
Why do I crave Love so deeply? Why am I not content with what I have? Will I get everything I want? What do I Want? Who am I? Who do I want to be? Thoughts come and go, some illicit more feeling than others. Some thoughts overstay their welcome, some thoughts vanish before they can be seen. Some thoughts come in the form of memories bringing either turmoil or peace. Thoughts can paralyze us and thoughts can liberate us. Thoughts can transcend boundaries and make the impossible possible. Thoughts either give power or take it away. Thoughts can turn a sinner into a saint and a saint into a sinner.
We believe what we think, and we think what we believe. Our thoughts and our beliefs create the world. There is overwhelming evidence that the earth is round. Some of us believe the evidence that the earth is round. Some of us do not believe the evidence and believe that it is a conspiracy, and the earth is flat. It does not matter how much evidence is provided that the earth is round, those of us who believe the earth is flat will never be persuaded to believe the evidence.
There are all sorts of beings that exist on this planet that we reside on. Some of the beings on this planet will never be seen by human eyes and therefore will never “exist”. Something can only “exist” to us humans if we are aware of it. We are discovering new species all the time, all of which didn’t “exist” prior. Once we become aware of something it begins its “existence” to us in that instant. Whatever it was that we discovered, existed before we discovered it. It simply didn’t exist to us; we had no concept of it. It was only by discovering it that we were able to conceptualize it and create an existence for it in our mind’s eye. Even after a species is discovered, there are still some of us who refuse to believe it exists since they have never seen it with their own eyes.
Something does not exist when we are unaware of it, that’s not to say that thing doesn’t exist at all, it simply means that it doesn’t exist within our conceptual minds. We need to “discover” something in order to have the ability to conceptualize it to be able to see it in our mind’s eye. If we haven’t “discovered” something, we are incapable of seeing it. How do we discover something that we don’t have any way of conceptualizing? That’s like going into the rainforest looking for a “Toobit Tuger” but having absolutely no clue whatsoever as to what the hell it looks like or without knowing anything about it whatsoever. How would we even know to look for the “Toobit Tuger” in the first place?
Imagine someone we trust once told us that the “Toobit Tuger” was real. They told us that they themselves had seen it. So, we say, "what does it look like?" and they respond with "it's too magnificent for me to put into words, there just aren't any words for its beauty". Looking for more information to go on we say, "well how do I find it?" and they say, "only you can figure that out". Then we head out into the jungle trying to find the “Toobit Tuger” only to spend our entire lives never knowing whether we found it or not or whether it is real or not. Maybe it is real, and we saw it but because we didn't know what it looked like we thought it was something else. Or maybe it is real but were never able to find it. Or maybe that person just made it up and we've been chasing nothing.
What are you chasing? Why are you chasing it? Are you looking for something that doesn't exist simply because someone once told you it did? Or are you chasing something you believe in your heart to be true? Where did that belief come from? Did it come from intuition or was it given to you by another?
Only you can know what you're chasing and why you're chasing it. If you've been chasing something your entire life and haven't been able to find it, maybe it just doesn't exist. Is it really easier to believe that something that you've been chasing your entire life does exist but your just "not good enough" to find it, then to accept that it just may not exist. Even if it does exist, maybe it wasn't ever meant for you to find. We all have a different path in this world and no two are the same. It is only when you get down to the core of why you're chasing what you're chasing that you can discover the reason you're chasing whatever it is you're chasing. Does the fact that you are chasing this illusionary, impossible to catch belief benefit you in any way or is someone else benefiting off of you doing the chasing. 
None of us like to be tricked or be made to look like a fool. There are so many of us who would rather burn ourselves to the ground rather than to admit we have been made to look like a fool by another. We see this happening with others all around us every day. People who hold on to a belief so tightly that they alienate themselves from everyone around them. To them it is damn near impossible to ever consider that maybe they have been made to look like a fool due to that belief. They never once stop to realize that a real fool is someone who just blindly believes. A real fool never questions their beliefs. A real fool never bites the hand the feeds even when it is the same hand that is beating them senseless over and over and over.
Are you being beaten down by your beliefs? Are you being made to look like a fool by someone manipulating you? Do you have the courage to even ask yourself these questions or will you, as most of us do, just look at everyone else who is giving themselves up to their beliefs. Never once realizing that you yourself could in fact be the fool. Maybe your hero is actually a predator who is only using you for their own gain. Maybe you yourself have also been made to be a puppet on a string. If you're never willing to ask yourself if this could be, then you will never know. Always destined to be at the mercy of your puppeteer. Love and Peace!

How To Accomplish (Almost) Anything


Subjective Vs. Objective Reality