
Within my discussions I may appear to take certain “sides” of a discussion, I will appear to have certain beliefs and be appearing to defend them. I make no claim to any immutable beliefs.

My goal is not changing anyone’s beliefs, but to simply help us to look at the origin of them. Show life from a new perspective.

I welcome any and all feedback, disagreements, opinions, viewpoints, and thoughts.

(Index on Bottom of Page)

Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

Safety & Security

We humans have this incessant need to tell others our beliefs in order to justify them. Having a human nature, we all have beliefs about all sorts of things. God, life, creation, existence, politics, religion, and so on. Instead of truly looking at our beliefs and why those beliefs are even there, we feel this need to tell everyone else our opinions and beliefs about everything in order to try to justify them and have them make sense. Humans are filled with all sorts of beliefs, some of which don't serve us anymore, and yet we cling to every belief we have ever held. As a child we believed the adults that raised us knew everything and for most of us a time came when we realized that those adults most definitely did not know everything. That belief changed based on the new information given. 

There are humans who try to control and manipulate society through politics, religion, or wealth for their own personal gain. Those people also do everything within their power to limit knowledge, books, educations, wisdom, or really any mental growth whatsoever. The only way a belief can change is to allow more knowledge or wisdom to come into the personal mind. If I were a dictator who was trying to take over a country for my own gain, the first thing I would do is destroy any chance of anyone learning what I was doing. I would do this by burning books and dismantling the education system. A dictator is only a dictator if the people they are dictating can't see that they are in fact being dictated. Once a person under a dictatorship LEARNS that they are in fact being dictated, they tend to not like being dictated and tend to fight back which is not good for the dictator. People that follow a dictator are not evil, they simply don't see that they are being dictated.

We go on dates and the goal of the date is often to find out the other persons beliefs in order to know if you would get along with each other. It is truly remarkable how many potentially beautiful relationships we pass up since we can't get over the other persons beliefs. A person's beliefs are not who they are, it is just a small part of them and can change at any given moment sometimes for no reason whatsoever. How many times have we heard, "'my spouse has always believed ____, and now they believe ____, now we're getting a divorce" when absolutely nothing else changed. They are still the same person they just changed a belief. We are so willing to give up 30 years of our lives simply because someone doesn't believe the same way we do anymore.

Since we rarely look at our beliefs and why they are there, we fail to let go of old ones that don't serve us anymore and we also try to justify the ones that don't make any sense. We do this by finding other people with the same belief as we have in order to solidify our own belief. When we come across someone who has a different belief, we instinctually try to change theirs to match our own. We can visually see this play out in a lot in religions, but we do it with most of our beliefs. If we are holding on to a week belief that we don't pay much attention to, someone else is able to change that belief fairly easily. We fight over our beliefs, we pick "sides", and we treat people less than garbage over beliefs. What is war, but for two opposing beliefs going all out to defend their own beliefs. There is no "good vs bad" or "right vs wrong" there is only a difference in beliefs.

When we share our beliefs with the world and everyone in it, we open ourselves up to all sorts of nonsense. People will try to change them, people will try to use them against us, and people will try to judge and condemn. We learn to hide some of our beliefs since we know that society would look down on them. We shout to anyone who will listen the beliefs that we think people will like. Take a minute to truly look around the world and all of the humans in it. 100% of humanities "problems" come from beliefs. Any differences that we have with each other are simply a difference in beliefs. This is not to say that no one should have any beliefs or that we should be ashamed of them or try to suppress them, but to simply look at them and ask ourselves why they are there and if they still need to be there or if they can be updated, changed, or gotten rid of completely. 

The only reason we care about what anyone else believes is because we are insecure in our own beliefs. When we are secure in our beliefs, we are willing to look at any beliefs that show up and let them go if they no longer serve us and we are also willing to allow in more information as to form new beliefs. When we are secure in our beliefs, we have no need whatsoever to defend them, since we know why they are there and that they serve a purpose. We have no need to convert anyone to our own beliefs. We have no need to fight with anyone about our own beliefs or even theirs. I'm going to restate this since so many of us fail to see this, if a person holds a belief that harms them or others, they are not evil, they are simply lacking the information that would allow for them to see the harm they are doing. More often than not, these same people who are lacking the information that would lead to their liberation are too afraid of information to actually look at it, since they are fully aware that the new information would blow a giant hole in their beliefs, and they don't think they can handle it. The beliefs we refuse to let go of are the same beliefs that cause us to become afraid of our own liberation.

