
I think, therefore I am
— René Descartes
— God (Exodus 3:14)

(Index on Bottom of Page)

To know that which is immeasurable, which is not of time, the mind must be free of time, which means the mind must be free from all thought
— J. Krishnamurti
Nameless Nameless


I feel ( *insert emotion* )
I don’t need to change this emotion or stop this emotion
I do not need to figure out where it came from or why it is here, that is not my job
I did not do anything wrong to cause this emotion
This emotion does not need to be fixed, therefor there is no one or no thing to blame
This emotion is healthy and normal
There is nothing wrong with me for feeling this emotion
This current emotion is here for a reason, and it will flow on its own when I am not in the way
Everything is ok
I need do nothing
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Nameless Nameless

Just Stop

I want to be happy, so I have to... just stop. My husband is cheating on me, so I have to... just stop. I'm all alone, so I could... just stop. I want to be rich, so I should invest... just stop. I'm depressed, so my Dr. says I have to... just stop. There are wars going on all over the world, so we should all... just stop. I want to be an enlightened being, so I have to... just stop. I just can't stand him, so I should... just stop. 

Are we getting the point? What exactly have you ever successfully accomplished in your entire life? Did you ask for the cancer to show up? Did you have any control over whether or not it was cured? Did you make your spouse cheat on you or did they do that on their own? Do you truly believe that working hard makes you rich? Rich people get rich by stepping on other people. Rich people get rich by being born into riches. Rich people get rich by luck. It's all a lie so you will keep working to make them richer.

Can you control the fact that you are alone right now? People just seem to randomly seem to show up in our lives whether we want them there or not. Did you grow your body at a molecular level from a baby to an adult or did that just happen naturally? When your depressed, does anything you do ever seem to help? Certain things help for a short time, like medication and exercise but the depression seems to decide when it comes and go, and we seem to be at its mercy.

What exactly can you do? What exactly is under your control? Nothing. You are a spirit watching the physical virtual reality of life play out. You are simply a character within the game of life who has gotten so deep into its character that you believe you are the character. We spend all of our time thinking about our character and how to make it better. How to make our character rich, smart, strong, popular, healthy, and so on. In truth the character isn't real, it is simply a character in the dream called life. Humans are in a collective dream of physical virtual reality.

Notice how you can feel pain, pleasure, fear, anger, joy, and Love in your night dreams when your character is recharging. The mind within the character creates the sensations as if they were real and you feel them as if they were happening and yet when you wake to your day, you find no harm had come upon you. The waking world is a collective dream where humans believe it to be their reality, too terrified to wake up from the dream, most can't or won't admit it is a dream. Humans fight their pretend wars in order to remain in the dream. Humans "take the lives" of themselves and others in order to prove the dream to be real. Death as humans know it, is simply waking up from the dream of physical reality. The dream of the character vanishes.

Humans create their own misery and suffering by trying to control the character that they have been assigned to watch by becoming identified with the character. Some humans realize they are in a dream and spend years attempting to wake the character up from the dream, not realizing they are still identified with the character. What can humans do? Just watch. Humans get to watch the movie of life play out. Humans have the choice (free will) to just watch the character and enjoy the show or become identified with the character and make a mess of themselves trying to do something. Humans know they can't reach into a television and become a character on the screen, yet they believe that they became the character on earth.

Earth is one of the most coveted places around by all beings. Earth is where spirit gets to go watch life play out in all its glory and majesty. Going from spirit to physical can be confusing and humans confuse themselves with the character in the movie. When spirit watches as life plays out instead of being identified with the character, life and everything in it becomes indescribable. Wars mean nothing, death has never existed, no one can do anything wrong, and when it's all over, we wake up to the spirit. Peace and Love!
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Nameless Nameless

The Womb Of God

Christ is the child within The Womb of God. The Holy Spirit is the umbilical cord that connects God with Christ. Christ can feel God. Christ has the same will as God. Christ knows God since Christ is in God the same way an infant is in the womb of its mother.
Spirit (God, source, life) joins with matter (earth, Mary) to create life (Christ, human). Christ is in the physical but is of spirit. Physical cannot be, without spirit, it is spirit that gives physical matter life. The physical universe is the womb of God. Human becomes identified with the physical and forgets the spirit. God communicates with Christ in the womb via the Holy Spirit.
Christ can awaken within the womb and become aware of being within the womb of God. Christ is one with God. Christ knows God. Human (physical) uses free will to choose to believe that human is separate from God and is therefore being punished. Christ (spirit within physical form) knows the true nature which is spirit.
Humans forgetting they are Christ within the womb of God are trying to figure out what God looks like from the outside of God which is an impossibility since humans are within God. An infant cannot look outside of its mother to see what she looks like while staying in the womb. When a baby decides to see its mom, we call that birth. Give up the flesh to be born in the spirit to see God.
When Christ comes to the realization that Christ and God are one in the same being that Christ is in the womb of God. Christ also realizes that there is nothing to be done, nothing that can be done, and nothing has ever been done wrong.  No thing can be wrong within the womb of God. Christ has forever been in the womb of God.
The second coming of Christ is when the Christ consciousness awakens within an individual. The realization and truth that you yourself are Christ. Jesus was just the first, every human is Christ. The second coming of Christ comes to every human, it’s is not a physical reappearance of Jesus.
Jesus has never left humans and is always with humans guiding them and walking with them through the storms of their lives. Every human is Christ in spirit, it is only the false belief that human has “fallen” from the grace of God. Peace and Love!
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Nameless Nameless

