
I go by many names and yet I have no name. I am seen by many eyes and yet no eyes have ever seen me. I am everyone and yet I am no one. I am everywhere and yet I am nowhere.
Words can be used to describe me and yet none can come close. I am known by many and yet known by no one. I am the acceptance and the resistance. I am the good and the evil. 
I am the Love and the hate. I am the light and the dark. I am the feminine and the masculine. I am the friend and the enemy. I am the fire and the flood. I am the fall and the redemption. I am predator and prey. I am positive and negative. I am both logical and illogical.
I am the little girl playing with barbies. I am the little boy hiding from the monsters. I am the monsters. I am the tree that gives its shade. I am the wolf who can't be tamed. I am the dragon who guides all beings. I am the guru, the shaman, the prophet, the sage, the mystic, and the enlightened one. I am the beggar, the immigrant, the outcast, the diseased, the oppressed, the crazy one, and the lost one. I am the mother, the father, the daughter, and the son. I am the one who watches. I am the one who is watched. I am eternal. I AM.

Mind Of A Christian


The Love Of Light