
I think, therefore I am
— René Descartes
— God (Exodus 3:14)

(Index on Bottom of Page)

To know that which is immeasurable, which is not of time, the mind must be free of time, which means the mind must be free from all thought
— J. Krishnamurti
Nameless Nameless

Spirit Is All There Is

The universe is made of spirit. Everything within the universe is made of spirit. Spirit is born through the seed of the physical dimension. This was discussed in more detail in the post Human Seeds. God is spirit and man is made in God's image which is spirit a.k.a. pure divine Love. Spirit has no physical body; spirit is simply placed into the seed of the physical body. Since spirit has no body, spirit has no use for the communication system set up by the body. Spirit in pure form can communicate with any other spirit within existence without the need for speech, gestures, or sight. Spirit communicates directly with other spirits by the direct transfer of knowledge. Since humans are spirits who are connected to all spirits which includes other humans, humans have "discovered" telepathy, physic abilities, and so on. In truth all spirits have the ability to communicate with each other. The physical seed body is incapable of communicating with spirit since it is only a vessel for the spirit within. When the spirit awakens within the physical seed body, it is the spirit that becomes aware of all the other spirits which make up the whole of spirit which is the divine source. 

The physical body which is the seed for the spirit has needs and desires. The physical body needs food, water, air to breath, and to reproduce. Hence the desire to eat, drink, and have sex. Religion tells us to avoid these activities referring to them as sin, which simply means to be mistaken, to miss the mark, or to get it wrong. Identifying with the seed instead of the spirit inside. When we give into the desires of the flesh which is only the seed for our spirit to grow out of, we identify with the seed and become lost to our true nature. We become depressed, anxious, and filled with rage. We desperately attempt to cling to our body seed which has become our identity and fear the darkness of the unknown which is our very own spirit. Spirit cannot be detected by our physical bodies in the same way an apple tree seed has no idea what awaits inside. 

There is nothing wrong with giving into the desires of the flesh as they are needs of the flesh. The body wouldn't be here if it weren't for the needs of the body being fulfilled. There is no sin or punishment for giving the body what it needs to thrive. We will continue to remain within the body for as long as the spirit needs to come to fruition. When and if our physical seed body is no longer compatible with the growth of the spirit within, it is replaced with a new one that is better suited to the growth of the spirit. When we identify with the body, we close ourselves off to the spirit. We block the spirit in order to cling to our body. The universe is filled with spirits and all spirits come from the Divine. There are spirits everywhere at all times. We are all surrounded by spirits since we are spirits ourselves. "Dark" spirits are simply the spirits that we aren't willing to acknowledge. When we hide from out true nature which is spirit, we fear that which will enlighten us to the truth. We are never ever alone; it is only the physical seed body that fears that statement. The spirit finds great peace and contentment in that statement. Peace and Love to all beings everywhere at all times!
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Nameless Nameless

Gratitude Method

When I’m feeling down and like life might be working against me, I work on raising my mood or vibration utilizing this method. This method was adapted from Abraham Hicks focus wheels and can be used anywhere at any time. For example, when I’m in nature seeking clarity or relaxation, I will pick a flower or weed with many leaves. Then for each leaf or petal I name something that I’m grateful for (I.e. my family, my health, the abundance I’ve been given, the elements). The list goes on and on, and if you try you just may find it hard to stop. 

The more you practice being grateful, the more you find that you have things to be grateful for. If you’re riding the subway or walking to work, you can do this method with your fingers. Not ready to stop at 10? Then do it again! Taking the time to be grateful raises your vibration, your mood, your outlook on life. As stated, you can do this method anywhere at any time, using anything. If you're at the beach use pebbles or shells.

The more you look for positive aspects of your current life, the more positive aspects will step forward to reveal themselves to you.

-Abraham Hicks

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Nameless Nameless

Human Seeds

All humans ascend from the original human whether it be Adam from the Bible or the first man evolutionarily, makes no difference. Since all humans come from the same source, all humans contain the DNA of all living humans which include past, present, and future.

