
What has not yet been proven nor disproven remains real and unreal simultaneously. Nothing can be real until proven so and nothing can be unreal unless proven so. For something to be proven everyone would have to agree, even then something could only be real because everyone wants to believe it's real whether or not there is any evidence. Blind faith is the belief that something is real despite any and all evidence to the contrary. The belief that something is real does not make it real. The belief that something is not real would not make the real thing disappear.
Unicorns, bigfoot, ghosts, spirits, angels, demons, dragons, fairies, and any and all other mythical beings are real until proven unreal. They are also unreal until proven real. Does it matter which way we see it? Since they are both real and unreal we can decide to see them as real and if they are proven unreal, we had some fun anyways and no harm was done. We can also decide to see them as unreal and live a very fulfilling life.
I wander the enchanted Midwest forests looking for dragons or bigfoots. Occasionally stopping off at the cemetery after dark to commune with those who are unbodied. Have a lazy afternoon swinging in the hammock listening to chill music while the wind dances with me. I climb some trees and hang around way up high like our very early ancestors did.

I hike and I stop along the way to hang out and commune with whatever wildlife decides to show up and pay a visit. I hug the trees, sing with the birds, and play with the insects. Explore remote or abandoned places, hang out on the beach, and do some meditation from time to time with the Great Spirit. Go to my angels and guardians for guidance. I get my feet and hands dirty and have an active imagination and sense of wonder.

I Love finding the biggest and best playgrounds around. I go kayaking or camping and also ride bikes on occasion. I don't mind being spontaneous and going on impromptu adventures. I sail the high seas as a pirate or sneak around undetected as a ninja. I can be a princess on a castle with my dragon or I can be Robin hood who helps the poor. I can be an explorer like Indiana Jones or a pilot like Amelia. I can walk on other planets and meet extraterrestrials. I don't let fear dictate my life and I have pockets full of rocks. I am a kid at heart who still Loves to watch the clouds roll by and see what they turn into. I finish my days being told a goodnight story by the stars.
Why is it considered crazy or insane to believe that something is real that has not been proven real or unreal. Why is it so taboo for us to use our imagination? Why are so many of us afraid of our imagination? 

We can choose to decide to not believe in the mysterious, the miraculous, or the mystical since they have not been proven real. Or we can decide to believe in them since they have not been proven unreal. Believe in what you want to. Love and Peace!

The Ragdoll


Lose Yourself