Trust The Universe

If you are here reading this, you have been taken care of by the universe. You may not agree with how the universe has taken care of you, and you may not like how the universe has taken care of you. Nonetheless, you have been taken care of by the universe. You are here, you are alive, and you didn't have to do anything to have that happen. The universe has always taken care of you, and it always will. You have never had to do anything, and you never will. In fact, there is nothing you could do to change the universes plans for you. 
Can you go back in time and not be born? Can you change what family you were born into? Can you change what part of the world you were born in? Can you change what religion you were born into? Can you change what body you were born into? Can you change how people treat you or what they do to you? What exactly can you change?
You are here for a reason; you have a purpose within this universe. You don't need to know what that reason is, in order to acknowledge it and accept it. You wouldn't be here unless you were meant to be, plain and simple. No one exists who wasn't meant to. You are here because the universe wants you to be here. Since the universe wants you here and you can't do anything about it, there is also nothing that you need to do. 

⁷When peace comes at last to those who wrestle with temptation and fight against the giving in to sin; when the light comes at last into the mind given to contemplation; or when the goal is finally achieved by anyone, it always comes with just one happy realization; “I need do nothing.” (ACIM, T-18.VII.5:7)

There is nothing that you need to do and there is nothing that you can do. It is only the false belief that you can if fact do anything that creates all of your misery and suffering. 

When nothing is done, Nothing is left undone - Tao Te Ching Chapter 48

If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? - Matthew 6:30 Holy Bible

Whether you believe in God or not makes no difference. If you believe in God, then give your trust to him and let go. If you don't believe in God, then give your trust to the universe and let go. Love and Peace!

Practice What You Preach