This means that all humans carry the DNA code of every human including Christ within them. All they need to do is find it and they can attain Christ Consciousness. By finding the Christ code within their DNA they take on the characteristics of Christ.

The method to unlock the Christ code that is stored in your DNA is to imitate Christ as a means of finding the code, in other words, fake it till you make it. Act like Christ and you will believe you are Christ, when that happens you unlock the Christ code and Christs attributes cover you in a wave of ecstasy. Christ willingly shares his sonship and consciousness with all beings 

When you locate the Christ code within your DNA, you take on the characteristics of Christ and are given the title of Christ. Yeshua was the first Christ, and he shares with you the path to find the Christ code of consciousness within yourselves.

Live as Christ did. Love everyone with no exceptions, have no enemies, forgive, don’t condemn, submit to God’s will, give up all earthy possessions, trust in God, and do not fear. This is the path to finding the Christ code within. It is impossible to find the Christ code without taking on his attributes as your own. This process can be immediate or can take some earthly time and practice conjoined with patience. 

You also contain the code of Buddha within you which humans refer to as the Buddha-nature. The code of the Buddha within your DNA unlocks eternal inner peace. You unlock the DNA code of Buddha by imitating the First Buddha within earthly time. Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.

You can unlock the DNA code of any human in existence, within you by taking on the characteristics of that human. All it takes is taking on that person's attributes, the code unlocks, and the characteristics become absorbed into your personality. It is possible to be both Christ and a Buddha and so on. This applies to all humans whether "good" or "evil". That is why your religious texts caution you about being aware of your own attributes, so as to not take on the attributes of Satan which are fear, doubt, rage, lust, greed, and so on. 

There is no punishment for taking on the attributes of Satan, it simply delays the process of germination of the spirit. The spirit grows and evolves when it is nourished with what it needs to grow. In the same way earthly plant seeds require soil, sun, and water to grow your personal seed (body) requires Love to grow into spirit.

There is no limit to the number of human codes you can unlock within yourselves. You can unlock codes of philosophers and great thinkers, the codes of prophets and enlightened ones, and the codes of great people of power and resilience.

Each time you unlock a new code you become a new "person". You become "born again" with the new characteristics conjoined with those already contained within.

Being in close proximity to humans within the physical plane will inadvertently cause the unlocking of their DNA code within you. That is why you are cautioned to watch the company you keep until you have ascended high enough spiritually to not absorb the codes of those around you. 

In other words, surround yourself with people who Love and support you, who encourage you, who want the best for you, who wish you nothing but joy, peace, and harmony. After you have been raised to a higher spiritual vibration you can surround yourself with all humans and no one will be able to lower your energy or have an effect on your energy whatsoever.

You have come to this planet to fulfill a purpose. You are a spiritual being who is dreaming that you are a physical being. The physical world is only but a dream, your science confirms this as does your religions, and your psychology.

Wake up to your true nature, which is spirit. Give up all earthy desire means just that, give up everything within the physical realm and wake up to your true nature of spirit. Die before you die.

You are like the apple tree who thinks it is nothing but an apple tree seed, failing to see the tree covered in apples hidden within trying to break free. All it needs is the right conditions to grow.

Christ and other spiritual beings have shared the news that there is no death. The body is a dream, nothing more, nothing less. The body is a seed for the spirit within. You have become identified with the body and forgotten your true nature which is spirit. The body can feel pain and pleasure because your mind believes it can. The dream is so real to you that you created pain and pleasure within it as a means of reinforcing the dream. In reality pain and pleasure are nothing but an illusion within the physical dream.

You want to stay within the dream of the physical dimension because you fear your true nature which is spirit. Some of you live in such denial that you take several lifetimes to come to this realization. Others among you figure it out on your first go round on this planet you presently call home.

