
I think, therefore I am
— René Descartes
— God (Exodus 3:14)

(Index on Bottom of Page)

To know that which is immeasurable, which is not of time, the mind must be free of time, which means the mind must be free from all thought
— J. Krishnamurti
Nameless Nameless

Voices In Your Mind

If you are having conversations in your mind it’s because you didn’t feel heard when you originally had the conversation by the other person. You can stop these repeating conversations by allowing them to play out and allowing yourself to feel how you feel or how you would have felt at the time.
Allow yourself to say anything that you would have liked to have said but didn’t have the opportunity at the time. It does not matter that the person is longer standing in front of you to hear the conversation. You can say it out loud to yourself. You can write a letter to the person, even if you don't give it to them.
You are the one that needs to feel heard, that is why it keeps playing out in your mind. Listen to yourself when the other person wouldn’t and that conversation will stop playing out in your mind.
That incarnation of you will feel heard and no longer have a reason to keep coming back to your conscience awareness. Once again, a repeating thought our conversation within the mind, is a past incarnation that didn’t feel heard and/or validated.
Instead of attempting to “fight the demons in your head”, realize that they aren’t demons but simply past versions of yourself in need of something. In psychology this is referred to as healing the inner child, but we have an inner version of all of our past incarnations, not just the ones within our childhood.
When we attempt to fight our past selves, we create chaos which leads to anxiety and depression. These attempts can also lead to confusion, a feeling of isolation and deep loneliness.
Give that past incarnation validation and they will be silent. We all have the power to heal our past selves, and present selves, and it’s not hard. Most of us simply weren’t taught how to validate our own emotions or to heal our past selves. Which is why so many of us believe that we need someone else to complete us.
We believe that we need another being to validate us, to feel heard, feel seen, feel Loved. That is a false belief, in truth we have the ability to Love ourselves completely without “needing” anyone else. That does not mean we can’t have personal relationships anymore.
In truth by not needing others for validation and to feel heard. We are able to Love those around us more purely and selflessly. When we no longer “need” someone, we no longer try to use them for the thing in which we seek. We Love them just because of who they are.
When we Love all of ourselves, we are in turn able Love all of those around us, not out of necessity but out of choice. It’s a much purer Love than most of us are even aware of being possible. We can choose to Love without any needs. Peace and Love!
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Nameless Nameless

How To Know God

For as long as I can remember, I have always desired to know God. I believe that all of us are born with this desire within us. Where does this desire come from and why is it there? Is there a way to really know God or is that a special privilege only highly spiritual beings are allowed to have. I have searched my whole life, and I can't ever seem to find any logical explanations about God and how to know God. Can you please explain what God is to me like I'm five years old and also how I can know God. Thanks.
The answer lies within the mistaken thought/belief that you don't know God. 
We humans like to pretend we don't know someone when we feel hurt in some way. If your spouse of 30 years cheats on you, you may find yourself saying "I don't even know that person". It is humans' way of coping with the situation. The truth is you still know this person, they are the same person they have been for the last 30 years. This part of them was always within them waiting to come out, you just weren't aware of it until it manifested into the physical realm. What you really mean is "I don't know this action from this person who I know". We associate the action with the person and we belief we no longer know them. In truth you will know that person the rest of your physical life.

Now think of a person that you know, but this time think of a person who you feel comfortable with. Someone you feel safe with or someone that you Love. If you don't have any humans in jour life, think of a pet, or a keepsake. Take a couple minutes to really focus on knowing them. When you think of knowing them, you don't need a description, you don't need words or names, and you don't need pictures. You don't need to utilize any of your senses in order to know this person. If someone were to ask you to describe how exactly is it that you know them, you find that there isn't really an answer, you just know them. 
That is the exact same way you know God. Humans know God, humans are part of God. It is an impossibility that we could ever not know God. The "fall of human" was the false belief that we don't know God. Have you ever found yourself angry at God? Have you ever found yourself wishing you had never heard of God? Have you felt hurt or abandoned by God? Have you tried to forget God but find it impossible and therefor you seek out God as a means of dealing with the pain of believing you are separate from that which you cannot be?
No one can learn how to know God, for that is an impossibility. One cannot learn to know what one already knows. How do you know that you know God? That desire of wanting to know God is the pull of God's Love pulling you back into God's warm embrace. If you didn't already know God that desire could never be there. How could you ever possibly desire something in which you have never known or have no knowledge of? It is the fact that you desire God that proves that you already know God.

