Be Kind

Be kind. It costs nothing to be kind and its value is beyond that of all the gold and silver. Kindness is forgiveness, kindness is charity, and kindness is a gift for everyone. Kindness is contagious and kindness spreads. Kindness is joyous for both the giver and the receiver. Kindness is blind and kindness doesn't care who gives or who receives it. Kindness can come at any time to anyone and from anyone. We all have kindness within as kindness is our natural state.

What good does it do to be mean to another? Meanness is an attempt at creating chaos and appearing to drain the energy of all involved. Meanness divides, meanness separates, and meanness creates loneliness. Meanness is never necessary and always uncalled for.

Be kind to yourself and "others". Be kind to life and to death. Be kind to fear, sorrow, anger, joy, grief, desires, dreams, and thoughts. Be kind to love and to hate. Be kind to friends and to enemies. Be kind to the mistakes in the world we made. Be kind to nature and our planet that we call home. Be kind to the universe. Just be kind.

Hurt people, hurt people. Meanness is a result of pain. Being kind to the meanness heals the pain hidden underneath. Being kind to the pain eliminates the pain all together. Pain is simply a call for Love from a dream of separation. Kindness awakens us from our dreams of pain and separation to the reality of what is. We can never be alone therefor there can never be pain. Pain is only pain when we think we are alone and separate. 

A hug from a close friend or family member will take that pain away. Crying on someone's shoulder will take that pain will. In an effort to prove pain real, we attempt to isolate ourselves in order to keep our pain. We convince ourselves that we are alone and in pain. Reality is we are always surrounded by Love and kindness we just don't want to look at it because we know it will shatter all the illusions we have made within our minds about our reality. Love and Peace!

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