
Within my discussions I may appear to take certain “sides” of a discussion, I will appear to have certain beliefs and be appearing to defend them. I make no claim to any immutable beliefs.

My goal is not changing anyone’s beliefs, but to simply help us to look at the origin of them. Show life from a new perspective.

I welcome any and all feedback, disagreements, opinions, viewpoints, and thoughts.

(Index on Bottom of Page)

Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

Dark love

Dark love is the type of love that isn’t discussed enough. When you are born into dark love you believe it to be real Love. You don’t realize and can’t even comprehend that there may be a different kind of Love out there, and maybe one that doesn’t hurt quite so much all the time.
Dark love, black magic, curses, and casting spells are all cut from the same cloth. They are all used as a means of attempting to get rid of internal pain by means of passing it onto another soul whether they be innocent or not.
When a lost soul comes across someone who offers dark love, the lost soul can have a spell rendered onto them. This can also be viewed from an abuser/victim mentality. The spell cast by dark love is enough to blind the victim from all that is real and forces them into a fantismal reality within their own mind in order to cope with the reality of being under the spell of dark love.
While under the spell dark love, the victim will be unable to see anything that illuminates the curse of dark love. The victim will be unable to see the Love of light which has become unseen and unknowable to them.
Dark love cannot replace the Love of light. Darkness can only cast a shadow but the Love of light is always there and never leaves.
Dark Love can have a short lifespan in which case it was just a spell in which was overcome. The curse of dark love comes early in life when a child is shown nothing but a life of dark love and has no means of escaping. That child will grow into an adult with the curse of dark love following them wherever they go.
When a person is cursed from birth to live in dark love, often times they never break free. They continue to live in dark love and live in denial that there could ever be anything better. While continuing to pass their curse to whoever is around them that is willing to take it, even though the pain never leaves.
When living in dark love, death feels like home. When living in the Love of light, life feels like home.
What is dark love? Dark love is an illusion of the Love of light. Dark love is a lie. Dark love is not real. Dark love is when someone uses your love against you. Dark love is when someone lies about loving you in order to gain something from you. Dark love is mean and abusive.
Dark love is not real, it doesn’t exist. The only place it exists is within the mind of the victim. Dark love cannot be seen by anyone else because of the fact that it can only be seen within the mind of the victim. The victim wants to be Loved so desperately that they are willing to believe an illusion of Love instead of looking for the Love of light.
Very often everyone around the victim of the spell caster of the dark love will say they have no idea what the victim sees in their abuser. That answer is the victim see love because that is what they want to see and that is what the spell caster wants them to see. The victim simply doesn’t realize that they only see an illusion of the Love of light.
What is the Love of light? It is a Love that exists beyond the mind of the victim. It is a Love that can be witnessed both subjectively and objectively. It is a Love that is safe and comforting and asks nothing in return. Love of light cannot be spoken or explained, it can only be felt. Love of light spreads and infects. Whereas dark love only infects and destroys the victim.
Love of light can be felt, not physically or mentally but with every fiber of your being. Love of light can be experienced. Love of light lights up a room and makes everyone who is around it feel warm and peaceful. Love of light has no cares or worries. Love of light cannot be made, it just is. Whereas dark love it a fantasy sold to those who are in search of the Love of light.
If you have been cursed by dark love, it is not your fault. You did nothing wrong and did nothing to deserve the curse. The curse was placed upon you by someone other than yourself. If you are under the spell of dark love, it can be broken. You can break free and you can find the Love of light. Peace and Love!
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

I Don’t Need Your…

I don’t need your validation. 
I validate myself.
I don’t need you to rescue me or save me. 
I am not lost or in need of saving.
I don’t need your attention.
I can pay attention to myself.
I don’t need your affection. 
I can give myself affection.
I don’t need your sympathy.
there is nothing wrong with me.
I don’t need your time. 
I have plenty to give to myself.
I don’t need your praise or compliments. 
I can praise and compliment myself.
I don’t need your encouragement. 
I can encourage myself.
I don’t need your insecuritie.;
I am secure with myself and have no need for yours.
I don’t need your judgement. 
I have my own understanding.
I don’t need you suppressing me. 
Nothing can hide the light within the mountain.
I don’t need your forgiveness. 
Love requires none.
I don’t need your permission. 
I am a free spirit who is capable of overcoming every obstacle that comes my way.
I don’t need you to be my obstacle. 
Rocks have no obstacles.
I don’t need your body. 
I have my own.
I don’t need you to tell me what’s wrong with my body or what to do with my body. 
It is MY body!
I can no longer be hurt by you. 
That person is dead and all that is left is Life itself.
I don’t need your religion or your gods. 
I don’t need your dark love. 
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