Personal beliefs are just that, personal. It is no one's business what anyone else believes. In order for the human to have the basic need of safety and security we simply let go of the need to share our beliefs with anyone will listen. How is it possible to feel safe and secure when our own beliefs, which are the core of our individual self, and the core of our personality are constantly under attack? In the post Basic Human Rights, we discussed food, water, and shelter which most definitely can help us feel more safe and secure but true safety and security come from knowing who we are at our core. We can only know ourselves when we stop allowing all of the external circumstances to change our beliefs on a whim. We share our bodies with the world, we share our time with the world, and we share things with the world. We also share our thoughts, opinions, and beliefs leaving nothing for ourselves, leaving us feeling hollow and empty. We sure don't feel safe, we sure don't feel secure. We subconsciously dread every new person we encounter simply because they might have different beliefs and might try to convert mine.

It is perfectly healthy and normal to keep our own personal beliefs to ourselves. We don't ever owe anyone that part of ourselves. If our beliefs were meant to be for everyone, creation would have put words above our heads as we were thinking for everyone to see. Creation gave us a safe and secure space in this universe, and it's called our body. Our personal mind is what is meant for the individual. What is inside of our bodies is meant for us, the internal individual person, not the external world of forms. So many of us are trapped in the personal mind because we are too busy defending our beliefs and have therefore created a wall around our mind in order to protect our beliefs, when all we need do is stop sharing our personal mind with everyone. It really is that simple.

When we stop living in the personal mind, we become open to the universal mind or the collective unconscious as Carl Jung called it. All personal minds are connected and create a universal mind. The universal mind can see all. When living within the personal mind, the idea of there being a universal mind where people can know your thoughts is terrifying. We can think some pretty fucked up shit, we don't want people knowing what is really going on in there. The personal mind believes in judgement and condemnation and therefor is afraid. The universal mind has no knowledge of judgement or condemnation. The universal mind is aware that the personal mind believes in judgement and condemnation, but the universal mind sees them for what they are which are illusions. Figments of our imagination. We made them up. Love and Peace!
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

Be Weird

I, as an individual, am only aware of my personal experience and perspective. I can never know what it is like to live someone else's experience since I cannot live as someone else. I can never know what it is like to be someone else or why the hell they do the weird ass things they do. Most people appear to be weird and strange to me simply because I can't understand why they do what they do. Society as a whole is weird and confusing to me, filled with a bunch of made-up rules that only some people choose to follow. People lying to each other and themselves. People hiding who they are or being ashamed of who they are. People pretending to be someone they are not. People chasing fame and power when everything ends in this world. 

People being stressed about invisible digital made up numbers in a bank account and wanting to have a bigger number than other people. People wanting to have more possessions than other people. People putting their most basic desires over the lives of other people. The weird fascination people have with putting literally everything (including other people) in cages. A hard pill for many to swallow is the fact that no being belongs in a cage. They way people try to manipulate and control each other for personal gain instead of just asking nicely for what they want.

I understand that because most people believe that "death" and all these other invisible nonexistent things are real, that is why they do what they do and act the way they act. I understand that people think they are their body which is what leads to a lot of actions that are taken in this world. I understand that every single person who has ever lived has had their very own, one-of-a-kind, personal experience and perspective of this world. I understand that every single person knows their personal experience better than anyone ever could, so I just trust them knowing they know what they are doing even if they appear to be insane to me. That begs the question, why are so many people afraid of "autism" and being insane or having a mental handicap of some sort? It is simply a different individualized experience, nothing more and nothing less.

