
The only thing that we can change in this world is ourselves since there is no "other". Some of us like to think that we can change "others" but it is an impossible feat. We use "evidence" that since saying a word or doing an action can appear to directly result in a change in "another's" behavior, that we must in fact have been the cause of that effect. In reality you did nothing to cause any effect in anythig but yourself. If someone or something changed its because that's what happened, it had nothing to do with anything you did. 
Some of us will get married in the hopes of changing our spouse into who we want them to be. Since it's impossible to change anyone but yourself, we spend years in a marriage attempting to change the other person. We either try our entire lives to change the other person or we give up and try to find someone else who will be easier to change into who we want. Instead of accepting who someone is, we try to change them.
As long as you're lying to yourself, no one will ever be able to communicate with you. You will always feel disconnected and alienated. When you lie to yourself, you don't believe anyone but yourself, therefore if people happen to say things that you agree with, you will listen, since they are confirming your own beliefs to you. If anyone ever tries to say things that you don't agree with, you convince yourself that "it must be a langue barrier" or "we are on different frequencies" or "we're just too different".
When you lie to yourself, you believe whatever lies that you tell yourself and no longer believe anyone else, unless they coincide with your beliefs. There is no "other", we are not on different "frequencies or wavelengths", it's not a "langue barrier", It's just us lying to ourselves and convincing ourselves of those beliefs. If you can't seem to understand another person no matter how hard you try, it's simply because you are lying to yourself about something, it's usually one big lie that has infinite lies attached to it in order to preserve the original lie. 
When you lie to yourself, you think everyone else is a liar, unless they happen to agree with you. When you are completely honest with yourself you see that there are no lies. Noone lies about anything, everyone truly believes their own lies, therefore they believe that they are in fact telling the truth. It's not a lie to you if you believe it to be true, even if it is in fact a lie. Truth doesn't need to do anything, truth doesn't need to speak, and truth doesn't need to defend itself. Truth just is. Lies on the other hand need to do, lies need to speak, lies need to defend themselves, and lies need to blame "others". Lies make excuses. Truth doesn't need an excuse since it just is.
We are are all looking for a universal, fundamental, eternal truth. The issue is we lie to ourselves so much that when someone tells us an absolute eternal truth that can't be changed or altered in anyway. We choose to believe our own lies over the truth, no matter how miraculous that truth is. We are willing to pass us heaven, nirvana, bliss, "enlightenment" just as to keep our lie intact. We don't want to be seen for the fraud that we are after all. We would rather live our lives in hell clinging onto our lie, instead of just accepting the truth and living in heaven. 
Luke 17:21 "You won’t be able to say, ‘Here it is!’ or ‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is already among you.” Heaven is in your human psyche, it's not a physical location. "Nirvana is "blowing out" or "quenching" of the activity of the grasping mind and its related unease." Lies cause you to grasp onto the mind as to not accidentally let those lies escape you. When you stop grasping lies and grab hold of the sword of truth your mind can relax and let out. Think of nirvana as letting out a secret and following it by letting out a deep breath, feeling like you've been released from the prison of the secret.
Those of us who live in the truth, live free from stress and misery, we have nothing to hide, no secrets, no shame, no judgement. We've paid for mistakes and learned from them. We are free to live in bliss and ecstasy with the knowledge that we are in fact in heaven. Heaven is real and we are living in it now.  
Those of us who are living with lies, live in a constant state of stress and anxiety, we have plenty to hide, plenty of shame, plenty of judgement. We just keep paying for our mistakes over and over again and never learn from them. Reincarnation isn't your "soul" leaving your human body and going into "another" physical body of some sort. Reincarnation is simply your "character" repeating the same patterns. We do so because of all the lies we tell ourselves. Time is an illusion and now is all there is. The traditional view of reincarnation is impossible, there is no future in which to reincarnate to. Every instant we are being reincarnated. If we live in lies, we remain in the cycle of birth and death. If we live in truth, we are freed from the cycle of birth and death and stop reincarnating.
The truth is, you know what you're lying to yourself about and you know what you're lying to others about. If you don't believe you could ever release your lies, you will spend your life in the cycle of life and death destined to live in hell paying for your karma. Release your lies and see the truth, and you can spend your life in heaven where you already are. For many Karma takes thousands of "lifetimes" meaning thousands of "nows" to be released. The truth is you could be freed from all of your karma if you released your lies and accepted the truth. It only takes an instant to be released from karma, to be raptured into the heavenly realm, or to be awakened. Just stop lying to yourself. I Love You and Peace Be With You!
 "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." - 1 Corinthians 15:52

In The City


Astral Realm