
I think, therefore I am
— René Descartes
— God (Exodus 3:14)

(Index on Bottom of Page)

To know that which is immeasurable, which is not of time, the mind must be free of time, which means the mind must be free from all thought
— J. Krishnamurti
Nameless Nameless


I go by many names and yet I have no name. I am seen by many eyes and yet no eyes have ever seen me. I am everyone and yet I am no one. I am everywhere and yet I am nowhere.
Words can be used to describe me and yet none can come close. I am known by many and yet known by no one. I am the acceptance and the resistance. I am the good and the evil. 
I am the Love and the hate. I am the light and the dark. I am the feminine and the masculine. I am the friend and the enemy. I am the fire and the flood. I am the fall and the redemption. I am predator and prey. I am positive and negative. I am both logical and illogical.
I am the little girl playing with barbies. I am the little boy hiding from the monsters. I am the monsters. I am the tree that gives its shade. I am the wolf who can't be tamed. I am the dragon who guides all beings. I am the guru, the shaman, the prophet, the sage, the mystic, and the enlightened one. I am the beggar, the immigrant, the outcast, the diseased, the oppressed, the crazy one, and the lost one. I am the mother, the father, the daughter, and the son. I am the one who watches. I am the one who is watched. I am eternal. I AM.
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Nameless Nameless

The Love Of Light

The Love of Light is found in the darkness. The Love of Light is found in the people that we despise, loathe, hate, or think less than. The Love of Light is found in the people locked away in cages like animals. The Love of Light is found in the homeless panhandler. The Love of Light is found in the immigrant. The Love of Light is found in the transsexual and homosexual. The Love of light is found in the Christian republican and the atheistic bleeding-heart liberal. The Love of light is found where "fear" resides.
The Love of light is found in flaws, imperfections, mistakes, and misgivings. The Love of Light is found in shame and despair. The Love of Light is found in our secrets and our lies. The Love of light is found in disease. The Love of light is found death, abandonment, and hopelessness. The Love of light is found in suffering.
The Love of light is found in Peace, Joy, and Love. For all is the Love of light, if any part of the whole is covered in darkness so the full Love of Light is hidden from knowledge. Go into the darkness only to discover there never was any darkness, simply a part we were unwilling to see. There is only the Love of Light, there is no darkness. By saying "I fear this thing" the darkness is created in the mind over that part of the whole. By saying "this thing is different" the darkness is created in the mind. By saying "this is against me or I am against this" the darkness is created in the mind.
If we fear a spider, we no longer want to look at spiders, we no longer want to be near them or touch them. Due to the fear of the spider, we create darkness in our minds over the spider. We refuse to see spiders in Light but only in darkness. We create darkness where is doesn't exist. If we like spiders and think they are really cool and adorable, we see them in the Light, we do not create a darkness over them. 
We create darkness over all that we fear, despise, hate, or are trying to save. The need to "save others" comes from the fear of the self being in darkness and attempting to "save others" from the darkness in which the self finds itself in, in an attempt at saving oneself. In other words, when the mind believes itself to be in darkness, it also believes itself to be separated from the Love of Light, even though it cannot be, just as we saw with the spider. Since the mind believes itself to be separated and, in the darkness, the mind assumes that others are also separated in the darkness, failing to see that no one is in the darkness since the darkness is an illusion of the mind. Since the mind believes itself and others to be separated and, in the darkness, the desire to save others from the darkness will emerge with the hopes of saving oneself. We often see this behavior with certain religious groups but applies to anyone with a desire to "save others".
The mind creates darkness and so only the mind can displace the darkness. We get over our fear of spiders by looking at them and seeing them in the light and thus we stop creating darkness over them. The Love of light will always be found in the fear, the darkness, and the opposition. The Love of light is everywhere and when we stop creating darkness we are able to see it. Face that fear head on. Run into the darkness. Love your enemy. Show compassion to the one who harms you. That is where the Love of Light is for the Love of Light is everywhere over everything at all times, even when we won't look at it. Peace and Love!
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Nameless Nameless

Bypass Linear Time

Time is not linear, we only believe it is. We believe it is because that is what we were taught. We were taught that time is linear since it is the current theory in the timeframe in which we currently appear. Our minds are very powerful and create our reality, we see what we believe. We see time as linear because we believe it to be so. When the mind gives up the belief that time is linear and the mind decides to observe time as an unbiased observer, time will start to present itself to the mind in its true nature. In other words, the mind will stop trying to make time what it wants it to be, which is linear, instead of what it truly is.

