Why Does God Allow Evil?

It is a well-known fact that animals raised in captivity, can't survive in the wild. Just do a web search about this topic and you'll find plenty of articles. Animals learn how to survive from watching their parents, same as humans. Animals learn by watching and then doing it themselves, watch any nature program on tv and you'll see plenty of examples of parents teaching their offspring how to survive. When an animal is raised in captivity, the animal doesn't learn how to survive. The animal has no idea how to find food, since food has always just magically appeared in front of the animal it's entire life. When the animal gets released to the wild, it will most likely just sit there waiting for food to magically appear until the animal dies from starvation. The animal has no concept of how to get its own food.
We humans are the same as animals, we are taught by our parents how to survive. If our parents don't do a great job teaching us how to survive, we may end up a hot mess. If our parents do a great job of teaching us how to survive, we usually thrive. The best parents, show their children how to do something and then let them try to do it themselves. The parent lets their child fail and keep failing until they get it right themselves. That is how every single one of us learns how to walk, we fall and fall and fall until eventually we just stop falling (for the most part) and just walk. It is only by doing something ourselves that we can learn how to do something. If a parent always does everything for their child and never lets their child do anything themselves, that child grows up to become an adult who has no idea how to function in this world. I'm sure we all know someone personally who is completely incapable of taking care of themselves and seems to be incompetent with everything they touch. It's not their fault, they aren't incompetent or dumb, they just didn't have a parent that taught them how to survive very well.
I'm willing to bet most everyone reading this has heard the proverb "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." We are more likely to help someone in need if they are already helping themselves. A hypothetical: there are two panhandlers on the street corner and one of them is standing there just holding a sign, and the other is playing an instrument, the majority of us will give money to the person playing the instrument. We all know that the person holding the sign isn't doing anything to improve their own situation, so why would we want to help someone who won't even help themselves? The person playing the instrument, is making an effort to improve their life and situation, we know that if we give money to that person, they are more likely to use it to further improve their own situation, therefore the money going to the person making an effort has more of an investing potential. The person doing nothing, has a very small chance of being a good financial investment on their future, they are more likely to waste the money and be back looking for more money tomorrow. 
If we have a problem in our lives, "other" people can only give us advice and show us examples on how to do things, but no one can solve our problems for us. You are the only person in existence who can solve your problems. Doctors don't heal you; they heal the symptoms of underlying issues and give you advice on how to heal yourself, most of us just ignore what the doctors tell us and remain sick. Someone gets cancer, doctor helps to heal the cancer but tells them to stop smoking and eat healthier, maybe exercise a little or the cancer will come back. The person does not quit smoking, they do not eat healthier or exercise and then are flabbergasted when the cancer comes back. The doctor can only tell you what to do, it's up to you to do it. Physical trainers teach you how to train to lose weight or get into better shape, you have to actually do the training, if you just sit there and watch them train, you'll never lose any weight or get into better shape. These were just a couple of examples, but this applies to all areas of our lives.
Any problem that you have is up to you to solve. "Others" can teach, show, guide, walk beside, and hold your hand. "Others" cannot reach inside of you and change you and even if they did, it wouldn't solve your problem anyways, your problems would just come right back since you didn't learn how to solve them yourself. If you have a problem with your mental health, find a mental health professional and they will give you the tools to heal your mental health, but they can't make it any better, you are the one doing that when you put in the work. If your physically sick, go to the doctor, ask the doctor his opinion about your situation and if there might be anything you could do to improve your health, any doctor would Love to have a patient who wants to listen to their expert advice instead of aunt Blahsay on Facebook. There is nothing you can't overcome if you put the work in. All putting the work in means is trying. Just do your best, that is all you can ever do. It'll get better, it'll be ok.
Why are so many of us waiting for God to solve our problems for us? Why do we think that God would want to constantly solve our problems for all of eternity? Wouldn't it make more sense if God left us alone to solve our own problems while God watches over us to keep us safe while we're learning. Similar to how parents make sure there's no sharp objects around when their child is learning how to walk. The parent stays close by to keep the child safe but allows the child to fall down and possibly get hurt, so the child may learn to pick themselves back up and try again. So why would we expect God to come in and do everything for us instead of letting us learn ourselves? We wouldn't be walking if we never did it ourselves.
"Why does God allow evil?" This question has been asked many times over by all sorts of people with all sorts of beliefs. The cold hard truth is, he allows everything to happen exactly as it does, and he doesn't interfere because that is the only way we will learn. If God was always stepping in to stop the evil of the world, we would be destined to live eternity coming close to evil and God constantly stopping it, an endless cycle of misery and suffering. Humans will learn peace, humans will learn Love, humans will learn acceptance, and humans will find heaven. This can only happen by humans first learning about war, hate, rejection, and hell. You can't have peace without first having war. God didn't abandon us, God isn't dead, God is simply watching us and keeping us safe, and he is doing such a good job of it that we don't even know he's there. God speaks to us and through us all. I Love You and Peace Be With You!