I do not understand most people I encounter. Most people are weird to me but that is only because I consider my experience as normal. When I see myself as being just as weird as everyone else, then we're all weird together. I know that in the eyes of the world and other people that I am weird as hell, and I embrace that whole heartedly. Being weird means being authentic and true to myself, it means not giving into societal pressures to be someone I am not. Being weird means I don't have to give a shit what anyone thinks about me. What's weird is trying to be "normal", there is no such thing as normal. Be your weird ass self every minute of every day! Be as weird as you want to be, you can even make it a game. Just how weird can you be?

Kids are weird, we can all agree to that. Kids do weird ass shit, like eating mud and putting frogs in their pockets. We were all kids at one time, and we were all weird at one time. We simply "grew up" and are kids pretending to be adults who are "normal" but in reality, our inner child is dying for the chance to just be weird again. Let your inner child out and be weird. Stop trying to be "normal" there is no such thing. Just be you and you are weird. Weird is beautiful and unique. We are all children playing pretend, this is not a metaphor, this is a literal statement.

Imagine only having one song ever written and just slight variations one the one song but never any other songs. Someone tries to come up with a new song and we all say it's too weird and we don't like it, so we just stick with the one song forever. Imagine having only one piece of art and never any other art because it's too weird. We see that as absurd because we all Love different style of music and art, we all have different tastes. We like variety since variety is the spice of life. Yet we have attempted to create an illusionary idea of a perfect human and that is meant to be normal, and we are all meant to be that one version of a nonexistent "perfect" human and if we are anything other, we are considered weird and are rejected from society. We are a bunch of people trying to be one song. I say screw that, I am a beautiful and unique song, and I don't give a shit if anyone else likes my song or not because I Love it. Love your life, Love your song, Love your art, Love your weird, Love your self. 

Our personal experience is our gift from the Universe, God, or Source, however you see it doesn't matter. We can't save our experience, we can't give away our experience, we can't run away from our experience, and we can't ignore our experience. Our conscious experience is all we have, everything else fades away. Enjoy your experience for it is your gift! We are all free to choose to experience pain and suffering, but that is our choice that we make ourselves, there is no one to blame but Self. This experience is a precious gift! Peace and Love my friend!
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

Our Parent

I am a holy innocent child of God and I am part of the whole sonship. God as our parent has the responsibility to take care of us, to nurture us, the protect us, and to Love us.

God is a giving parent who longs for nothing but our pleasure. We as the children of God, bring our parent God pleasure by accepting God’s gifts for us that is being given to us at all times. We as the children have no job when it comes to our parent God. God as our parent is who has the job of taking care of us. The parent is always the parent and the child is always the child. God will always be our parent and we will always be children of God.
Jesus came to share the good news that we are all children of God. Those of us who appear different are children of God. Those of us who are “evil”, are children of God. Those of us who are parent less in this world are children of God. Those of us who are in a different religion are children of God.
We are all children of God for if anyone of us can be forsaken then the same fate can apply to everyone. As God’s children we cannot be forsaken. We are all siblings in Christ and God is our parent. Self-realization is the realization that the self is a child of God, and the “ego” is the belief that the self is not a child of God.
Therefore the “ego” believing that it is somehow adopted into the universe and is not a child of God seeks out Love. Love is the innate desire within us that comes from the believe that we are not Loved. The illusion that we are not Loved by our parent God and we will be thrown away at any given moment (thrown into hell). In truth hell is the state of mind that believes it is not a child of God and needs to “earn” the Love of God.
We know the truth, we know we are children of God. We like to pretend we aren’t so we made the “ego” as the ultimate form of self-deception. Going as deep as we can into self-deception there is nowhere left to go but into self-realization. We can only deceive ourselves for so long, eventually we will all come back to self-realization of the Christ consciousness within, the knowing that we are children of God and as God’s children, we need do nothing, it is not our job to do anything, as our parent, it is God’s job to do everything.
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

The Feline In Me

I have lived countless lives just within this earth suit that I have been wearing since 1984. The human mind sees "'me" as being the person or persona who is the earth suit. The earth suit itself changes constantly and we can see blatant examples all around us that we are not the same person because the body always changes and appears to die. We are not the same person we were when we were a baby, it simply isn't possible. A tiny baby has a completely different experience of the world than an adult. A baby and an adult are not the same. If we got into a time machine and went back in time and held ourselves as a baby, we still wouldn't be the same person. One will always be a baby and the other will always be an adult. 

