
Originally Published 02-20-2023

Anger shows you what you are clinging to, whether it be an idea or a belief. Fear shows you what you are trying to control that is out of your control. Sadness shows you what part of you is craving Love and attention. Guilt shows you the part of yourself that could use some compassion and understanding. Joy shows you that all is well. Love shows you who you are.
Emotions are not our enemy, they are not something to be fought, feared, and fled. Our emotions are not trying to torture us, they are our support system, our guides, our navigators, our interpreters. Each emotion that shows up is there to help us, they are there to show us something, and emotions are here to help us heal. We all have emotional wounds that need to be healed and our emotions are showing us where to put the band aid. When we cut our hand it bleeds, it’s our body’s way of showing us what is in need of a band aid. Think of emotions as the blood of our mind. We have an emotional cut inside of us and we can’t see it, so how do we know where to put the band aid? We know because our emotions tell us where to put it. If we realize our emotions are there to help us, we proceed to learn how to listen to them and put the band aids where they tell us to.
So how do we put a band aid on an emotional wound? By doing what that emotion is asking for. Let go of the thing that is causing the anger. Stop trying to control things out of your control when fear shows up. When sadness comes knocking simply welcome it in and be with it, Love it, cherish it, and hold it. Sadness just wants to be Loved. Forgive the part that feels the guilt, it’s ok to feel guilty, you didn’t do anything wrong, just forgive yourself, it’s ok. 
The more you treat all your emotions equally as friends the more you will see your friend joy. Joy doesn’t make many appearances for so many of us. We’re too busy trying to fight off all of our other emotions while frantically searching for our long lost friend joy. Joy only comes around when all is well, when we are emotionally healthy. Joy’s only job is to let us know there’s nothing we need to do at this time, nothing is in need of attention, and nothing is in need of first aid, all is well. Joy isn’t something to seek and it isn’t something to cling to like your life depends on it, joy is the Sabbath, it’s the time where you can relax and be yourself and not worry about your healing process.
When you become friends with your emotions it opens the door to Love. We often can’t find Love inside of us, it’s not because Love isn’t there, it’s simply because we’re too busy being at war with ourselves to notice it’s silent endless presence. Love has always been within us, we are Love. When we see Love, we see who we are, and all is well. Love and peace!

That Which Cannot Be Named

