You Don’t Owe Anyone Anything

You have one purpose in this world. There is only one reason why you were born into this world. Your only goal in life is to be the Love that you already are. If anyone stands in the way of that or prevents you from being pure Love and joy, there is no universal law that forces you to have them in your life. You don't owe anyone anything except yourself. That's not to say that you need to seek out revenge for wrongdoing against you or cling to grievances and grudges. Forgive others of their ignorance and move on with your life. Your allowed to walk away from people and if they try to make you believe otherwise, they are trying to control you, manipulate you, or are using you for something. They are trying to strip you of your free will. 
If your family is not there for you when you need them, and they don't respect you or treat you with kindness you are allowed to walk away. You don't owe them anything. Your parents brought you into this world, it is their job to take care of you, to Love you, to be there for you, and to support you. If your parents are emotionally immature or unavailable, it is their job to work through their issues on their own. You are not their therapist or healer. Your only job when it comes to your parents is to be their child, even if you're an adult, you are their child and that is your only job. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born into families with good parents. Often, we are born into families with intergenerational traumas and negative behaviors. Your only job is to heal your trauma and work on yourself, it is not your job to "fix" your ancestors' problems. If you were born into this life with good parents who Love and respect you and you want to return that Love to them there is nothing wrong with that, but you don't owe them anything.
If you have "friends" who only remind you of the negative aspects of yourself or constantly shame you, those aren't your friends. If your "friends" always seem to bring up all your mistakes and inadequacies, they are not your friends. If your "friends" make you feel worse about yourself instead of better, they are not your friends. A true friend Loves you, supports you, encourages you, builds you up, gives you positive affirmations, and only reminds you of all the good things about yourself. A true friend respects your boundaries. A true friend doesn't doubt you and only wants the best for you. A true friend only longs for your happiness and doesn't require anything from you, they simply enjoy your presence. 
Committed relationships such as spouses, partners, and girlfriends/boyfriends are about equal Love, support, and encouragement. A healthy committed relationship is two people who are there for each other, who are helping each other, who make each other's life's better. They are partners who help each other and not hinder each other. A healthy relationship is not one sided. A healthy relationship is give and take on both sides, it is compromise and communication on both sides. A healthy relationship is not all about one person while the other person does everything and gives up themselves and their own desires. A healthy relationship is not a dictatorship or a prison. 
If you were born into a set of beliefs and were told what to believe and were never allowed to question those beliefs, you are allowed to have beliefs of your own. You are allowed to question those beliefs. You are allowed to believe what is right for you. Beliefs are not universal; beliefs are as individual as each person. Maybe the belief system you were taught is right for you, and you question it and find yourself right back where you started, no harm no foul. Maybe the belief system you were taught isn't quite right for you, maybe it just doesn't seem to feel right. Maybe there is something missing, maybe there are parts that could be removed. You will never know if you don't allow yourself to even look at them. 
You don't owe anyone your beliefs. Your beliefs are exactly that, yours, they aren't anyone else's, you have to live with them every day of your life, wouldn't it be better to have beliefs that you actually like, beliefs that bring you peace and comfort instead of shame and fear. Anyone who tries to tell you what you "have to" believe is trying to control you. You are allowed to believe anything you want; you get to decide what is right for you. Your intuition knows the truth so there is no need to concern yourself with "right" or "wrong" beliefs, simply allow yourself to look at them.  
Don't allow the fear of being alone dictate who you allow into your life. It is far better to be alone than to be around people who cause you to feel alone. Love doesn't hurt, Love is safe, and Love does not try to control. If someone is hurting you, that is not Love. If you don't feel safe with someone, that is not Love. If someone is trying to control you, that is not Love. If you feel like you have done everything you can for someone and you just never seem to be good enough for them, you will never feel like you are good enough for them no matter how hard you try or what you do. You can't change anyone and if someone doesn't accept you exactly as you are, they never will, you don't owe them anything.
If you made a vow or a promise to someone to always stay by their side and never leave them and they don't respect you and honor you, they are not holding up their end of that vow or promise. You can't break a vow or promise when they already broke it. You are allowed to walk away; you don't owe anyone anything. The truth is, you know deep down in your heart whether or not someone is with you or against you. It is only fear that stands in the way of you walking away. The fear that you owe them something and you will be breaking that by walking away. You don't owe anyone anything! Love and Peace!

Focus On Yourself


Eating Disorder