Ten Rules Of Love

The first rule of love is to love God. The second rule of love is to love your family despite how unsafe they may be to your wellbeing. The third rule of love is you cannot feel romantic love for more than one person at a time. The fourth rule of love is you are not allowed to love someone who doesn't reciprocate that love. The fifth rule of love is you absolutely cannot tell someone that you love them on a first date or upon first meeting someone. The sixth rule of love is that only certain people are deserving of it as long as they have the same set of beliefs. The seventh rule of love is it's "immoral" to feel romantic or sexual Love towards someone of the same gender or sometimes different ethnicity. The eighth rule of love is that love can be given and taken on a whim and be used as reward and punishment. The ninth rule of love is that love can and will be used as a weapon. The tenth rule of love is that love is transactional.

These are simply ten rules out of thousands upon thousands of rules concerning love. This is the type of love that we made, this is not real Love but only a concept of love that we made in an attempt at replacing Love with a love of our making. This love we made came about due to believing that we are separate from everything. As if we are somehow outside of the universe looking into it. Since we believe that we are separated and alone and don't want to be alone, we made the love of this world which is only a very faint dimmer of true Love's majesty.

The love we made that does not exist also has hate permentaly attached to it, they go with each other and cannot be separated. Within the love that we made we can chase love but are always running from hate or we can chase hate and are always running from love. If we go far enough into the love that we made it will lead us to hate. If we go far enough into hate, it will lead us back to love. If we go beyond the love that we made and the hate that comes permentally attached, we are able to see Love in it's true form. Unaltered by our ideas of it, unchanged by our thoughts about it, unfazed by our belief or disbelief in it, and Holy Eternal. How can we hate when we know not love?

True Love's beauty can only be seen by looking past the love that we made. We let go of love and hate and walk into the perceived abyss, only to realize we gave up nothing. True Love has no opposite, true Love has no enemy, and true Love is endless and ceaseless. True Love doesn't judge or condemn, true Love doesn't forgive since true Love sees nothing which needs to be forgiven, and true Love accepts all. True Love has no opposite since true Love never ceases. We simply use the form of one individual as our "proof" that the love that we made can and will end and therefore hate will inevitably have to make an appearance. When we go beyond the perceived forms in which we see ourselves as separate beings and we Love everything equally without question, without doubt, and without unwavering conviction. We see Love in it's truest purest form. True Love is indescribable and unimaginable to anyone who believes in the "love" that we made.

Love doesn't care if you love it back. Love doesn't care if you ever think about it or if you believe in it. Love doesn't care if you have hate in your heart, Love sees hate for what it is, which is nothing. Love doesn't care if you ignore it, or try to suppress it, or seem to be fearful of it. Love just Loves endlessly, quietly, peacefully, gracefully, and without ever needing anything in return. Everyone is worthy of Love, everyone is deserving of Love, everyone has Love, and everyone is Love. Love is all there is, and we don't even need to look for it. All we need do is stop trying to prove to ourselves otherwise. When we choose to "find" Love, we simply make the choice to let go of the love and hate that we made in an attempt to replace what we thought we had lost.

We are Loved, we are Love itself, everything is Love, Love is all there is. When we allow ourselves to see true Love we cannot deny it's majesty and truth. The love and hate that we made need to be defended in order to keep them "real" in our minds. When we feel the need to defend love or hate, we know that we are believing in a figment of our imagination which will always result in fear. When we exist within the center of Love we feel nothing but joyous peace. Love and Peace!

Be Kind


Desire 2