ALL sins are of the flesh. The flesh can sin, but the spirit cannot. The psychical body within the physical dimension can sin. The spirit within cannot sin. When a human kills another human, they come back and live (observe) that humans' life play out without being able to interfere. If a human takes multiple lives, they reincarnate as each and every one they take.

In other words, if you take a life from a being you are reincarnated into that being and in turn end up taking your own life through another incarnation of yourself. It is the only way to learn the true value of spirit hidden within the human body.
Once ascended to pure spirit, the earthly physical body becomes irrelevant, simply to be tossed onto the floor when the time comes like our clothes at the end of a long day. When the body leaves, nothing is lost, and the body returns back into Mother Gaia in order for a new spiritual being to be placed into a seed (born) into the physical dimension. If the seed (body) dies before the spirit is able to come to fruition, the spirit simply finds a new seed (body) to continue the process of germination of spirit which humans refer to as reincarnation. 

You are all spiritual beings dreaming that you are physical beings, and you refuse to wake up to the truth which will see you free. You are all in a collective dream of the physical dimension. When enough beings wake up to their true nature which is spirit, Gaia as a whole gets raised to a higher level of spirit in turn raising the level of all beings inhabiting her.

The spirit requires Love to germinate within the physical seed body. Christ radiates pure Love. Buddha radiates pure peace which clears the path for Love. There are other beings within the physical dimension who also radiate Love. Surround yourself with those who radiate Love and peace and just by being near them, they will inadvertently unlock their DNA code within yourself which activates the germination process of spirit. 

Another method of beginning the germination process of spirit is to let go of the physical dimension completely. Whether you do something or do nothing is irrelevant, you are spirit within a seed (body) and nothing can or will ever change that. The only thing you can do is to attempt to delay the process, you cannot stop it. You are given the gift of free will, which will allow you to attempt to delay the process for as many lifetimes as you so choose. Peace and Love to ALL beings everywhere in all times and places! All is one!
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Nameless Nameless

Socialism Vs. Capitalism

Are you a socialist or a capitalist? So many of us view these ideas as contradictory and opposite when in fact you can have both at the same time in the same economic system. There is a very, very, very, simple solution where literally everyone gets what they want. The socialists get socialism and the capitalist get capitalism. There is absolutely no need to get into the definitions and semantics when looking at these words. Most of us are pretty well informed what these two concepts mean and what they are. The reason so many people can't see the solution is we are all too busy fighting each other to get the system we want whether it be socialism or capitalism.

Socialists want every human within a country or economic system to have their basic human needs provided for. Which generally includes food, water, shelter, and healthcare.  Socialists tend to have the mindset of what is better for the group as a whole is better for the individual whereas a capitalist believes that what is better for the individual is better for the whole. A capitalist believes that everyone should be treated fairly and it does not seem "fair" for others to get hand outs when the capitalist is working their ass off. The capitalist doesn't think it is "fair" for them to work 80 hours a week just for someone else to sit around doing nothing all day and getting paid to do it. Once again this is NOT a debate on either side, if we can't look past the apparent opposition, we fail to see the solution plainly in view underneath. This is not an advocation for either, but in fact for both to be combined.

Here is the simplest solution you will ever see.  This may be a scary idea for some but follow along and you will see how in the end everyone gets what they want and is content. Provide socialism for every human within the country or economic system. (*every human means every human with no exceptions.) Meaning every human is guaranteed basic human needs such as edible nutritious food, clean drinking water, basic shelter, and basic healthcare. Notice socialism only provides what is needed to survive as a human on this planet. Socialism does not provide, entertainment, luxuries, hobbies, vacations, toys, gifts, or any of our vices. That is where capitalism comes in to save the day! Capitalism is what allows humans the ability to work in order to have hobbies and interests and so on. Capitalism pays for all the extras that we all Love so much and are all so addicted to.