As to what God is exactly, differs between every individual. God appears different to all that look upon God. You need do nothing in order to find out what God is, for the day comes for all of us when we will remember what we forgot. Next time you feel like you don't know God or you find yourself pondering what or who God is, simply become aware and stop doing it. Instead say to yourself
I know God. I know God in the same way I know all the beings in my life. I know God better than I know myself. I have no reason to seek that which I already know. I know God. There has never been a time when I have not known God. I know God.
If you want to know God, say these words until you believe them with every fiber of your being, for it is the truth. As soon as your memory of your knowledge of God reappears to you, you will just know that you know God. You will know who or what God to you as God appears to you. You will know God in the same way you know the beings who surround you. The difference between the knowledge we have of God and the knowledge of those within our lives is vastly different. Humans hide parts of themselves from other humans so no human can truly ever know another human. God knows all, God knows every thought you have ever had, and God knows everything you have ever done. God just doesn't care for God knows it means nothing. Humans know God infinitely more intimately than what is under human understanding.

Meditation practice: Think of someone you know or an object and focus on just the knowledge of them or the object. Don't focus on descriptions, words, or images. Solely focus on the knowledge of them. Focus on them for a few minutes, then switch your awareness to God and bring that feeling of knowing with you. Do not put any description on God, don't put God in a box, God is incomprehensible to the mind who believes God to be separate from one's self. Feel free to use the mantra, "I know God in the same way I know ____".  God is known without thought, idea, or concept. Peace and Love!
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Nameless Nameless

Mummy Puppy

Akins was a good boy. Akins served his master for the entirety of Akin's life. Akins was a friend, a mentor, and family to his master. His master only saw Akins as a friend and loyal companion, but Akins had a couple gifts that was gifted by the gods at his birth. The first was not known by anyone, not even to Akin. The second gift was Akins ability to be aware of that within others that they themselves cannot see. Akin saw the King sitting in wait within the lowly peasant boy who he called master. Akin saw a true leader and a true King and Akins knew that his companion was a great master. Not a master such as an imprisoner or a dictator but a master of something greater. A master of something unknown to most, a master of something unperceived by the senses. A master of the unknown mystical arts. A Shaman in waiting and a Sorcerer in hiding. 
Akins spent every minute that he could by his master's side. Akins would always come running anytime the master was being attacked by a dark spell and shield him from the attack. Akins would attack his master with kisses in order to wash away all the darkness and let the mystical light shine out from his master's heart center. Akins was no match for all the dragons that would always seem to come around to attack his master, but he would never fail to kiss the cuts and bruises away. Akins never wavered in his conviction of his master's true identity. Akins only ever saw the King sitting on his thrown. 
The time had come for Akins, the same as it comes for all. Akins needed to enter the spirit realm, his job was done, he had served his purpose, or so he had thought. Akins never feared this day, Akins never thought about it. To Akins, leaving his body meant nothing, for Akins knew he was really just the spirit within. The body was simply for giving kisses and Love, that is all. Akins master was strong now, his master had finally seen who he is, he had finally seen the king within of himself. Akin had one last lesson to teach his master with his body as he was leaving it behind. Akins was so steadfast in his Love for his master that not even death of the body could keep him away from his master.
Akin's master didn't believe in the spirit world, Akins master thought that when the body died, that was the end. Lights out. Akins master didn't believe in the afterlife even though he had gone to the underworld and met Thoth. Akins master still didn't believe in the spirit world even after meeting Anubis twice. Akins master couldn't see that he was a great wizard of light and mystery even though he had an effect on everyone he came into contact with. Akins master didn't allow himself to believe because he Loved the body of Akins and he Loved all the kisses. Akins master thought he would miss Akins when he left his body behind. Akins master was with him when Akin slipped out of his body. Akins master couldn't let go, he didn't know how. Akins master begged and pleaded with the gods to let Akin stay.
Akins simply licked his master with his spirit body, and it was then that his master was able to let go of his physical body. Akins master cried for three days and three nights. Akins was mummified and placed into his master's tomb in wait for his master's body. Akins master could still feel Akin's kisses when he was being attacked by dark enchantments. Akins master could still feel Akin every night laying between his legs as he sleeps. Akin leaving his body taught his master that the body is just a seed into the spirit realm. Akins master told Akin to go explore the world and that he was fine without him, yet Akins refused. Even in death of the body, Akins still won't leave, loyal to his convictions through every transition of the spirit. 