I Am Life Itself

I am life itself
I am only responsible for the part of life that is considered “mine”
I exist so that life may experience itself through me
Life doesn’t need to explain itself to anyone
All life is equal
All forms of life are small pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of life. Life isn’t whole with any pieces missing.
Life is neutral, only I can decide to see it as negative or positive.
Life gave birth to me so that I may give birth to life.
I am life itself
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

Life Itself

I am life itself. I have been every life, since I am life itself. I will be every life, since I am life itself. You are me; I am you, and we are life itself. Animals are life itself, insects are life itself, plants and fungi are life itself, sea life is life itself, the earth is life itself, the universe is life itself, everything is life itself.
I don’t need to seek life out for I am life itself. I can’t waste this life since I am life itself. I can’t mess up this life since I am life itself. I don’t need to try to live this life for I am life itself. I can’t die since I am life itself. I can’t do anything wrong or sinful since I am life itself and life itself cannot be wrong or sinful.
Anything we do to another life form we do to ourselves. We are all life itself disguised as separate identities and personalities.
I am life itself and in order to differentiate this form of life from other forms of life, I have labels as a means of identification. When I forget that I am life itself and identity myself with one of my labels I tend to experience confusion and stress. Identifying with any of my labels takes life itself and turns it into that tiny label.
Whatever view we hold of life, we hold of ourselves, being that we are life itself. If we hate life, we hate ourselves. If we Love life, we Love ourselves. Everything is life itself. Life is life playing with itself.
Know what you have in common with every single person who has ever lived? You have lived too. There is no one in existence who has lived life itself better or worse than you, we are all life itself.
You are no different from Jesus, Hitler, Buddha, Ted Bundy, or Princess Diana. You are life itself just as everyone else is.
Earth is the Garden of Eden and we never left, look around and ignore all of the man made things and you will see the garden exactly as it is described within the holy Bible.
“Enlightenment” is not only identifying as life itself but also seeing all as life itself. Identifying as anything less than is living in duality or separation or the fall from grace. It’s impossible to not be life since all is life.
When a life form commits “suicide” the life within simply moves on to a new form. Life is continuously moving, changing, evolving, and growing. We (life) go into a body the same as life goes to a flower. The body that we (life) are in eventually withers and dies just as the flower does. Life moves on to new forms.
The “you” that is scared of dying is not real since life cannot die. The “you” that thinks that you don’t matter is not real. All life matters. Since all is life, life knows all.
I am telling you that you don’t need to do anything, you can’t do anything wrong, you are perfect, you don’t need to try, and you are exactly the same as all “other” life forms. Life wants nothing from you, you are life itself. Life can never be wrong. Listen to my words or don’t. Believe them or don’t. Doesn’t matter, you’re just life looking at life and “you” don’t need to believe it for it to be true.
“Steve” has all sorts of problems and miseries. Life itself has no problems or miseries. I am life itself, I am not a name or a gender or a color or an age or a human or a thought. I am life itself and so are you and so are they and so are we.
This site is for all life. This site is for me, for you, and for us. I (life itself) was never born and can never die just as the real you (life itself) was never born and can never die. “Steve” was born when the name was applied and “Steve” will die when the name is no longer spoken in remembrance of that life form.
Peace and Love to all life everywhere and in all places in all times.
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

I Am Not A Thought

Don’t let me be a thought in your mind.
I am not a thought, I am here.
Me as a thought is only but a push or a pull of your energy.
Let go of the thought of me and be free.
I am not a thought, I am the fruition of life.
I am the constant dissolution from one moment blending into another.
Don’t think of me just to feel something. Forget me and feel what’s happening now.
I am not a thought, even though you thought I was.
I am…
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