The Bible, A Summary

God created the Universe and everything in it. God is one with the universe that God created. God knows all that is, all that has been, and all that ever will be. Everything is fated to be, God is in control, and we have no control. There is no coincidence, and nothing is random. Everything happens for a reason whether or not we agree with it. Everything just is, exactly as God made it. The is no reason for being, being just is. There is no purpose, just pure pleasure and ecstasy.
Then human gets a strange idea. A thought, a belief (free will). Human gets the idea that they can do wrong, that they can be separate from the universe they inhabit. Human makes the mistake of believing the false idea that they can be separated from God. When they were confronted by God in the garden that was prepared for them, they felt shame in the belief that they could do wrong. In the attempt to free themselves from shame they passed blame. “Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake, and the snake said nothing”, quote by Alan Watts.
Human blinded by their false belief imagined themselves being cast out of the garden by God. Humans then spend thousands of years trying to get back into the garden. Never once stopping to realize they are standing in the garden and have never left. Too blinded by their shame that has been passed down through the generations.
Humans pass their shame from one generation to the next. Humans have expanded exponentially and yet they all carry shame. The same shame that has been passed down since the beginning of man. While human attempts to fight shame and pass blame onto others, that blame turns into rage and wrath. Didn’t take very long for Cain to murder Able.
Humans believing themselves to be cast out of the garden and refusing to see any evidence as the contrary are unable to see God who is still with them. They create hierarchies in order to be closer to God. They create towers in order to be closer to God. Humans came up with the idea that God was in the sky, so they look up for God, failing to see the garden they are still standing in. Humans just renamed the Garden of Eden to "earth" and tell themselves that heaven is floating in the clouds somewhere even though heaven and earth are one.
Humans created a history of how humans got separated from God and religion was invented. From there humans argued about all the infinite reasons they have been separated from God. Humans invented Satan (who was also accused of being in the garden as the serpent) and blamed it all on him. Humans desired a savior to help them get back to the garden to be with God.
God sent his son Jesus and Jesus shared the truth that humans are spirit and not the physical body, therefore there is no death. There is no separation. God is one with all. Humans are still in the garden and have never left. Jesus gave up the life of the body which is just a seed of the spirit to show us that we are all the same.
Humans then began to argue over what things Jesus said and whether they should listen to and what things they should ignore. Humans argued and blamed and divided. Some humans decided to not believe in God at all and some humans chose to try to figure it out for themselves and created science in order to figure out how this all came to be.
Jesus (human, flesh, physical) Christ (Spirit) was born of a human physical mother and had a spiritual father whom he called God. Christ came to share the good news that all humans are spirit in the flesh! Give up the flesh and awaken the spirit!
Awakening the Christ Consciousness within is realizing the spirit and giving up the flesh. With the realization of your true nature (Spirit) you become one with source (God). You don’t die, you simply stop believing you were ever separate from God or source.
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Nameless Nameless

Scooch On Over To The Other Side

From the moment we meant we knew we were meant for each other. Love at first sight. My heart melted the moment I saw your face. I was yours and you were mine. I have never known a purer form of Love.
I was unfamiliar with Love until you came into my life. I not only learned what Love is but also how to give Love and receive Love. The Love you brought into my life expanded and grew over time. Our family grew as our Love grew.
Your unyielding forgiveness of me and my actions enabled me to start forgiving myself and those who have hurt me. You taught me how to be protective of those I Love in a nonaggressive manner.
I learned to be curious of new people who come into my life while simultaneously being courteous and kind with Loving compassion.
You never ending youth and playful spirit helped to keep me feeling eternally young. Despite your earthly body growing older by the day, you never lost your sense of wonder and curiosity.
Knowing that you would always be able to sense when I was going through something gave me strength when I didn’t think I had any. It lead to me finding my own strength within.
You taught me to never give up on myself irregardless of however bleak things may appear at the time. That life is worth living.
You taught me true eternal unconditional Love, the type of Love that can’t be rationalized, described, or explained, the type of Love that can only be experienced.
You are a part of me as I am a part of you. Forever linked together by Love. Love flows so purely between us that nothing could ever break that Love. Thank you for being you!
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