Animals are not machines and food. Plants are not building materials. Insects are not pests. Everything on this planet lives in perfect symbiosis and doesn't need humans to do a damn thing to save it. Humans attempt of "fixing" and "saving" the world is what's causing it harm. We humans are the pests of this world. Constantly killing just for the sake of killing. Constantly grabbing up all the resources we can until they are all gone, and we don't really care about future generations. We consume and consume and consume and never ever have enough of anything, leaving nothing behind for anyone who comes after. Humans may think that is a smart way to live but there won't be any future generations left to care how smart we thought we were. If humans were actually smart, we would be living for future generations, we wouldn't be needlessly killing everything we can get our hands on.
Humans are nowhere near as smart as we think that we are. Humans are just a species with a very big ego and the more intelligent you become, the less of an ego you have. You see everything for what it is, which is perfect, where nothing if flawed, and everything is essential. You see there is no need to do anything, you see there is nothing you can do, and you see that you don't have to change anything. The less you need to speak, the less you need to convince others how smart you are. People who are intelligent know that they are, and they don't need other people to confirm it for them, often the quietest person in the room is the most intelligent. We all know that person who just can't seem to stop telling everyone just how smart they are, it's because they are looking for validation from someone else in order to make them feel better about their insecurities about not being smart. 
Maybe there are species around us with a much higher intelligence and they are so intelligent that they don't have the need to make it known to us. Maybe they are just watching us and waiting for us to get our heads out of our asses. Maybe some species are just using us as their slaves and are so smart they are able to do it in a way where we believe that being their slave was in fact our idea and we don't even realize that we are their slaves. Maybe that same species has even gotten us to build towers and statutes in their honor. That same species is able to live a life of comfort and a life being worshipped, and a life of ecstasy. That same species has the ability to do anything they want and get away with it. That same species is the ruler in it's kingdom and doesn't give shit about anything but rest and play. Some may say that cats are the most intelligent species on the planet. Who wouldn't want to live the kind of life a cat does?
The next time you see someone being racist, or sexist, or just plain mean. Remember that they are not that way on purpose, it is simply a lack of intelligence, and they can't help it. How do we stop racism and sexism and all bigotry? By giving those of us who lack intelligence the gift of intelligence. By telling them that being a bigot is not ok and that all humans are still human even if you don't agree with them or like them. By telling them that the color of a person's skin doesn't make them any less human. By telling them that any and all genders are still human even if you don't like it or agree with it. By telling them that just because they don't believe something that someone else does, doesn't give them the right to be an asshole to that person. By telling them it much easier to be nice to people than to be mean. By telling them how much better life is when you have less hate in your heart. By telling them that there is nothing wrong with them and there is nothing wrong with anyone else either. 
The higher intelligence someone has, the higher their empathy, understanding, patience, and forgiving nature. The lower intelligence someone has the less empathetic, understanding, patient, and forgiving they are. This all being said there is a cheat code to this which completely negates all of this out. Love is the cheat code. If someone has Love in their heart, intelligence itself vanishes and all that is left is Love. There is no one who is smarter and there is no one who is dumber. Intelligence itself is a mass delusion within the species of human. Intelligence doesn't exist, we only think that it does. 
In the beginning was the word (speech). After the word came, man had an idea that he could do something wrong (eat the wrong fruit) which was caused by doubt (Satan). Man, then used the words to decide that if he could do something he could surely be punished (be kicked out of the garden). Those same words convinced man he needed to be saved from his wrongdoing, so a Saviour was sent to save mankind (Jesus). Jesus is the word in physical form, the word that was sent to save mankind from the word doubt (Satan). Jesus is the symbol for the liberation of the belief that man can do anything wrong or that man is being punished. 
In man's attempt to avoid punishment from the idea that man can do wrong, man tries to find others to put "beneath" them in order to avoid the dreaded punishment that never seems to come. This is where intelligence, hierarchy, and slavery come from. Humans avoid their fear of punishment by punishing others. Humans are a species that go around punishing everything and everyone all the time. Look around and you'll know this to be true. Maybe, just maybe, humans are of the lowest intelligence on the planet since we all believe a silly little idea that we can do something wrong and then be punished for it. Maybe by humans learning the ability to speak we fucked ourselves by creating the word doubt and then believing in that word, even though it's literally a made-up word by someone in the past. Love and Peace!

Free Will Vs. A Perfect World


Recipe For Happiness