None of us want to just work our lives away, most of us want personal lives and we all want to enjoy those personal lives with extra stuff and activities. We need money to do that extra stuff and we will work to do it. Here in the U.S.A. most of us used to work so we could take vacations and buy stuff, we didn't work to live, we worked to play. Since capitalism has gotten so out of control in this country the days of working to play have turned into working just to survive. The majority of the country has no extra money to do anything after paying for their essential human needs. Child rates are declining, suicides are rising. People are getting sick and tired of every moment of every day being a struggle just to stay alive. If humans had their basic needs met, most would choose to work so they could play in their off time. All work and no play make for a dull life.

Every human is provided for and every human has the ability to make as much extra money as they like. Everyone can feel free to make as much money as they want and buy as many yachts, mansions, and exotic cars as they like to show the world just how special they are. Lastly, since this system is about equality for every human within the economic system, the third and final step to the plan, is to put a limit of 1,000,000,000 (one billion) on every human within the system. Every human has the same opportunity to become a billionaire and we can even hold a nice little ceremony for anyone who becomes a billionaire and give them a nice plaque that states "I Won Capitalism" and every cent over 1,000,000,000 is taxed a 100%. That is the fairness the socialist and the capitalist are both seeking. They both want the same thing which is equality, they just see it from different perspectives. Can any of us on either side honestly say that we are currently living in a fair economic system?

I do fully realize that changing an entire countries economic system is not as simple as "let's switch systems" which leads to the entire system being changed overnight. I understand that there is a lot of moving parts within a government and change can be slow and painful, but change will never come from division. When a community such as us humans work together, we can live in harmony. When a community such as us humans are divided, we all lose. It's not about changing your beliefs and it's not about stop the other persons beliefs, it's about working together as humans to find a common solution to a problem that impacts every single one of us. If you don't like this solution, feel free to think of a better one. Are you able to look at both sides objectively, or will you remain biased in defense of your ideal. Love and Peace!
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Nameless Nameless

Safety & Security

We humans have this incessant need to tell others our beliefs in order to justify them. Having a human nature, we all have beliefs about all sorts of things. God, life, creation, existence, politics, religion, and so on. Instead of truly looking at our beliefs and why those beliefs are even there, we feel this need to tell everyone else our opinions and beliefs about everything in order to try to justify them and have them make sense. Humans are filled with all sorts of beliefs, some of which don't serve us anymore, and yet we cling to every belief we have ever held. As a child we believed the adults that raised us knew everything and for most of us a time came when we realized that those adults most definitely did not know everything. That belief changed based on the new information given. 

There are humans who try to control and manipulate society through politics, religion, or wealth for their own personal gain. Those people also do everything within their power to limit knowledge, books, educations, wisdom, or really any mental growth whatsoever. The only way a belief can change is to allow more knowledge or wisdom to come into the personal mind. If I were a dictator who was trying to take over a country for my own gain, the first thing I would do is destroy any chance of anyone learning what I was doing. I would do this by burning books and dismantling the education system. A dictator is only a dictator if the people they are dictating can't see that they are in fact being dictated. Once a person under a dictatorship LEARNS that they are in fact being dictated, they tend to not like being dictated and tend to fight back which is not good for the dictator. People that follow a dictator are not evil, they simply don't see that they are being dictated.

We go on dates and the goal of the date is often to find out the other persons beliefs in order to know if you would get along with each other. It is truly remarkable how many potentially beautiful relationships we pass up since we can't get over the other persons beliefs. A person's beliefs are not who they are, it is just a small part of them and can change at any given moment sometimes for no reason whatsoever. How many times have we heard, "'my spouse has always believed ____, and now they believe ____, now we're getting a divorce" when absolutely nothing else changed. They are still the same person they just changed a belief. We are so willing to give up 30 years of our lives simply because someone doesn't believe the same way we do anymore.