I have memories pertaining to lives within other earthly forms with one of them being human and the other being feline. I have knowledge of a life within another star system. I have inner wisdom that says all life is the same and every "individual" is life coming from source. There is no me since there can be no me without everything considered other. I am an illusion, I am a combination of thoughts, patterns, quirks, beliefs, and behaviors. I am an illusion in the same way that purple isn't a real color or the fact that the sky isn't actually blue. When the Moon is at the horizon, it appears to be much larger than it does when it is high in the sky. Yet when the Moon is photographed at various points across the sky, all the images on the negatives are the same size. The page I linked is a great source of information about illusions.

I am an illusion! Ahhhh, that used to be scary to me, not sure why. When I was trying to holding onto "my" self, I could never seem to do anything right, I always seemed to fuck everything up. I wasn't really enjoying being "this" self that I just happened to be born into. I don't remember being asked to be conceived by my parents and yet here I am, or so I thought. I did not like the self that I was, so I had a spiritual awakening and became a different self, a whole new person, yay!.. or so I thought. The "new" me was 1000% better than the "old" me and yet I was still not happy, sure I had found my inner peace and whatnot but where was all this fucking joy everyone promises? I sure as shit couldn't find it no matter how hard I tried or how much shit I let go of. I forced "my" self to go as far as I could into "my" self that I was claiming as my own and therefor was identifying with. Turns out, there is no self, I (ego) am just a fucking illusion.

Now the question became what do "I" do with this information and the instant realization that there is no me in which to do anything. Since I am an illusion, there is no me that need to do anything, there is no me who can make any mistakes, there is no me who can sin, and there is no me for anything to be wrong with. "I" is an illusion. The real I within all of us, is the real self, the real self of all of us, that is made up of the combination all of us and therefor can live within any form within the self. We are all one self. Since "I" am an illusion just the same as all of "you" are an illusion and most of "you" believe that "you" are in fact "you" and that "I" am in fact "me" the "I" that "I" am gets to be whoever the hell "I" want to be and the world will believe it, since we are all one self. Love and Peace "other" selves!
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

All Out

I came into this world perfectly content and at peace with everything... for about a minute. Then I felt the cold air and the bright lights blinded me and I gave a fuck about the fact that I was overwhelmed with all this new input. I was given to my mother who held me, and I was able to let go of the fuck that I gave about being uncomfortable. I was able to just be at peace being held and the cold air, loud noises, and bright lights didn't seem as bad anymore. I very quickly learned to give a fuck when I was hungry to avoid the stomach pains that would surely come if I didn't get my milk right this instant. I gave a fuck about having a dirty diaper.

As I grew older, I began giving a fuck about not getting in trouble, being punished is not very fun, would not recommend. When I became school aged, I began to give a fuck about not being weird, being made fun of is not any fun. Having religion taught to me throughout my childhood, I started to give a fuck about not going to hell. I started giving a fuck about trying to "save" others in order to "save" myself. Puberty brought in a whole new set of things to give a fuck about such as acne, accidental boners, people I was attracted to, being horny all the time, voice cracking, weird patches of hair in weird places, and just plain awkwardness.

Entering high school, I gave a fuck about girlfriends, friends, family, religion, sports, cars, and gaming. As an adult I learned to give a fuck about politics, news, and weather. I gave a fuck about what everyone else was doing and what was happening to me at any given moment in time. I gave a fuck about the seemingly inevitable collapse of society. I gave a fuck about terrorist attacks, war, poverty, famine, Covid-19 and other diseases. I gave a fuck about being kind and considerate of others. I gave a fuck about having manners. I gave a fuck about being polite and kind to each other. I gave a fuck about money, debt, budgeting, and being poor. I gave a fuck about so many things.

One day I had a "spiritual awakening", in which I heard a voice tell me that fear is Satan. All of my anxiety and fear instantly vanished, and I felt a peace that I had never felt before. My life changed forever, the person that was before that day was gone and a new person was born. I didn't know it at the time, but my "spiritual awakening" was simply me letting go of giving a fuck about fear and anxiety. I let go of one fuck and felt a stronger peace than anything in this world could give me. I then spent the next several years slowly letting go of all my fucks. Some fucks seemed harder to let go then others, but they are all fucks none the same. 

