The Omnist Moral Guide

1.	No Rules, laws, or commandments. Focus on Self and don’t concern Self with what “others” are doing unless what “others” is doing is hurting Self in which case it is ok to walk away.

2.	Love God, Self, and everything considered “other” equally. There is no hierarchy within creation, everything is part of the same creation, all is equal, all is one, and all is Self.

3.	See everything as a friend. When there are “special” relationships it allows for “enemies”. When everything is a friend, there can be no enemies.

4.	Treat everything with Loving kindness, forgiveness, understanding, compassion, dignity, honor, empathy, and patience. Buildup, instead of tear down. Treat “others” how I want to be treated. There is only self, be kind to self.

5.	You are not alone, act like it.

6.	Consent should be confirmed by every person involved in every scenario and consent can be taken away at any time for any reason or no reason whatsoever. Until consent is removed by any person involved, nothing is off limits, have fun, go wild! We were created for God’s pleasure, God desires that we have pleasure also.

7.	Intimacy is meant to be a gift where body, mind, and soul come together in harmonious bliss when two become one, balanced and equal. Acting outside of these parameters isn’t immoral or a sin, it just lessens the experience.

8.	There are no “right” or “wrong” religions, paths, or beliefs and all paths end up in the same place they just take different ways to get there. All is one.

9.	Admit when wrong, own mistakes, and forgive self and “others” at all times. No one is perfect until they are. 

10.	Everyone is worthy and deserving of Love without exception. We are all capable of Self-Love and Self-Love is our only purpose in this world. There is no “other” that can Love, for all is Self. (Refer back to #2)

*God = Whoever your God is to you. If no belief in God, just replace the word God with the word Universe.


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