Since we rarely look at our beliefs and why they are there, we fail to let go of old ones that don't serve us anymore and we also try to justify the ones that don't make any sense. We do this by finding other people with the same belief as we have in order to solidify our own belief. When we come across someone who has a different belief, we instinctually try to change theirs to match our own. We can visually see this play out in a lot in religions, but we do it with most of our beliefs. If we are holding on to a week belief that we don't pay much attention to, someone else is able to change that belief fairly easily. We fight over our beliefs, we pick "sides", and we treat people less than garbage over beliefs. What is war, but for two opposing beliefs going all out to defend their own beliefs. There is no "good vs bad" or "right vs wrong" there is only a difference in beliefs.

When we share our beliefs with the world and everyone in it, we open ourselves up to all sorts of nonsense. People will try to change them, people will try to use them against us, and people will try to judge and condemn. We learn to hide some of our beliefs since we know that society would look down on them. We shout to anyone who will listen the beliefs that we think people will like. Take a minute to truly look around the world and all of the humans in it. 100% of humanities "problems" come from beliefs. Any differences that we have with each other are simply a difference in beliefs. This is not to say that no one should have any beliefs or that we should be ashamed of them or try to suppress them, but to simply look at them and ask ourselves why they are there and if they still need to be there or if they can be updated, changed, or gotten rid of completely. 

The only reason we care about what anyone else believes is because we are insecure in our own beliefs. When we are secure in our beliefs, we are willing to look at any beliefs that show up and let them go if they no longer serve us and we are also willing to allow in more information as to form new beliefs. When we are secure in our beliefs, we have no need whatsoever to defend them, since we know why they are there and that they serve a purpose. We have no need to convert anyone to our own beliefs. We have no need to fight with anyone about our own beliefs or even theirs. I'm going to restate this since so many of us fail to see this, if a person holds a belief that harms them or others, they are not evil, they are simply lacking the information that would allow for them to see the harm they are doing. More often than not, these same people who are lacking the information that would lead to their liberation are too afraid of information to actually look at it, since they are fully aware that the new information would blow a giant hole in their beliefs, and they don't think they can handle it. The beliefs we refuse to let go of are the same beliefs that cause us to become afraid of our own liberation.

Personal beliefs are just that, personal. It is no one's business what anyone else believes. In order for the human to have the basic need of safety and security we simply let go of the need to share our beliefs with anyone will listen. How is it possible to feel safe and secure when our own beliefs, which are the core of our individual self, and the core of our personality are constantly under attack? In the post Basic Human Rights, we discussed food, water, and shelter which most definitely can help us feel more safe and secure but true safety and security come from knowing who we are at our core. We can only know ourselves when we stop allowing all of the external circumstances to change our beliefs on a whim. We share our bodies with the world, we share our time with the world, and we share things with the world. We also share our thoughts, opinions, and beliefs leaving nothing for ourselves, leaving us feeling hollow and empty. We sure don't feel safe, we sure don't feel secure. We subconsciously dread every new person we encounter simply because they might have different beliefs and might try to convert mine.

It is perfectly healthy and normal to keep our own personal beliefs to ourselves. We don't ever owe anyone that part of ourselves. If our beliefs were meant to be for everyone, creation would have put words above our heads as we were thinking for everyone to see. Creation gave us a safe and secure space in this universe, and it's called our body. Our personal mind is what is meant for the individual. What is inside of our bodies is meant for us, the internal individual person, not the external world of forms. So many of us are trapped in the personal mind because we are too busy defending our beliefs and have therefore created a wall around our mind in order to protect our beliefs, when all we need do is stop sharing our personal mind with everyone. It really is that simple.

When we stop living in the personal mind, we become open to the universal mind or the collective unconscious as Carl Jung called it. All personal minds are connected and create a universal mind. The universal mind can see all. When living within the personal mind, the idea of there being a universal mind where people can know your thoughts is terrifying. We can think some pretty fucked up shit, we don't want people knowing what is really going on in there. The personal mind believes in judgement and condemnation and therefor is afraid. The universal mind has no knowledge of judgement or condemnation. The universal mind is aware that the personal mind believes in judgement and condemnation, but the universal mind sees them for what they are which are illusions. Figments of our imagination. We made them up. Love and Peace!
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