
I think, therefore I am
— René Descartes
— God (Exodus 3:14)

(Index on Bottom of Page)

To know that which is immeasurable, which is not of time, the mind must be free of time, which means the mind must be free from all thought
— J. Krishnamurti
Nameless Nameless

The Omnist Moral Guide

1.	No Rules, laws, or commandments. Focus on Self and don’t concern Self with what “others” are doing unless what “others” is doing is hurting Self in which case it is ok to walk away.

2.	Love God, Self, and everything considered “other” equally. There is no hierarchy within creation, everything is part of the same creation, all is equal, all is one, and all is Self.

3.	See everything as a friend. When there are “special” relationships it allows for “enemies”. When everything is a friend, there can be no enemies.

4.	Treat everything with Loving kindness, forgiveness, understanding, compassion, dignity, honor, empathy, and patience. Buildup, instead of tear down. Treat “others” how I want to be treated. There is only self, be kind to self.

5.	You are not alone, act like it.

6.	Consent should be confirmed by every person involved in every scenario and consent can be taken away at any time for any reason or no reason whatsoever. Until consent is removed by any person involved, nothing is off limits, have fun, go wild! We were created for God’s pleasure, God desires that we have pleasure also.

7.	Intimacy is meant to be a gift where body, mind, and soul come together in harmonious bliss when two become one, balanced and equal. Acting outside of these parameters isn’t immoral or a sin, it just lessens the experience.

8.	There are no “right” or “wrong” religions, paths, or beliefs and all paths end up in the same place they just take different ways to get there. All is one.

9.	Admit when wrong, own mistakes, and forgive self and “others” at all times. No one is perfect until they are. 

10.	Everyone is worthy and deserving of Love without exception. We are all capable of Self-Love and Self-Love is our only purpose in this world. There is no “other” that can Love, for all is Self. (Refer back to #2)

*God = Whoever your God is to you. If no belief in God, just replace the word God with the word Universe.

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Nameless Nameless


Growing up in this world and within religion I was to taught that I was to have faith, yet I was not taught how to acquire said faith. If I were to question how to have faith, I was told that I just needed to have it. The question that was always with me was "how the hell do I have faith when I don't have it?" How can I find faith when I don't even know what that means. I faked it, I pretended to have faith. I pretended because I was expected to have faith and had no clue as to how to do that.

Throughout my journey in this earth-suit I did not have faith, I did not know how to get faith, and I didn't believe faith was even real. Faith was not taught to me growing up in a neglectful environment. I did not have faith in my parents since they were emotionally absent. I did not have faith in all the adults around me who didn't keep me safe from the environment I was in. I did not have faith in this world, that always seemed to let me down and abandon me whenever I was in a time of need.

I have come to realize on my journey in this world that faith is not something we just have, it is taught to us just the same as everything else within this world. When we grow up in a home with Loving parents who are emotionally available and who come through for us when we need them the most. We learn to have faith in our parents. If we grow up in a home without emotional support or without any support for that matter, we are not a lost cause, we are not hopeless. We can be taught faith, we can learn faith and we can live in faith.

This post is for all of us who are expected to have faith and yet have no idea how to have something we appear to be lacking. I pretended to have faith in Christ since that is what was expected of me by those around me. One day I let go of my pretend faith and gave up all hope. Even though I felt as if I were alone and destined to live out a life of misery, I was being taught faith way before I was even aware of it.

God, the creator and source of all that is and that ever will be, taught me faith when I appeared to have none. God brought people into my life who helped to teach me faith. Christ has been with me every step of the way teaching me time after time that I was never alone, and I could always count on God to provide.

We can see God teaching faith to several characters within the Bible story. When we don't have people around us who will teach us faith, God steps in and takes over. God is the parent to the parentless. God will always provide everything we need at any given moment. Sometimes it may not appear to be what we think we need or want in the moment, but God knows our future and God knows our purest and truest hearts desires even when they are hidden from us.

Anything and I mean literally anything that we think we are lacking, God will provide. How do I know this, how can I be so sure? I have faith and I have faith through the grace of God. God wanted me to have faith and God taught faith to me. God has come through for me time and time again despite any circumstances that appeared. If God wants you to have faith, you will be taught faith and chances are, you more than likely won't even be aware of the fact that you are learning faith until one day you wake up and realize that you do in fact have faith. When you look back and try to discover how this faith appeared in your life, you realize that it was God who provided it to you, just as everything else.