Time is total, circular, and non-linear. The mind is capable of seeing "past" "present" and "future" simultaneously. For example, as I am writing this, I am experiencing it as something that I am currently doing in the "present". I am also equally experiencing myself writing this as a "past" memory. I am also equally experiencing myself seeing myself writing this in the "future". The most recent "past", "present", and "future" thoughts are fresher in the mind when viewed from a linear belief. After letting go of the belief that time is linear, the mind is able to see all of time at once without any separation of a linear perspective. 
The thoughts of the mind create the "past", the "present", and the "future". The mind makes connections. The mind wants to see time as linear, so the mind gathers "evidence" to show that its belief that "time is linear" is true. The mind tries very hard to believe what it was told to believe even if it isn't true. The bodies need for a social community drives the minds need to accept the beliefs of fellow community members. Since the mind believes that time is linear the mind also believes that the "future" can be determined by gathering data from the "past". The mind gets frustrated because it can never determine the future from the past. The harder the mind clings to the belief that it was told that time is linear, the harder the mind tries to control it, and the more distressed the mind becomes.
The mind starts panicking because it doesn't understand why linear time just doesn't make any sense while believing it to be true simply because everyone else said it was. What if everyone is wrong? All we have is theories. Theories are the minds way of questioning the beliefs and reaching beyond what was previously imagined possible. Everything that we know now is due to countless individual minds pushing beyond what it was told to believe. The mind is capable of knowing what is going to happen in the "future" when it stops trying to predict it. The mind is capable of changing the "past" when is stops seeing it as something that cannot be changed. The mind is cable of seeing the "present" which is simply a mixture of the "past" and the "future" coming together to form the "present". 
A mind free from belief is an open mind. A mind that doesn't hold onto any one belief is able to free itself from thought. The mind is able to become an unbiased, impartial observer or witness. Peace and Love!
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Nameless Nameless


Sweet, sweet, solitude. Peaceful and quiet. No need to do anything, no need to be anyone. Just calm existence. Not having to run or chase anyone or anything. Not having to pretend to care about anyone or anything. Not having to be told who or what I am. Not having to explain myself or my actions. Not being admired or looked down upon. Not being judged or criticized. Not able to make any mistake since there is no one to tell me that I am. Not having to do. Not having to speak. Not having to. Not doing. No needs. No wants. No lack. No rules.
Sweet, sweet, solitude. Peaceful and quiet. Just being. At one with everything. There is no "you" and "me", there is only what is. Everything and everyone are for my enjoyment. Pure symbiosis between all life. Perfection. Nirvana. Joy. Calm. Serene. Peace.
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Nameless Nameless

Dark love

Dark love is the type of love that isn’t discussed enough. When you are born into dark love you believe it to be real Love. You don’t realize and can’t even comprehend that there may be a different kind of Love out there, and maybe one that doesn’t hurt quite so much all the time.
Dark love, black magic, curses, and casting spells are all cut from the same cloth. They are all used as a means of attempting to get rid of internal pain by means of passing it onto another soul whether they be innocent or not.
When a lost soul comes across someone who offers dark love, the lost soul can have a spell rendered onto them. This can also be viewed from an abuser/victim mentality. The spell cast by dark love is enough to blind the victim from all that is real and forces them into a fantismal reality within their own mind in order to cope with the reality of being under the spell of dark love.
While under the spell dark love, the victim will be unable to see anything that illuminates the curse of dark love. The victim will be unable to see the Love of light which has become unseen and unknowable to them.
Dark love cannot replace the Love of light. Darkness can only cast a shadow but the Love of light is always there and never leaves.
Dark Love can have a short lifespan in which case it was just a spell in which was overcome. The curse of dark love comes early in life when a child is shown nothing but a life of dark love and has no means of escaping. That child will grow into an adult with the curse of dark love following them wherever they go.
When a person is cursed from birth to live in dark love, often times they never break free. They continue to live in dark love and live in denial that there could ever be anything better. While continuing to pass their curse to whoever is around them that is willing to take it, even though the pain never leaves.
When living in dark love, death feels like home. When living in the Love of light, life feels like home.
What is dark love? Dark love is an illusion of the Love of light. Dark love is a lie. Dark love is not real. Dark love is when someone uses your love against you. Dark love is when someone lies about loving you in order to gain something from you. Dark love is mean and abusive.
Dark love is not real, it doesn’t exist. The only place it exists is within the mind of the victim. Dark love cannot be seen by anyone else because of the fact that it can only be seen within the mind of the victim. The victim wants to be Loved so desperately that they are willing to believe an illusion of Love instead of looking for the Love of light.
Very often everyone around the victim of the spell caster of the dark love will say they have no idea what the victim sees in their abuser. That answer is the victim see love because that is what they want to see and that is what the spell caster wants them to see. The victim simply doesn’t realize that they only see an illusion of the Love of light.
What is the Love of light? It is a Love that exists beyond the mind of the victim. It is a Love that can be witnessed both subjectively and objectively. It is a Love that is safe and comforting and asks nothing in return. Love of light cannot be spoken or explained, it can only be felt. Love of light spreads and infects. Whereas dark love only infects and destroys the victim.
Love of light can be felt, not physically or mentally but with every fiber of your being. Love of light can be experienced. Love of light lights up a room and makes everyone who is around it feel warm and peaceful. Love of light has no cares or worries. Love of light cannot be made, it just is. Whereas dark love it a fantasy sold to those who are in search of the Love of light.
If you have been cursed by dark love, it is not your fault. You did nothing wrong and did nothing to deserve the curse. The curse was placed upon you by someone other than yourself. If you are under the spell of dark love, it can be broken. You can break free and you can find the Love of light. Peace and Love!
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