Akins truly lived up to his first gift of which he wasn't even aware of. His first gift was his name which means Brave. Akins was brave in the face of attack. Akins was brave to see the King inside the peasant boy and to never back down in that conviction. Akins was brave in his passing into the spirit realm. Akins greatest gift was teaching his master to be brave. Little does Akin know that his master considers him the master.
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Nameless Nameless

How To Trust God

I know I need to trust God, but I find it very difficult. I am the type of person that likes to have evidence and needs things to make sense logically in order to be able to understand them. I want to trust God, but I simply don't know how to. Can you please help me? How can I learn to trust God?

In order to attain a full understanding of this question we need to break it down into smaller parts. How do you know you need to trust God? Is it a feeling inside of you of unknown origin or did someone tell you that you need to trust God? If it is because someone told you that you need to trust God, that may or may not be true to you. Don't believe anyone who tells you that you need to do something, no one can possibly know what path you are meant to take but for yourself. Hold on to what allows your peace to flow, let go of all that hinders your peace.

If it is a feeling inside of you of unknown origin, that is God's way of telling you that you are not trusting in God at the present moment. The feeling of doubt is there because you aren't trusting God. We see and feel what we are looking to see or feel. If we watch a scary movie, we look for fear and we find it. When we are trying to trust God, we see and feel doubt. The doubt is due to the concept we have created within our mind that says we are separate from God and can somehow be abandoned by God and therefore we don't Trust God. Since we see doubt, we see doubt's dualistic nature which is trying to trust God. We try to trust God because we doubt God, and we doubt God because we try to trust God. Bit of a catch 22.

Luckily there is a solution, the is an answer to how to trust God. It is very simple, at first it may not seem logical but if you allow yourself to meditate on the solution, you will see with all logic and wisdom that it makes sense and that it can and does work. The answer is to stop trying to trust God. You cannot trust God when you are trying to trust God, that is not logical in of itself. Think of a person you trust completely, could be past, present, or even fictional. Since you trust that person, you do not need to try to trust them. You just do. You trust someone because they have shown you time and time again that you can trust them. You have no reason to try to trust them, since they are always giving trust. Trusting God is the same thing. You already trust God, you just forgot which is ok, God having created us is very aware of our short-term memory.

God is constantly showing us that we can trust him, it is only when we are trying to trust God, we make invisible God's show of trustworthiness. Do not try to trust God, it is already there, you just forgot. Every time you try to trust God, you reinforce the belief that you don't. Next time you think or feel that you need to trust God, simply say to yourself (either quietly or our loud) 
 "I trust God, this is just a past belief working its way up and out of me. I need do nothing."
Get in the practice of doing that when you feel that need or urge arise. Commit to it and try your best, nothing more is ever needed than what your best is in any given moment. It will not take very long at all before you start seeing God pouring his trustworthiness down all around you and you will wonder how you could've ever thought that you didn't trust God. You will quite literally laugh out loud when you see the absurdity that we humans go through with our doubt. Peace and Love!
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Nameless Nameless

Change Your Present

In the discussion Change Your Past, we discussed how to use your present self in order to heal your past self, whether it be a trauma or simply a time when you weren't validated or didn't feel heard or understood. You can use the same method to change who you are now using your future self. Simply imagine yourself as who you want to be and already being that person in the future. Start acting as that future self would act when you become that future person. If you want to quit a habit or addiction, imagine your future self where you are free from that vice and act in a manner that is fitting with the future self who is free from whatever habit or vice you are trying to break.. It will take some time for the old habit to fall away as you create the new habit of your future self. 

Present you is too weak to be able to quit, which is why you haven't done it yet. Simply step into the role of your future self who is strong enough and use the energy that the future self gives you. Look at all the things present you has accomplished that past you never thought possible. Future you looks back at present while you never doubting and never questioning your ability and strength. It is the fact that the future self has the strength to not have that habit that proves present you has already quit.

This post is not to tell you to quit anything or change anything about yourself. You are perfect the way you are, and Thank You For Being You. This post is for those who think they need to change something about themselves. The journey that only goes in a circle that ends up right back where it began. Peace and Love!
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