
Pain, severe, excruciating, unfathomable, endless pain. Misery, sorrow, grief, depression. Desire for death, desire to stop existence, and desire to never have existed. Fear, judgement, and punishment. Darkness, emptiness, and nothingness. These are our nightmares in which we attempt to create a false reality. When we live within this false reality that we have created in which we appear separate from you, as if it were possible, all the apparent darkness comes along with this false reality.

When we are children and are awaken by a nightmare, we are assured by our Loving parents that it was just an illusion, same as the troll hiding under our bed to turn us to stone as soon as we are left alone is an illusion within our mind. We as children believe the nightmares to be real and need a Loving parent to assure us otherwise. We transform into adult sized bodies but still hold onto the nightmare from childhood and create new nightmares. We become trapped within our own nightmare and believe ourselves to be apart from you or we worship one aspect of you and idolize that one aspect and call that one aspect of you God and claim we know all of you.

Having never left you, for that would be impossible, you remain patient and assure us that we are safe, and no harm may fall upon us. We get so lost in our nightmares that we find it hard to hear you or feel you or to know that you are there. We get so lost in our nightmares that we start to believe that our pain and suffering are real and are actually happening to us, instead of seeing our "pain" for what it is, which is just a nightmare and when we awake, all pain and suffering will be shown to us for what it is, which is just an illusion of our own making within our mind.

In our stubbornness we refuse to listen to reason and logic which tell us that we are safe and that we are not alone and that we are Loved. Within our nightmare we use logic and reason that aligns with our nightmare, and we refuse to look at any other reason or logic that would contradict our reason and logic remaining trapped within our own nightmare created by the self that we are dreaming is separate from you.

In your infinite patience, you allow us to remain in our nightmare as long as we please all the while holding us and reassuring us that all is ok. Because we are so determined to live within our nightmare and not wake up to you, we force ourselves to dive deeper and deeper into the nightmare until we inevitably end up right back where we started having never gone anywhere.

As we dive deeper into the pain and terror within our nightmare, we are shown the pain and terror for what they are which are part of our nightmare. The more pain and terror we face the more we start to doubt our own nightmares reality. We chase pain, we chase death, and we chase terror. None of which we can ever seem to find no matter how hard we try. Those around us within this nightmare appear to die and we use their apparent death as proof that we too shall die and therefore are most definitely abandoned by you.

We condemn you, we damn you, we hate you, we worship you, we preach about you, we plead with others to believe in you or not to believe in you depending on our own personal belief about you, as if believing in you or not would change your existence or anything about you in anyway whatsoever. Just as a child may not dream of their parents while asleep and therefore may not be aware of their parents' existence while in the dream, which doesn't make their parents vanish into thin air. The child simply isn't dreaming of their parents but when the child awakes, they will still see their parents and know them for who they are. We sin, we make mistakes, and we fall from grace. We fight we each other, we fight with nature, and we fight our universe all in our attempts to make our nightmare real.

Despite our greatest efforts to prove our nightmare real, you remain with us at all times reassuring us forevermore that all is ok and there is nothing to fear. Just as a parent will hold their child during their nightmares, you hold us during ours. In all your Loving grace for us, you will turn our nightmares into peaceful dreams. No nightmare shall remain, and only peaceful dreams shall remain. When we awake to see your face in all its stunning majesty and Love, we will know within that Holy Instant that you never left us and that we were never in any danger. For we were always with you and you with is. We Love you, you are perfect, you are Holy, you are the one and only. We are nothing without you and everything with you. You are the light to our darkness, and you are the darkness leading us back to the light. 

We need not pray for anything since all is provided with excess, for our will is one. You need not our gratitude since you give with or without. We need not pray for grace since your grace is always with us. We need not pray for forgiveness just as a child would have no need to apologize for a dream they had. We need not pray for peace and joy since that is our natural state. We need not pray for Love since Love is all there is. It is only due to our belief in our dreams and nightmares that we believe that we need anything for with you all is well. How much greater is the Love of the source and creator of all there is, than that of figure within a dream. Love and Peace!

Religious Trauma