Having faith is wonderful and creates a sense of security and peace. Faith is the unwavering knowledge that you can always count on someone to be there for you no matter what. If you don't feel like you have any faith in anything since you haven't had anyone or anything in your life teach you what faith is, that is not your fault, and it is nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed about. If you want faith and you don't have it, simply ask for it and you shall receive it. It could happen instantly, but it may also appear to take some time for it to happen, but we can be rest assured with the wisdom that it will be ours.

In truth we lack nothing, in truth we are perfect and whole. Look at any seed and then look at the final result of said seed. Look at all the steps that seed had to take along the way to become the final result. We are seeds, and we already have our full potential and final result with our seed. Since we live in time and are constantly going through growth and change, we seem to acquire all that we need in order to be who we are meant to be. We appear to acquire faith, wisdom, joy, peace, and Love when in reality those are already within our seed waiting to be unlocked.

As with everything, we already have faith because God is what/who God is and we are who God created us to be. If we appear to lack faith now, it is simply due to the fact that it is part of our future expansion, and we will get there when the time is right for us. We can't help but to learn faith from the creator of steadfastness, it is already destined to happen. Love and Peace!
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Nameless Nameless

Creation Creates

We humans lack the ability to create something unimaginable to us. Everything we humans create is based on preexisting elements and we are just rearranging them in different ways to "create" something new, when the new "creation" is simply a remix or a compilation or a mixture or a collage. This applies to every aspect within our lives. Music, writing, speech, inventions, mythological creatures, and even life itself.

Music is simply a combination of notes arranged in different orders at different speeds. Writing and speech is a combination of preexisting words rearranged in order to convey a new idea or "creation". An invention such as the light bulbs was "created" by harnessing electricity and using other items that already existed. Mythological creatures are "created" by combining different aspects and characteristics of existing creatures. The Angels known as Cherubim are described as having four faces – that of a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle, and four wings covered with eyes (Ezekiel 10:14).

Animals within our world are a combination of other animals, the platypus is a prime example of this notion. Us humans are all said to be a lineage of Adam or first man and are just different genetic variances. Carbon is a primary component of all known life on Earth, and represents approximately 45–50% of all dry biomass. Everything in the universe is cyclical meaning everything is recycled into a new "creation".

We humans lack the ability to perceive God due to the fact that God is far beyond anything recognizable to us. We cannot conceive of something beyond our own comprehension without the grace of God. In our attempt at knowing our God we conceptualize God as a human, think old man in the sky. We think of God as a concept such as Love or father. We think of God as nothing or as everything. We think of God of being in us or outside of us. Anything that we imagine to be God, is only a fraction of God or a combination of existing aspects of God but not all of God. God is uncomprehensible to us since God is the origin of all that was, all that is, and all that ever will be, including beings we aren't even aware of. Love and Peace!
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Nameless Nameless

Miracles Vs. Magic

Miracles and magic can appear to be the same on the surface but ultimately are two ends of the spectrum. Not in a "right" vs. "wrong" or "good" vs. "bad" kind of way. Miracles are the disappearance of an illusion, while magic is the attempt to give the illusion, whatever it may be, power. No illusion has any power since it is only an illusion and therefor it is impossible to give more power to an illusion using magic even though we try. Sometimes magic can appear to make an illusion more powerful, but magic in its simplest perceived form transforms the illusion into another form of illusion that appears to be more powerful or different, but it is still just an illusion. A miracle illuminates an illusion thereby causing us to see the illusion for what it is, which is nothing but an illusion.

We say that death is real, we say that we shall all die. Jesus Christ came into the world and showed us death isn't real. He did this with what we refer to as miracles, when in reality he was just showing us the truth and that death is an illusion. Some people wanted to hold onto their illusion of death so desperately that they tried to kill Jesus by attempting to crucify him. In which Jesus just casually showed back up afterwards and casually said I told you death wasn't real. Even to this day, two thousand years later we are still split on this. If we believe death to be an illusion, we believe that Jesus came and appeared to die but never actually died. If we believe death to be real, we say that the stories about Jesus are made up or exaggerated or we say that maybe he never existed at all. Our personal beliefs and illusions don't change reality, no matter how hard we try to make them. 

Jesus healed the sick. This is a miracle to us since we believe that we can be sick which is an illusion. Jesus healing the sick is simply us being shown that sickness is illusion. If we decide to cling to the illusion that sickness is real, we will become "sick" in order to prove to ourselves that the illusion of sickness is real ultimately refusing to see the illusion for what it is which is nothing. Just as we attempt to kill ourselves in order to prove the illusion of death to be real, we spend our lives trying to die, instead of just living. We can go through the list of all the miracles performed by Jesus or any other person, but they are all the illumination of an illusion.

