The Love of Light is found in the darkness. The Love of Light is found in the people that we despise, loathe, hate, or think less than. The Love of Light is found in the people locked away in cages like animals. The Love of Light is found in the homeless panhandler. The Love of Light is found in the immigrant. The Love of Light is found in the transsexual and homosexual. The Love of light is found in the Christian republican and the atheistic bleeding-heart liberal. The Love of light is found where "fear" resides.
The Love of light is found in flaws, imperfections, mistakes, and misgivings. The Love of Light is found in shame and despair. The Love of Light is found in our secrets and our lies. The Love of light is found in disease. The Love of light is found death, abandonment, and hopelessness. The Love of light is found in suffering.
The Love of light is found in Peace, Joy, and Love. For all is the Love of light, if any part of the whole is covered in darkness so the full Love of Light is hidden from knowledge. Go into the darkness only to discover there never was any darkness, simply a part we were unwilling to see. There is only the Love of Light, there is no darkness. By saying "I fear this thing" the darkness is created in the mind over that part of the whole. By saying "this thing is different" the darkness is created in the mind. By saying "this is against me or I am against this" the darkness is created in the mind.
If we fear a spider, we no longer want to look at spiders, we no longer want to be near them or touch them. Due to the fear of the spider, we create darkness in our minds over the spider. We refuse to see spiders in Light but only in darkness. We create darkness where is doesn't exist. If we like spiders and think they are really cool and adorable, we see them in the Light, we do not create a darkness over them.
We create darkness over all that we fear, despise, hate, or are trying to save. The need to "save others" comes from the fear of the self being in darkness and attempting to "save others" from the darkness in which the self finds itself in, in an attempt at saving oneself. In other words, when the mind believes itself to be in darkness, it also believes itself to be separated from the Love of Light, even though it cannot be, just as we saw with the spider. Since the mind believes itself to be separated and, in the darkness, the mind assumes that others are also separated in the darkness, failing to see that no one is in the darkness since the darkness is an illusion of the mind. Since the mind believes itself and others to be separated and, in the darkness, the desire to save others from the darkness will emerge with the hopes of saving oneself. We often see this behavior with certain religious groups but applies to anyone with a desire to "save others".
The mind creates darkness and so only the mind can displace the darkness. We get over our fear of spiders by looking at them and seeing them in the light and thus we stop creating darkness over them. The Love of light will always be found in the fear, the darkness, and the opposition. The Love of light is everywhere and when we stop creating darkness we are able to see it. Face that fear head on. Run into the darkness. Love your enemy. Show compassion to the one who harms you. That is where the Love of Light is for the Love of Light is everywhere over everything at all times, even when we won't look at it. Peace and Love!