I stopped giving a fuck about time, money, gender, social hierarchy the rules of society. I stopped giving a fuck about what others thought of me. I stopped giving a fuck about what's "right" or "wrong" and decided just to be kind to everyone, because why not. It's been a hard path, it's been a lonely path, and it's been a long path. I let go of my fears, my beliefs, my identity, my relationships, me (ego), and death. In order to continue on my spiritual journey, I learned to stop giving a fuck about being labeled as crazy or insane. The spiritual path is anything but sane according to the world. My truth is letting go of my fucks is what leads to the ultimate peace. You see, I know that I am peace, peace never leaves me, peace is always here inside waiting to be remembered. I have the peace of God within me. When I'm focused on all the fucks that I'm giving, I lose track of my own peace.

For me, giving a fuck about anything in this world only lead to despair and loneliness. I stopped giving a fuck about this world and I let go. I let go of all of the lives I have lived, and I let go of every concept that comes my way. When a new thought, emotion, event, word, action, or thing comes into my awareness, I simply don't give a fuck. If I find myself giving a fuck, it's usually due to finding the "ego" attempting to give a fuck about something and pulling me down into misery. When I started meditation early on, I was meditating to accomplish something as if I could actually do anything. I was trying to "do" meditation. One day as I was meditating, I heard a voice tell me that meditation was my time where I didn't have to do anything, I could just be. No rules, no expectations, no masks, no pretending, and just being. I used to see meditation as something I needed to do in order to blah blah blah, now I see meditation as freedom, liberation, peace, joy, oneness, sabbath, and rest. I meditate for one simple reason, I enjoy it. I enjoy the act of not doing which includes not giving any fucks.

Anything and everything that I ever "tried" to do to change the external world failed. I was not able to control any external factor within my world, the only change I was able to make was within myself and how I see the world without. When I am "trying", I am experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, sadness, and anger. Giving a fuck about everything drained me of my energy and I was usually left exhausted. When I let go of everything and just be, then all is well. Even if "bad" things are happening around me, it's all just part of what's happening. In my act of "not doing" I am just an unbiased, impartial observer of what appears to be going on around me.

In my experience the path to liberation of suffering is by not giving a fuck anymore and to just watch everything as it plays out. A Buddha becomes "enlightened" simply by not giving a fuck about anything, a Buddha lets all the fucks go. I Love this universe which includes all the "bad" and I Love everything within and without it. I Love that I don't need to do anything, and I get to watch this life play out as a movie where I'm always being surprised at what happens next. Every day I say to myself "what a day, what a day!" The physical world as we know it is only a very small part of the universe as a whole. When I stopped giving any fucks, I was freed of energy that I had been wasting trying to give fucks away. In my freeing up of energy that I was wasting and the fact that I am able to just sit in peace with myself I was shown other realms and dimensions within our universe. We all have the same gifts and abilities within us since we all come from the same source. We all have access to the same realities, realms, and dimensions coming from the same source. Most of us are too busy giving a fuck about some tiny little "problem" to see the whole of existence.

Once you get that first hit of peace within, you get hooked and the person you were beforehand disappears and all that is left is a peace junky. Except peace isn't a drug that kills, but leads to peace eternally shining within that you no longer need to chase since you always have it within. Unlike any other drug in this world, peace is the only one that leads to its own end. When the peace is found within, the finder of said peace wants to share the goods new to everyone and anyone who will listen, except no one seems to care, it's almost as if many of us enjoy being miserable for one reason or another. There is peace within all of us, you don't have to believe it in order for it to be there and you don't need to do anything for it. Peace is given to all by the grace of God, no exceptions. Stop giving a fuck about anything and the peace within will shine brighter than you ever imagined possible. Love and Peace!

* I was reminded after I wrote this post that there is a book about not giving a fuck. I have not personally read it but I am aware of its existence. This post was from my own personal experience.

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