Magic on the other hand is used as an attempt to maintain an illusion or an attempt to make an illusion more powerful. When we "use" magic, we are essentially doing nothing, no matter how much we would like to believe that we are. It is fairly common knowledge that magicians in this world use the "power" of illusion in order to get your mind to believe something to be true that is not. Magicians use techniques such as sleight of hand, misdirection, and optical illusions in order to trick our brains. Magicians appear to do things that we deem impossible using deceptive methods and trickery. Since illusions are not real, using them or attempting to amplify them does nothing. There is no such thing as real magic. Using an illusion (magic) in order to transform another illusion (any illusion) is simply not possible. All magic is the same whether it be a street magician or magick within an occult practice. We made magic as an attempt to recreate the miracle which seems to be outside our reach. 

Something as simple as a headache can appear to be made better by taking an aspirin tablet. This is magic since we believe that we are "healing" the headache by using a pill when in reality the pill just helps us to ignore the headache until we forget about it, but more often than not the headache comes back, and we are left relying on the "magic" pill once again. If it were truly magic, we should only ever need to take one pill and be done. The fact that we need to take more pills and oftentimes for extended periods of time in order for them to works shows of their lack of "power". The miracle shows us that we couldn't possibly have a headache and we don't need any "magic" pill to get rid of it. Headaches are very often caused by another factor, more often than not stress. If we reduce our stress levels, we are able to reduce the frequency of headaches if not get rid of them completely. We believe it would take a miracle to get rid of our chronic headaches and that is simply because we believe that we can have headaches in the first place. Magic always needs more magic. A miracle only happens but once, for that is all the miracle needs. Love and Peace!
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Nameless Nameless

The Chameleon

1 Corinthians 9:19-23
19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.
20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;
21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.
22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.
Self-identity is at the core of who we are, for what we believe that we are, is who we are and will be, or so we think. We decide who we are and how what our perspective is. On a very basic level we can choose to be an optimist or a pessimist. Many of us believe this is just our nature and that we can't change whether or not we are a pessimist or an optimist. This appears to be true, if we are born into a family of optimists, we will more than likely be an optimist. We can also choose to rebel and be a pessimist within a family of optimists' and be the "black sheep" of the family. We can be born into a family of pessimists such as I was and become a pessimist just like we were taught by our family such as I did. 

We can also choose we don't like being a pessimist and decide to see the world as bright and beautiful instead of dark and depressing such as I did. We can choose to ignore all the dark and depressing thoughts and only focus our attention on the bright and positive thoughts such as I did. We can make the personal choice to go from being a pessimist to an optimist such as I did. I don't tell you about my experiences to brag or to bring about sympathies or condolences, I simply relay my experiences in order that you may find hope, hope of another way, hope of something better, and hope that you too will find your peace so we may all live in peace together as it was, as it is, and as it shall ever be by the grace of God.

We choose how we see ourselves and how we perceive our reality. Pessimism and optimism are simply one way to see the world among thousands upon thousands. Who we think we are is how we see our reality. Since we all identify with different realities in this world, the disciples of Christ are able to take on a chameleon type appearance to the people still within the world. We are able to be anything to anyone at any given time for our identity is in Christ is on solid ground and we no longer crave the identities within this world. Since Christ is our identity, God works as one with the disciples of Christ and we will appear into the minds of those who need us when they need us and as they need to see us.

At the core of all of our beliefs and the center of our identity is simply one of two beliefs. We believe that we are evil sinners in need of punishment. We believe that we have fallen from the grace of God and are somehow separate from everything else and are watching existence from the outside of itself looking in. We believe that we are in desperate need of forgiveness and are destined to live out eternity in torment.  Or... we believe that we are perfect in every way and that God or the source or the creator or the universe didn't make any mistakes, and everything is exactly as it should be.

The first belief brings about nothing but pain and suffering. The second belief brings about everlasting peace. We all decide what we believe, we all have the free will to choose our belief. There is only one truth, both cannot be true at the same time, they are conflicting beliefs. We try to believe both at the same time and compromise, but truth doesn't compromise. Having conflicting beliefs creates chaos and confusion leading to misery and despair. Choose to believe that everything is as it should be including yourself and live in peace. Choose to believe that you are a sinner in need of punishment and live in confusion for nothing will make sense in a world that is believed to be something other than it is. Love and Peace!
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